Appendix . MSFv3 Credits

Previous material on Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) version 3 was published in white papers and provided through training courses. Although this is the first book on MSF, it builds heavily on the great work put into those white papers that were written by the following people.

Chapter 3: Foundational Principles, Mindsets, and Proven Practices

This chapter borrows from the "MSF v3 Overview" white paper published in June 2003.


  • Derick Campbell, Product Manager, Microsoft Solutions Framework

  • Geoffrey Lory, Director, GTD Ltd.

  • Allison Robin, Director, Microsoft Solutions Framework

  • Patricia Rytkonen, Technical Editor, Volt Technical Services

  • Gaile Simmons, Technical Editor, Microsoft


  • Jeff Carter, MSFmentor, U.S.

  • Nathan Dolly, Microsoft Consulting Services, U.S.

  • John S. Dranchak, Logic Control

  • Holly Dyas, Microsoft

  • Paul Glen, C2 Consulting, U.S.

  • Tom Gordon, Framework Deliveries, LLC

  • Paul Haynes, Microsoft

  • Hiroshi Koisumi, Microsoft Consulting Services, Japan

  • Eran Kolber, LIH Ltd, Israel

  • Shawn LaBelle, Microsoft Premier Support, U.S.

  • David Millet, Microsoft Consulting Services, U.S.

  • Ed Musters, Systemgroup Management Services, Canada

  • Alex Nicol, Microsoft Consulting Services, Canada

  • David Preedy, Gainsford Associates, UK

  • Jane Marie Rief, Thomson West

  • Dolph Santello, Microsoft Consulting Services, U.S.

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