13: Expanding PowerPoint Functionality

What You’ll Do

View and Manage Add-ins

Load and Unload Add-ins

Enhance a Presentation with VBA

View the Visual Basic Editor

Set Developer Options

Simplify Tasks with Macros

Control a Macro

Add a Digital Signature to a Macro Project

Assign a Macro to a Toolbar or Ribbon

Save and Open a Presentation with Macros

Insert ActiveX Controls

Use ActiveX Controls

Set ActiveX Control Properties

Play a Movie Using an ActiveX Control

Change the Document Information Panel


An add-in extends the functionality of PowerPoint and other Microsoft Office programs. An add-in is typically a third-party program you can purchase—some are shareware—and download from the Web. You can find a list of add-ins for PowerPoint on the Microsoft Office.com Web site. Before you can use an add-in, you need to load it first. After you load an add-in, the feature may add a command to a Ribbon tab.

If you want to customize Microsoft PowerPoint and create advanced presentations, you’ll need to learn how to work with the Microsoft Office programming language, Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). VBA is powerful and flexible, and you can use it in all major Office applications. To create a VBA application, you have to learn VBA conventions and syntax. Office makes VBA more user-friendly by providing the Visual Basic Editor, an application that includes several tools to help you write error-free VBA applications. The Visual Basic Editor provides extensive online Help to assist you in this task.

A practical way to use VBA is to create macros. Macros can simplify common repetitive tasks that you use regularly in PowerPoint. Macros can reside on the Ribbon or Quick Access Toolbar for easy access. If a macro has a problem executing a task, the Visual Basic Editor can help you debug, or fix the error in your macro. VBA may be a difficult language for the new user, but its benefits make the effort of learning it worthwhile.

An ActiveX control is a software component that adds functionality to an existing program. An ActiveX control supports a customizable, programmatic interface for you to create your own functionality, such as a form. PowerPoint includes several pre-built ActiveX controls—including a label, text box, command button, and check box—to help you create a user interface.

Viewing and Managing Add-ins

An add-in extends functionality to PowerPoint and other Microsoft Office programs. An add-in can add buttons and custom commands to the Ribbon or menu items on the File tab (New!). You can get add-ins for PowerPoint on the Office.com Web site in the Downloads area, or on third-party vendor Web sites. When you download and install an add-in, it appears on the Add-Ins or other tabs depending on functionality, and includes a special ScreenTip that identifies the developer. You can view and manage add-ins from the Add-Ins pane in PowerPoint Options.

View Installed Add-ins

Image Click the Add-Ins tab, or click the File tab, click Add-Ins, point to an add-in menu option, and then select a command (New!).

Add-ins with buttons and controls appear on the Ribbon. To display a ScreenTip, point to a button or control.

Image Click the File tab, and then click Options.

Image In the left pane, click Add-Ins.

The installed add-ins appear in the list by category.

ImageActive Application Add-ins. Lists the registered and running add-ins. A selected check box for a COM add-in appears here.

ImageInactive Application Add-ins. Lists the installed add-ins, but not currently loaded. A cleared check box for a COM add-in appears here.

Document Related Add-ins. Lists template files currently open in a document.

ImageDisabled Application Add-ins. Lists automatically disabled add-ins causing Office programs to crash.

Image Click an add-in to display information about it.

Image Click OK.





Manage Installed Add-ins

Image Click the File tab, and then click Options.

Image In the left pane, click Add-Ins.

Image Click the Manage list arrow, and then click the add-in list you want to display:

ImageCOM Add-ins. Opens the COM Add-Ins dialog box and lists the Component Object Model (COM) add-ins.

ImagePowerPoint Add-ins. Opens the Add-Ins dialog box and lists the currently installed PowerPoint add-ins.

ImageActions. Opens the AutoCorrect dialog with the Actions tab and list the installed actions (New!).

ImageDisabled Items. Opens the Disabled Items dialog box and lists the disabled items that prevent PowerPoint from working properly. If you want to try and enable an item, select it, click Enable, click Close, and then restart PowerPoint.

Image Click Go.

Image Click OK.



