Chapter 3. Loops and Strings: The Pig Latin Program

One of the more useful aspects of computer programs is their capability to repeat tasks over and over. In this chapter you will learn how to make your programs repeat parts of themselves. You will learn a couple types of looping structures and how to decide which one to use for a particular task. Also, you’ll take a closer look at string variables and learn many capabilities of strings in the C# language. Finally, you’ll investigate how to begin designing complex programs. After reading this chapter, you will be able to

  • Examine an object in the Object Browser.

  • Use the most common string methods.

  • Make your program repeat a given number of times.

  • Make a program that counts backwards and skips numbers.

  • Write loops that continue an indefinite number of times.

  • Avoid the most common traps when building loops.

  • Use the STAIR approach to manage the planning process.

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