Chapter 1. Getting Started with Enterprise Library

While developing enterprise-scale applications, developers often find themselves focusing on mundane and repeated tasks generally referred to as cross-cutting concerns: tasks such as writing repeated data access code, logging exceptions, handling and managing exceptions, caching data, validating user input, and so on. Although these tasks are important, developers often spend a lot of time implementing and debugging these cross-cutting concerns rather than channeling their efforts towards the core business requirements of customers. Developing this functionality in-house, as flexible and customizable reusable components, is one option but it involves time and money, not to mention the testing and bug-fixing effort.

This book will give you insight into Microsoft Enterprise Library, show you how to leverage the individual functional application blocks, and equip you with the knowledge to be productive in your work. Before embarking on the learning journey, read this chapter to get introduced to Enterprise Library; all other chapters are self contained so it doesn't matter whether you read the book sequentially or flip to a specific functional application block chapter with the intent to quickly get up to speed and leverage that specific functional application block.

In this chapter, you will:

  • Receive an overview of Enterprise Library
  • Receive a brief introduction to functional application blocks
  • Learn about the dependencies between the functional application blocks
  • Learn the system requirements
  • Learn to install Enterprise Library

Introducing Enterprise Library

Enterprise Library (EntLib) is a collection of reusable software components or application blocks designed to assist software developers with common enterprise development challenges. Each application block addresses a specific cross-cutting concern and provides highly configurable features, which results in higher developer productivity. EntLib is implemented and provided by Microsoft patterns & practices group, a dedicated team of professionals who work on solving these cross-cutting concerns with active participation from the developer community. This is an open source project and thus freely available under the Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL) at the CodePlex open source community site (, basically granting us a royalty-free copyright license to reproduce its contribution, build derivative works, and distribute them.


More information can be found at the Enterprise Library community site

Enterprise Library consists of nine application blocks; two are concerned with wiring up stuff together and the remaining seven are functional application blocks. This book focuses on the seven functional blocks and we have separate chapters in this book devoted to each functional application block.

The following is the complete list of application blocks; these are briefly discussed in the next sections.

  • Wiring Blocks
    • Unity Dependency Injection
    • Policy Injection Application Block
  • Functional Blocks
    • Data Access Application Block
    • Logging Application Block
    • Exception Handling Application Block
    • Caching Application Block
    • Validation Application Block
    • Security Application Block
    • Cryptography Application Block
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