Loading and Unloading Add-ins

Add-ins are additional programs, designed to run seamlessly within PowerPoint or Office. There are two main types of add-ins: PowerPoint and Component Object Model (COM). PowerPoint add-ins are custom controls designed specifically for PowerPoint, while COM add-ins are designed to run in one or more Office programs and use the file name extension. dll or. exe. Some add-ins are installed when you run the Setup program, while others can be downloaded from Microsoft Office Online or purchased from third-party vendors. To load or unload add-ins, PowerPoint provides commands you can access from an added button on the Quick Access Toolbar, Developer tab, or the Add-Ins pane in PowerPoint Options. When you load an add-in, the feature may add a command to a tab or toolbar. You can load one or more add-ins. If you no longer need an add-in, you should unload it to save memory and reduce the number of commands on a tab. When you unload an add-in, you also may need to restart PowerPoint to remove an add-in command from a tab.

Load or Unload a PowerPoint Add-in

Image Click the Developer tab.

Image To display the Developer tab, use the Customize Ribbon pane in PowerPoint Options.

Image Click the Add-Ins button.

Image Click the add-in you want to load or unload.

TROUBLE? If the add-in is not available in the list, click Add New, locate and select the add-in you want, and then click OK.

Image Click Load or Unload.

Image To remove the selected add-in, click Remove.

Image Click Close.


Load or Unload a COM Add-in

Image Click the Developer tab.

Image To display the Developer tab, use the Customize Ribbon pane in PowerPoint Options.

Image Click the COM Add-Ins button.

Image Select the check box next to the add-in you want to load, or clear the check box you want to unload.

TROUBLE? If the add-in is not available in the list, click Add, locate and select the add-in you want, and then click OK.

Image To remove the selected add-in, click Remove.

Image Click OK.


Did You Know?

You can can get more information about COM online. Visit www.microsoft.com/com.

You can open an add-in dialog box from PowerPoint Options. Click the File tab, click Options, click Add-ins, click the Manage list arrow, click PowerPoint Add-ins or COM Add-ins, and then click Go.

For Your Information

Dealing with an Add-in Security Alert

When there is a problem with an add-in, PowerPoint disables it to protect the program and your data. When a problem does occur, a security alert dialog box appears, displaying information about the problem and options you can choose to fix or ignore it. You can choose an option to help protect me from unknown content (recommended), enable this add-in for this session only, or enable all code published by this publisher. See “Setting Add-ins Security Options” on page 378 for more information about setting options that trigger the Add-in security alert.

Enhancing a Presentation with VBA

Office applications like PowerPoint, Access, Excel, Word, and Visio share a common programming language: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). With VBA, you can develop applications that combine tools from these Office products, as well as other programs that support VBA. Because of the language’s power and flexibility, programmers often prefer to use VBA to customize their Office applications.

Introducing the Structure of VBA

VBA is an object-oriented programming language because, when you develop a VBA application, you manipulate objects. An object can be anything within your presentation, such as a shape, text box, picture, or table. Even PowerPoint itself is considered an object. Objects can have properties that describe the object’s characteristics. Text boxes, for example, have the Font property, which describes the font PowerPoint uses to display the text. A text box also has properties that indicate whether the text is bold or italic.

Objects also have methods, actions that can be done to the object. Deleting and inserting are examples of methods available with a record object. Closely related to methods are events. An event is a specific action that occurs on or with an object. Clicking a button initiates the Click event for the button object. VBA also refers to an event associated with an object as an event property. The form button, for example, has the Click event property. You can use VBA to either respond to an event or to initiate an event.

Writing VBA Code

A VBA programmer types the statements, or code, that make up the VBA program. Those statements follow a set of rules, called syntax, that govern how commands are formulated. For example, to change the property of a particular object, the command follows the general form:

Object.Property = Expression

Where Object is the name of a VBA object, Property is the name of a property that object has, and Expression is a value that will be assigned to the property. The following statement sets the ViewType property of the ActiveWindow to Slide View:

ActiveWindow.ViewType = ppViewSlide”

You can use Office and VBA’s online Help to learn about specific object and property names. If you want to apply a method to an object, the syntax is:

Object.Method arg1, arg2, …

Where Object is the name of a VBA object, Method is the name of method that can be applied to that object, and arg1, arg2, … are optional arguments that provide additional information for the method operation. For example, to exit all running slide shows, you could use the Exit method as follows:


Working with Procedures

You don’t run VBA commands individually. Instead they are organized into groups of commands called procedures. A procedure either performs an action or calculates a value. Procedures that perform actions are called Sub procedures. You can run a Sub procedure directly, or Office can run it for you in response to an event, such as clicking a button or opening a form. A Sub procedure initiated by an event is also called an event procedure. Office provides event procedure templates to help you easily create procedures for common events. Event procedures are displayed in each object’s event properties list.

