Deploying to a Production Environment

Although deploying solution components can involve different approaches, the process of how to go about them is the same. As depicted in Figure 11-2, each deployment needs preparation, components installed and integrated into their designated environments, end-user training on what was deployed, and stabilization of what was deployed. Each of these is discussed in the sections that follow.

Site deployment life cycle

Figure 11-2. Site deployment life cycle

Preparing for Deployment

Lead Advocacy Group: Release/Operations

As often happens, the best-laid plans often go awry. Therefore, preparing for the various deployments should involve either validating information collected during planning or conducting new site surveys. This is especially true when working with sites fraught with logistical challenges and long lead times. The updated information is used to refine and finalize deployment plans and schedules; add more specifics and needed logistics (e.g., server names); ensure predeployment activities are complete (e.g., purchasing and installing equipment; and preparing facilities to receive a solution); and potentially redefine which components are considered core and which are deployed to the various sites.

Because deployments potentially involve many sites each with many users and can be somewhat disruptive, it is essential to work closely with site personnel to share the latest information of when their deployment will occur. Ideally, the means of sharing the latest information with site owners and users is outlined in the communications plan (e.g., conducting project events such as training and launch events). The communications plan should map out key information related to the impending site deployment (e.g., telling them what, why, and when).

Performing Deployments

Lead Advocacy Group: Release/Operations

Deployment approaches vary widely. The selected approach(es) should have considered the various drivers and influences such as capability of site staff to perform deployment(s), logistical challenges of deploying at each site, financial considerations, and schedule. All of these come together to provide the optimal approach(es) to deployment. Note that deployment approaches of core components as well as deployment to each site can differ.

Installation Approach

An installation approach can involve one or a combination of serial or parallel deployments to "push" a solution by geographical site or by business unit; or can involve users taking action to "pull" a solution to their desktop. An installation approach might be to install component(s) on new hardware or perform an in-place upgrade of an existing component.

Deployment Mechanisms

Three basic approaches facilitate a deployment. First, it can be fully automated using a centralized tool such as the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (formerly known as Microsoft Systems Management Server [SMS]) to push deployments to sites and to users. Second, deployments can be done manually by on-site personnel or remote personnel pushing a solution to sites and users. Last, a deployment can be a combination of the two (i.e., partially scripted installation).

Deployment Resources

Depending on the readiness of site personnel to perform a deployment, it might be necessary to send qualified internal operations staff or bring in contractors local to a site. This decision is mainly financially driven.

Training During Deployment

Lead Advocacy Group: User Experience

Site support and end-user readiness often need to accompany a solution deployment. Site support staff training must be implemented before their site deployment. End-user training is often implemented in parallel with users’ respective site deployment.

Ideally, effective training provides tailored instruction to each user. However, with it being likely that users have a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, delivering training to meet their unique needs is not always possible. Accordingly, a reasonable approach is to make training available through many different formats and media.

As with site deployments, delivering training to site personnel depends on availability of local trainers who have the ability and capability to deliver the necessary training. Here, too, qualified internal personnel or external trainers might need to be brought in to deliver the training.

Stabilizing a Deployment

Lead Advocacy Group: Release/Operations

Issues are expected during each deployment, even with all of the planning and practicing. As such, the team needs to continue to be ready to triage issues and implement contingency plans to ensure business continuity. Ideally, each deployment is stabilized while deployment resources are still on site (given that there was some manual deployment)—starting with the core components deployment. Once the various deployments are stable, the team needs to ensure stability of a solution as a whole.

As part of the stabilization process, a deployment plan can call for soliciting feedback from users and stakeholders. This feedback can be gathered across the enterprise upon achieving a deployment completed checkpoint, by site, by business unit, or by random sampling using surveys. Something not recommended but sometimes done is to infer feedback by the number and content of trouble tickets opened after a site deployment is completed.

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