

abbreviations in AutoCorrect, 44

Accessibility Checker, 300-301

action buttons. See Web presentations

Action Settings dialog box, 260-261

Actions, 401

accessing information with, 51

changing options, 50

saving, 50

security and, 378

Activation, 2

active application add-ins, 400

ActiveX controls, 271. See also Trust Center

Flash movies, playing, 420-421

harmful attacks and, 372-373

inserting, 416

for movies/videos, 190, 420-421

properties, setting, 419

registering, 420


alerts, 417

options, setting, 379

toolbox buttons for, 418

adding/removing. See also Clip Organizer deleting

actions, 51

borders on pictures, 172

bullets from text, 64

clips, 396

custom themes from gallery menu, 103

features, Office 2010, 30

gradient fills, 133

guides, 143

hidden information, 362-363

legend data series from charts, 225

numbering from text, 64

passwords, 364-365

personal information, 362-363

Quick Access Toolbar, items from, 7, 392

Ribbon, items from, 7, 392

status bar, items on, 9

table, lines from, 243

WordArt text, 184

add-ins, 27. See also COM add-ins

list of, 401

loading/unloading, 402-403

managing, 401


alerts, 403

options, 378

viewing, 402-401

add-in user interface errors, 389

adjustment handles on shapes, 112


Acrobat Reader, 305

Flash movies, 420

Photoshop, bitmap graphics from, 158-159

Type Manager fonts, kerning with, 60

Type 1 PostScript font, 336

ADTS format, 190

advanced options, setting, 390

adware, 372

AIFF format, 190

alerts. See Groove


aligning. See also aligning text

other objects, aligning objects with, 145

shapes, 144-145

SmartArt graphic, shapes in, 209

texture fills, 131

aligning text, 58-59

horizontal text alignment, 59

in organization chart, 255

in tables, 241

vertical text alignment, 59

Align or Distribute command, 144-145

Align Selected Objects command, 144

all caps formatting, 62, 63

alternative text, 300-301


rotating shapes to, 150

shadows, setting for, 136, 137

WordArt text angle, adjusting, 184-185


bulleted lists, animating, 318

in charts, 234, 319

customized animation, applying, 317

deleting animation, 317

dimming text after, 319

multiple animations, coordinating, 320-321

order, modifying, 320

painter, 325

previewing, 316

SmartArt graphic, animating, 322-323

sound, adding, 317

specialized animations, 318-319

standard animation, adding, 316

time between animations, setting, 321

trigger, 324

in Web presentations, 260

Animations tab, Slide Sorter view, 17

using, 315-325

Animation task pane, 320

annotations. See slide shows

antivirus software, 373

appearance of programs, changing, 390

Apple. See also True Type fonts

Quick Time movies, 190

arguments in VBA, 404

arrows. See also lines or arrows

Counterbalance Arrows, 206

up/down arrows, 8

artistic Quick Style, for pictures, 169

ASF format, 190


harmful attacks and, 373

photo album attachments, 167

audio. See sounds/audio

AU format, 190


for foreign languages, 286

for numbering or fractions, 66-67

spell-checking, 288

for text, 44-45

AutoFit Options, 48

for specific objects, 49

turning off, 48


changing options, 67

for organization chart layout, 255

typing, text while, 66-67

Automated Safe mode, 384-385

Automatic Updates, 373

AutoNumbering lists, 67

AutoRecover feature, 28-29


Clip Gallery, inserting from, 154

grouping/ungrouping in, 152

averages, working with, 234

AVI format, 190

avoiding attacks, 372-373

axis. See charts


backgrounds. See also background styles color themes

adding graphics, 90

chart backgrounds, changing, 235

hiding on slides, 90

removing picture background, 182-183

resetting, 105

shapes, fill for, 126

tables, adding to, 245

background styles

adding, 105

gradients, creating, 107

modifying, 106-107

pictures for, 106

solid fill background style, 107

textures for, 106

Backstage view, 3, 5

backwards compatibility. See OLE (object linking and embedding) compatibility mode