A procedure that calculates a value is called a function procedure. By creating function procedures you can create your own function library, supplementing the Office collection of built-in functions. You can access these functions from within the Expression Builder, making it easy for them to be used over and over again.

Working with Modules

Procedures are collected and organized within modules. Modules generally belong to two types: class modules and standard modules. A class module is associated with a specific object. In more advanced VBA programs, the class module can be associated with an object created by the user. Standard modules are not associated with specific objects, and they can be run from anywhere within a database. This is usually not the case with class modules. Standard modules are listed in the Database window on the Modules Object list.

Building VBA Projects

A collection of modules is further organized into a project. Usually a project has the same name as a presentation. You can create projects that are not tied into any specific presentation, saving them as PowerPoint add-ins that provide extra functionality to PowerPoint.

Using the Visual Basic Editor

You create VBA commands, procedures, and modules in Office’s Visual Basic Editor. This is the same editor used by Excel, Word, and other Office programs. Thus, you can apply what you learn about creating programs in PowerPoint to these other applications.

The Project Explorer

One of the fundamental tools in the Visual Basic Editor is the Project Explorer. The Project Explorer presents a hierarchical view of all of the projects and modules currently open in PowerPoint, including standard and class modules.

The Modules Window

You write all of your VBA code in the Modules window. The Modules window acts as a basic text editor, but it includes several tools to help you write error-free codes. PowerPoint also provides hints as you write your code to help you avoid syntax errors.

The Object Browser

There are hundreds of objects available to you. Each object has a myriad of properties, methods, and events. Trying to keep track of all of them is daunting, but the Visual Basic Editor supplies the Object Browser, which helps you examine the complete collection of objects, properties, and methods available for a given object.

Viewing the Visual Basic Editor


Setting Developer Options

The Developer tab is a specialized Ribbon that you can use to access developer controls, write code, or create macros. You can set an option in the Customize Ribbon section (New!) in PowerPoint Options to show or hide the Developer tab. As a developer, you can also set an option to show errors in your user interface customization code.

Set Developer Options

Image Click the File tab, and then click Options.

Image In the left pane, click Customize Ribbon.

Image Select the Developer check box to display the Developer tab.

Image In the left pane, click Advanced.

Image Select the Show add-in user interface errors check box.

Image Click OK.



Simplifying Tasks with Macros

If you find yourself repeating the same set of steps over and over or if you need to add new functionality to PowerPoint, you could create a macro. Macros can run several tasks for you at the click of a button. You create macros using a programming language called Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). With VBA, you create a macro by writing a script to replay the actions you want. The macros for a particular presentation are stored in a macro module, which is a collection of Visual Basic codes.

Create a Macro

Image Click the View or Developer tab.

Image Click the Macros button.

Image Type a name for the macro.

Image Click the Macro in list arrow, and then click All open presentations or the presentation to which you want the macro stored.

Image If you want, add a macro description in the Description box.

Image Click Create.

The Microsoft Visual Basic window opens.

Image Click the Module window, and then type new Visual Basic commands, or edit existing ones.

Image When you’re done, click the File menu, and then click Close and Return to Microsoft PowerPoint.

Did You Know?

You can use macros from earlier versions of PowerPoint. If you created a macro using the Macro Recorder in an earlier version of PowerPoint (97-2003), you can use VBA to edit the macro. The Macro Recorder actually writes a program in VBA to create a macro.



Run a Macro

Image Click the View or Developer tab.

Image Click the Macros button.

TIMESAVER Click the Marcos button on the Status bar.

Image Click the name of the macro you want to run.

