Executing a command using ExecuteNonQuery

ExecuteNonQuery executes a command and returns the number of records affected. There are six overloaded methods available to meet different needs such as executing an Sql query, a stored procedure, a stored procedure with parameter values, with transaction, and so on.

The following code snippet shows the usage of the ExecuteNonQuery method and the retrieval of the output parameter value:

//Step 1: Create Default Database instance
Database db = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<Database>();
//Step 2: Create Database Command - Stored Procedure
DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand("usp_insert_Customer");
//Step 3: Add Input Parameters
db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "FirstName", DbType.String, "John");
db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "LastName", DbType.String, "Lennon");
//Step 4: Add Output Parameter
db.AddOutParameter(dbCommand, "CustomerID", DbType.Int32, int.MaxValue);
//Step 5: Execute Query
int numberOfRecordsAffected = db.ExecuteNonQuery(dbCommand);
if (numberOfRecordsAffected > 0)
//Step 6: Retrieve Output Parameter Value
int customerID = (int)db.GetParameterValue(dbCommand, "CustomerID");

This code snippet demonstrates a typical usage of ExecuteNonQuery where a stored procedure is used to insert a record and we retrieve the primary key value as part of the value of output parameter.

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