Banded Row/Banded Column options, 242

banner slide size

bevel effect, 134

adding, 135

for SmartArt graphics, 212-213

tables, applying cell bevel to, 246

3D effects, 139

to WordArt text, 188

bitmaps, 158-159

device independent bitmaps, 165

fonts, bitmapped, 336

modifying images, 179

black and white

converting pictures to, 178

print preview, 308-309

black-out screens for slide shows, 345

blank presentations, 10

blur, shadows with, 136, 137


adding/removing, 195

trigger animation, 324

boldfacing hyperlinks, 267


pictures, applying to, 172

shapes, color outlines for, 127

for SmartArt graphics, 212

tables, applying to, 245

to WordArt text, 187

brightness, 177

in photo album pictures, 167

Picture Manager, adjusting in, 395

Bring to Front command, 149

for SmartArt graphic, 209

broadcasting, presentation, 350-351

Browsed at a Kiosk option, 335

browsers, animation with, 321


in photo albums, 167

presentations, 18-19

presentations, broadcasting, 350-351

bulleted lists

adding/removing bullets, 64

animating, 318

character of bullets, changing, 65

distance between bullets and text, changing, 64

objects, 38

placeholders, 35

shapes, adding to, 115

text, entering, 41

buttons. See also specific types

in dialog boxes, 8

on Ribbon, 4


cascading windows, 14


finding and replacing by, 73

in spell-checking, 285


Package for CD feature, 348-349

cells. See charts


Cell Styles button, 229

certification authority (CA), 368

Character Code box, 69

characters. See also case

direction, changing, 61

spacing, changing, 60

symbols, inserting, 69

chart area, 232

Chart Elements list arrow, 232

charts. See also OLE (object linking and embedding)