Image Click Run.

Did You Know?

You can stop a macro. Press Ctrl+Break to stop a macro before it completes its actions.

Delete a Macro

Image Click the View or Developer tab.

Image Click the Macros button.

Image Click the macro name.

Image Click Delete.

Image Click Delete to confirm the macro deletion.

Did You Know?

You can set up a macro to run during a slide show. In Normal view, click the text or object you want to use to run a macro, click the Insert tab, click the Action button, click the Mouse Click tab or the Mouse Over tab, click the Run Macro option, click the list arrow, select the macro you want, and then click OK.



Controlling a Macro

If a macro doesn’t work exactly the way you want it to, you can fix the problem using Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). VBA allows you to debug, or repair, an existing macro so that you change only the actions that aren’t working correctly. All macros for a particular presentation are stored in a macro module, a collection of Visual Basic programming codes that you can copy to other presentation files. You can view and edit your Visual Basic modules using the Visual Basic editor. By learning Visual Basic you can greatly increase the scope and power of your programs.

Debug a Macro Using Step Mode

Image Click the View or Developer tab.

Image Click the Macros button.

Image Click the name of the macro you want to debug.

Image Click Step Into.

The Microsoft Visual Basic window opens.

Image Click the Debug menu, and then click Step Into (or press F8) to proceed through each action.

Image Use other commands like Step Over and Step Out to debug the code.

Image When you’re done, click the File menu, and then click Close and Return to Microsoft PowerPoint.

Image Click OK to stop the debugger.

Did You Know?

You can display the Debug toolbar. In the Visual Basic editor, click the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click Debug.



Edit a Macro

Image Click the View or Developer tab.

Image Click the Macros button.

Image Click the name of the macro you want to edit, and then click Edit.

Image Click the Module window containing the Visual Basic code for your macro.

Image Type new Visual Basic commands, or edit the commands already present.

Image Click the File menu, and then click Close and Return to Microsoft PowerPoint.

Copy a Macro Module to Another Presentation

Image Open the presentation files you want to copy the macro from and to.

Image Click the Developer tab.

Image Click the Visual Basic button.

Image Click the View menu, and then click Project Explorer.

Image Drag the module you want to copy from the source presentation to the destination presentation.

Image Click the File menu, and then click Close and Return to Microsoft PowerPoint.



Adding a Digital Signature to a Macro Project

If you want to add a digital signature to a presentation with a macro, you need to add it using the Visual Basic editor. If you open a presentation that contains a signed macro project with a problem, the macro is disabled by default and the Message Bar appears to notify you of the potential problem. You can click Options or Enable Content in the Message Bar to view information about it. For more details, you can click Show Signature Details to view certificate and publisher information. If a digital signature has problems—it’s expired, not issued by a trusted publisher, or the presentation has been altered—the certificate information image contains a red X. When there’s a problem, contact the signer to have them fix it, or save the presentation to a trusted location, where you can run the macro without security checks.

Sign a Macro Project

Image Open the presentation that contains the macro project, and then click the Developer tab.

Image Click the Visual Basic button to open the Visual Basic window.

Image Click the Tools menu, and then click Digital Signature.

Image Click Choose.

Image Select a certificate in the list.

Image To view a certificate, click View Certificate or a link, and then click OK.

Image Click OK.

Image Click OK again.

Image Click the Save and Close button in the Visual Basic window.

Did You Know?

You can create a self-signing certificate for a macro project. Click the Start button, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Office, click Microsoft Office Tools, click Digital Certificate For VBA Projects, enter a name, and then click OK. Office programs trust a self-signed certificate only on the computer that created it.




Assigning a Macro to a Toolbar or Ribbon

After you create a macro, you can add the macro to the Quick Access Toolbar or Ribbon (New!) for easy access. When you create a macro, the macro name appears in the list of available commands when you customize the Quick Access Toolbar or Ribbon in PowerPoint Options. When you point to a macro button on the Quick Access Toolbar or Ribbon, a ScreenTip appears, displaying Macro: presentation name!macro name.

Assign a Macro to a Toolbar or Ribbon

Image Click the File tab, click Options, and then click Quick Access Toolbar or Customize Ribbon.

