
Thanks first to Him from whom all life flows.

Heather, you work harder at these books than I do. I appreciate your sacrifices and your love more than ever. Thanks also to Jacob, Elizabeth, and Matthew for understanding why Daddy was typing all the time.

A special thank you to everyone at Premier. This group has shown its character in the time it took to produce this book. I appreciate those I know about, and the many others whose work goes unseen.

Thank you especially Stacy Hiquet for getting me started on this project, and to Amy Pettinella for her help and encouragement. Thanks to Kate Talbot for turning my mush into something readable, and for laughing at my jokes before she deleted them.

I can’t thank David Talbot enough for his dual role as technical editor and CD-ROM producer. His advice and insight make this a far better book than it otherwise would have been.

A very special thanks to the Spring 2002, CSCI 490 class at IUPUI. You never complained about being guinea pigs, you worked from my very raw manuscript, and you taught me far more than I was able to teach you.

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