organization charts

advanced analysis techniques, 234

animation in, 234, 319

AutoFit, column width with, 228

automatic complete, turning on/off, 223

axis, 221

changing, 235

titles, 234

backgrounds, changing, 235

cells, 220

automatic complete, turning on/off, 223

hidden or empty cells, 225

inserting, 229

creating, 220

data labels, 234

data tables for, 234

default, setting template as, 237

deleting, 230

drawing objects in, 234


data source, 225

worksheet data, 224

embedding charts, 251-252

empty cells in, 225

entering data in worksheets, 223

floor of chart, showing/hiding, 235


objects in chart, 232-233

resetting formatting, 230

worksheets, 229

hidden cells in, 225

horizontal series, editing data in, 224

importing data into, 226-227

inserting, 220

cells, rows and columns, 229

labels, changing, 234


applying layouts, 231

changing, 230

labels, changing, 234

legend series, 221

adding/removing, 225

editing data in, 224

labels, 234

modifying worksheets, 228-229

moving in, 225


formatting, 232-233

shape styles to object, applying, 233

style, changing, 233

zooming on, 232

opening, 221

pasting data into, 227

pictures in, 234

placeholders, 35

plot area, 232

showing/hiding, 235

ranges of data, 222

saving templates, 236-237

selecting worksheet data, 223


inserting, 234

objects, applying styles to, 233


applying, 231

object style, changing, 233

switching data series in, 227


applying, 237

creating custom template, 236

3D view, changing, 235

title labels, 234

trendlines, adding, 234

type of chart, changing, 230


data in, 221

imported data, 226

wall of chart, showing/hiding, 235

width of column, changing, 228

Charts folder, 237

Chart Type button, 237

check boxes, 8

Check for Updates button, 31

Check Office documents, 373

Chinese, support for, 296

circles, drawing, 112

class modules in VBA, 405

ClearType options, 389

Clip Art, 157, 158-159

downloading, 163

keyword, locating by, 160

placeholders, 35

slide layout, inserting clip art with, 161

on Web, 162-163

Clip Art task pane

inserting clip art with, 161

picture fills from, 128-129

properties of clip, changing, 397


picture fills, pasting, 128-129

shapes, copying, 123

Clip Gallery for AutoShapes, 154

Clip Organizer, 158-159


clips, 396

shapes to, 155

categories, organizing clips into, 396-397

Clips Online button, 162-163

movie/video, inserting, 190

new collection, creating, 396

properties of clip, changing, 397

sound/audio, inserting, 190

clips. See also Clip Art

Clip Organizer

adding/removing, 396

downloading, 163

inserting autoshape clip art, 154

multimedia clips, 158-159

properties of clip, changing, 397

Clips Online, 162-163

Close Master View button, 81


presentations, 32

Task panes, 15

Window panes, 15

collaborative workspaces. See Groove

Collapse Dialog button, 224, 225

collapsing slides, 75

color fills

customizing attributes, 393

shapes, adding to, 126-127

for WordArt, 186-187

colors. See also background styles

color themes

for gradient fills, 133

for menus (palettes), 104

of organization charts, 219

Picture Manager, adjusting in, 395

properties of, 98, 99

for reviewers, 358

scheme options, 389

for shadows, 136, 137

SmartArt graphic colors, changing, 211

tables, adding to, 245

underlining text, 62, 63

color themes, 95

creating, 98-99

custom colors, adding, 98, 99

deleting, 99

editing, 99

six accent themes, 95

for WordArt, 186-187

columns and rows. See also charts

tables text columns, 71

Column Width command, 228

COM objects, 416

COM add-ins, 401

loading/unloading, 402-403

Co-Manager chart layout, 255

command-line switches, 353

commands. See also voice commands

buttons on Ribbon, 4

from File tab, 5

Ribbon, adding to, 392

Ribbon, adding to, 392

Quick Access Toolbar, adding to, 392

from shortcut menus, 5


adding, 356

copying text of, 359

deleting, 359

editing, 358-359

merging, 357

reading, 357

compare and merge presentations, 360

Compatibility Checker, 302

for Internet faxes, 371

Compatibility mode

opening, 12-13

opening, macros in, 415

converting, 21

saving, 24-26

Compressed Windows Enhanced Metafile, 165


of embedded objects, 251

media (audio and video) in, 201

of pictures, 176

in XML presentations, 270

connecting shapes, 146-147

connection status, 23

consistency of presentation, 80

contacts. See Groove

contents of document, 299

contextual spelling, 285

contextual tabs on Ribbon, 4

continuously playing

movies/videos, 196

slide shows, 330, 331

sounds/audio, 197

contour effects, 139

contrast, 177

in photo album pictures, 167

Picture Manager, adjusting in, 395


linked objects, 251

presentations from PowerPoint 97-2003 to PowerPoint 2010, 21, 24-26

SmartArt graphic to shapes, 215

text to SmartArt graphic, 204-205