Image Click the Choose commands from list arrow, and then click Macros.

Image Click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar and then click For all documents (default), or click the Customize the Ribbon list arrow, and then click For All Tabs.

Image Click the macro you want to add (left column).

Image Click Add.

Image Click the Move Up and Move Down arrow buttons to arrange the commands in the order you want them to appear.

Image Click Modify or Rename.

Image Type a name for the button.

Image Click an icon in the symbol list.

Image Click OK.

Image Click OK.

See Also

See “Working with Toolbars” on page 6 and “Accessing Command Not in the Ribbon” on page 392 for information on using the Quick Access Toolbar.




Saving a Presentation with Macros

Macros are created using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code. If you add a macro to a presentation, you need to save it with a file name extension that ends with an “m”, either PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation (.pptm), PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Show (.ppsm), or PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Design Template (.potm). If you try to save a presentation containing a macro with a file name extension that ends with an “x” (such as. pptx,. sldx, or.potx), PowerPoint displays an alert message, restricting the operation. These PowerPoint file types are designated to be VBA code-free.

Save a Presentation with Macros

Image Click the File tab, and then click Save As.

Image Click the Save in list arrow, and then click the drive or folder where you want to save the file.

Image Type a presentation file name.

Image If necessary, click the Save as type list arrow, and then click one of the following:

ImagePowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation. A presentation(.pptm) that contains VBA code.

ImagePowerPoint Macro-Enabled Show. A presentation slide show (.ppsm) that includes preapproved macros.

ImagePowerPoint Macro-Enabled Design Template. A template(.potm) that includes preapproved macros.

Image Click Save.


Opening a Presentation with Macros

When you open a presentation with a macro, VBA, or other software code, PowerPoint displays a security warning to let you know the presentation might contain potentially harmful code that may harm your computer. If you know and trust the author of the presentation, you can change security options to enable the macro content and use the presentation normally. If you don’t trust the content, you can continue to block and disable the content and use the presentation with limited functionality in Protected view (New!). If you don’t want a security alert to appear, you can change security settings in the Trust Center in PowerPoint Options.

Open a Presentation with Macros

Image Click the File tab, and then click Open.

Image Click the Files as type list arrow, and then click one of the following presentation types with macros:

ImagePowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation. A presentation(.pptm) that contains VBA code.

ImagePowerPoint Macro-Enabled Show. A presentation slide show (.ppsm) that includes preapproved macros.

ImagePowerPoint Macro-Enabled Design Template. A template(.potm) that includes preapproved macros.

Image If the file is located in another folder, click the Look in list arrow, and then navigate to the file.

Image Click the presentation with macros you want to open, and then click Open.

Image Click Options in the Message Bar.

Image You can also click the File tab, click Info, click the Enable Content button (New!), and then click Advanced Options.

Image Click OK to enable content or click Cancel to keep disabled.



Inserting ActiveX Controls

An ActiveX control is a software component that adds functionality to an existing program. An ActiveX control is really just another term for an OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) object, known as a Component Object Model (COM) object. An ActiveX control supports a customizable, programmatic interface. PowerPoint includes several pre-built ActiveX controls on the Developer tab, including a label, text box, command button, image, scroll bar, check box, option button, combo box, list box, toggle button, and more controls. To create an ActiveX control, click the control you want in the Developer tab, and then drag to insert it with the size you want. If there is a problem with an ActiveX control, PowerPoint disables it to protect the program and your data. When a problem does occur, a security alert dialog box appears, displaying information about the problem and options you can choose to leave it disabled in Protected view (New!) or enable it.

Insert ActiveX Controls

Image Click the Developer tab.

Image Click the button with the ActiveX control you want to use.

See the next page for a list and description of each ActiveX control.

Image Display the slide where you want to place the ActiveX control.

Image Drag (pointer changes to a plus sign) to draw the ActiveX control the size you want.

Image To resize the control, drag a resize handle (circles) to the size you want.


Deal with an ActiveX Control Security Alert

Image Click the File tab, and then click Open.

Image Click the File as type list arrow, and then click the presentation type that contains the Active X control.

Image If the file is located in another folder, click the Look in list arrow, and then navigate to the file.