CD, slide shows on, 348-349

comment text, 359

existing presentation, 11

macros, 411

objects from slide, 37

shapes, 122-123

slide shows on CDs, 348-349

smart cut and paste, 43

text, 42

Counterbalance Arrows, 206

Create Microsoft Outlook Task command, 392

cropping pictures. See pictures

curves, 118

Custom Dictionaries dialog box, 290

Customize Quick Access Toolbar list arrow, 6

customizing, 278. See also slide shows

advanced options, setting, 390-391

personal options, setting, 388-389

Quick Access Toolbar, 6, 7

shadows, 137, 393

text objects, creating, 393

themes from files, 103


objects from slide, 37

slides, 74

smart cut and paste, 43

cycle purpose, SmartArt, 205


dashes, replacing, 66-67

data markers, 221

data series, 220

date and time

animations, setting time between, 321

Handout Master, Date placeholder in, 88

slide show, setting timings for, 326-327

text, inserting in, 94

debugging macros, 410

Debug toolbar, 410

Decrease List Level button, 54

Delete Cropped Areas of Picture setting, 176

deleting. See also adding/removing


animation, 317

charts, 230

color themes, 99

comments, 359

digital signatures, 369

freeform vertex, 121

hyperlinks, 267

macros, 409

movies/videos, 191

objects, 37

organization chart box, 255

passwords, 365

shapes, 112

Slide Master, 84

slides, 35, 52

slide shows, 333

sounds/audio, 191, 200

table columns and rows, 240

Text pane, lines in, 207

theme effects, 101

depth effects, 139

deselecting. See selecting/deselecting

DesignTemplates, 27

destination file, defined, 247

destination program, defined, 247

developer options, setting, 407

Developer tab, 407. See also macros

for ActiveX controls, 416-417

general options, setting, 407

device independent bitmaps, 165

diagnosing problems, 30

dialog boxes. See also specific types

navigating in, 8

options, choosing, 8

Dialog Box Launcher, 3, 8

dictionaries. See also spell-checking

exclusion dictionaries, 290-291

digital signatures, 257, 368-369

creating digital IDs, 368

deleting, 369

document, adding to, 369

macros, adding to, 412

viewing, 369

dimming text after animation, 319


of characters, 61

of WordArt text, 189

DirectShow, Microsoft, 196

disabled application add-ins, 400

disabled items, 401

viewing, 385

distance setting for shadows, 136, 137

distributing objects, 144

Document Information Panel, 298-299

changing, 422

Document Inspector, 362-363

document properties, 298-299

Accessibility Checker, 300-301

advanced properties, displaying, 20, 299

Document Panel, 20

Compatibility Checker, 302

customizing, 299


add-ins related to, 400

digital signatures, adding, 369

inspecting, 362-363

Document Information Panel, 20

Documents tool in Groove, 448, 448

dotted lines in organization charts, 218

double strikethrough formatting, 62, 63

double underline formatting, 62, 63


add-ins, 400

clips, 163

harmful attacks and, 373

PowerPoint Viewer, 352

template packs, 11?

updates, 31


Clip Art pictures, 161

text, 43

into Text pane, 205

drawing. See also shapes

charts, drawing objects in, 234

straight lines or arrows, 116

tables, 238

ungrouping/regrouping, 153

Draw Table button, 243

duplicating slides, 35, 53


movies/videos from, 198-199

slide shows on, 348-349


Edit Data Source button, 225

Edit Data Source dialog box, 224

editing. See also charts

Groove; slide; shows

color themes, 99

comments, 358-359

hyperlinks, 260, 267

lines or arrows, 117

linked objects, 250

macros, 411

marked as final presentations, 367

photo albums, 167

in Picture Manager, 395

presentation properties, 298

SmartArt graphics, 209

text, 42-43

text boxes, 70

WordArt text, 185

Edit Master, renaming in, 84

Edit Pictures button, 395

effects. See also specific types

individual effects, adding, 135

pictures, adding to, 173

preset effects, adding, 134

shapes, adding to, 134-135

tables, applying to, 246

theme effects, 101

WordArt text, applying to, 188

e-mail. See also attachments

hyperlinks for sending, 265

photo album attachments, 167

review, sending presentation for, 370

embedding. See also OLE (object linking and embedding)

defined, 247

fonts, 336

Encapsulated Postscript files, 165


adding, 366

removing, 366

Enhanced Windows Metafile, 165

entire word, selecting, 43

equalize character height, 63

Eraser button, 243

event procedures in VBA, 405

Excel. See Microsoft Excel

exclusion dictionaries, 290-291

existing presentations

copying, 11

opening, 12-13,

opening, macros with, 415

Expand Dialog button, 224, 225

expanding slides, 75

exporting. See importing/exporting

extensions. See file extensions


fading out effects, 314

fax, sending presentations by, 371

Featuring categories

for blank presentations, 10

list of, 10

for templates, 11?