Image Click the presentation with the ActiveX control you want to open, and then click Open.

Image Click the File tab, click Info, click the Enable Content button (New!), and then click Advanced Options. To enable all content (make trusted), click Enable All Content on the menu.

Image You can also click Enable Content in the Message Bar with the Security Warning.

Image If you trust the document content, click the Enable content for this session option to use it. If you don’t trust it, click the Help protect me from unknown content (recommended) option to block and disable the macros & activeX.

Image Click OK.

See Also

See “Setting ActiveX Security Options” on page 379 for more information about setting options that trigger the ActiveX security alert.



Using ActiveX Control


Setting ActiveX Control Properties

Every ActiveX control has properties, or settings, that determine its appearance and function. When you work with a control, you can open a property sheet that displays all the settings for that control in alphabetic or category order. The ActiveX controls appear in the Properties window in two columns: the left column displays the name of the control, and the right column displays the current value or setting for the control. When you select either column, a list arrow appears in the right column, allowing you to select the setting you want. After you set properties, you can add VBA code to a module to make it perform.

Set ActiveX Control Properties

Image Select the control whose properties you want to modify.

Image Click the Developer tab.

Image Click the Properties button to display the Properties window only, or the View Code button to open the Visual Basic Editor.

If necessary in the Visual Basic Editor, click the Properties Window button to show it.

Image To switch controls, click the Controls list arrow (at the top), and then select the one you want.

Image Click the Alphabetic or Categorized tab to display the control properties so you can find the ones you want.

Image Click the property box for the property you want to modify, and then do one of the following.

Image Type the value or information you want to use.

Image If the property box contains a list arrow, click the arrow and then click a value in the list.

Image If a property box contains a dialog button (...), click it to open a dialog box to select options or insert an object, such as a picture.

Image When you’re done, click the Close button on the Properties window.



Playing a Movie Using an ActiveX Control

Although you cannot insert a Flash movie into a PowerPoint presentation, you can play one using an ActiveX control and the Flash player. Before you can use the control, the ActiveX control and Flash player need to be installed on your computer. You can get the ActiveX control at http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/activex/. To play the Flash (.swf) movie, you add the Shockwave Flash Object ActiveX control to the document and create a link to the file. If a movie doesn’t play, check ActiveX security options in the Trust Center in PowerPoint Options.

Play a Flash Movie

Image Save the Flash file to a Flash movie file (.swf) using the Flash software.

Image In Normal view, display the slide on which you want to play the Flash movie.

Image Click the Developer tab.

Image Click the More Controls button.

Image Click Shockwave Flash Object.

Image Click OK.


Image Drag to draw the control.

Image Select the Shockwave Flash Object.

Image Click the Properties button.

Image Click the Alphabetic tab.

Image Click the Movie property, click in the value column next to Movie, type full path and file name (c:MyFolderMovie.swf), or the URL to the Flash movie file you want.

TIMESAVER If you place the.dcr file in the same folder as your presentation, you only need to type the file name.

Image To set specific options, choose any of the following:

Image To play the file automatically when the slide appears, set the Playing property to True.

Image To play the movie once, set the Loop property to False.

Image To embed the Flash file, set the EmbedMovie property to True.

Image When you’re done, click the Close button.



Changing the Document Information Panel

The Document Information Panel helps you manage and track document property information—also known as metadata—such as title, author, subject, keywords, category, and status. The Document Information Panel displays an XML-based mini-form using an InfoPath Form Template (.xsn) file developed in Microsoft InfoPath 2007. By using an XML InfoPath form, you can create your own form templates to edit the document property data and perform data validation.

Select a Document Information Panel Template

Image Click the Developer tab.

Image Click the Document Panel button.

Image Click Browse, locate and select the custom template you want, and then click Open.

ImageURL. Short for Uniform Resource Locator. The address of resources on the Web.


ImageUNC. Short for Uniform or Universal Naming Convention. A format for specifying the location of resources on a local-area network (LAN).


ImageURN. Short for Uniform Resource Name.

Image Click the Display by default list arrow, and then select the default properties you want.

Image Select the Always show Document Information Panel on document open and initial save check box.

Image Click OK.


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