File Block settings, 376-377

file encryption, 366

file extensions, 271

for macros, 414

showing/hiding, 26

files. See also movies/videos


synchronizing files

specific formats

audio file formats, 190

hyperlinks to, 262

movies/videos from file, inserting, 190-191

OLE (object linking and embedding) for, 248

pictures from file, inserting, 164

sounds/audio from file, inserting, 190-191

Files of Type list, 12-13

File tab, 3, 5

FileZ, 373

fills. See also color fills

gradient fills


table, adding fill to, 245

WordArt, text fills for, 186-187

finding and replacing text, 73

first-line indents, 64

Fit To Window button, 9

Flash movies, 190

playing, 420-421

flipping. See rotating


Picture Manager, exporting folders in, 394

for presentations, 348-349

Font Color button, 95, 99, 104

fonts. See also characters

True Type fonts

CDs, slide shows on, 348-349

differences between, 336

embedding fonts, 336

entire presentation, replacing fonts for, 63

formatting text fonts, 63

for headers and footers, 91

for hyperlinks, 267

kerning with, 60

printing options, 307

Ribbon, changing font with, 62

in slide shows, 336

for symbols, 69

for text boxes, 70

theme fonts, 100, 101

Footer placeholder, 88

footers. See headers and footers

foreign languages, 289

adding to programs, 296

designating, 286

French spellings, 285

keyboard switch languages, 287

marking text as language, 286

Mini Translator, 294-295

Spanish spelling, 285

thesauruses, 293

translating text to, 294

Format Painter, 68

slides, applying themes to, 95

Format Shape dialog box

for color fills, 126

for effects, 134

for gradient fills, 132

for texture fills, 130

undoing changes in, 126, 128, 130

formatting. See also charts

formatting text

SmartArt graphics

connector lines, 147

curves, 119

freeforms, 119

Handout Master, 280

hyperlinks, 267

movies/videos, 195

organization charts, 255

placeholders, 89

tables, 242-243

Text pane, text in, 207

WordArt text, 186-187

formatting text. See also AutoFormat


with Mini Toolbar, 63

with Ribbon, 62

showing/hiding, 55

styles, applying, 68

fractions, correcting, 66-67


in photo albums, 166

on printed slides, 281


angle of vertex, modifying, 121

deleting freeform vertex, 121

polygons, drawing, 118

vertex in freeform, modifying, 120-121

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 274-275

adding/modifying locations, 274-275

sites, accessing, 274-275

function procedures in VBA, 405


Get External Data button, 226

GIF format, 165

slides, saving, 268

glow effect, 135

to pictures, 173

for SmartArt graphics, 212-213

to WordArt text, 188

gradient fills, 132-133

background style gradients, creating, 107

in charts, 234

custom gradient fills, 133

with presets, 132

tables, adding to, 245

tiling options, 133

for WordArt, 186-187

graphics. See also Clip Art


SmartArt graphics

background graphics, adding, 90

slides saved as, 303

Web graphics, saving slides as, 268

Web graphics, saving presentations as, 269

Graphics Interchange Format. See GIF format


converting pictures to, 178

print preview, 308-309

gridlines in table, showing/hiding, 243

grids and guides

adding/removing, 143

aligning objects to, 142-143

snapping objects into, 142

turning on/off, 142

Groove, 423. See also SharePoint

synchronizing files

alerts, 448

creating workspace, 446-447


files, 448

workspace, 446-447

Documents tool, 448


SharePoint files, 446-447

exiting, 466

guests on, 449

inviting users to workspace, 449

launching, 466

managers on, 449

manage tools in, 448

opening files, 448

participants on, 449

roles of users, 449

workspace properties, setting, 466

Groove Workspace Explorer, 448-449


drawings, ungrouping/regrouping, 153

on Ribbon, 4

shapes, grouping/ungrouping, 152

SmartArt graphic, shapes in, 209

tables, ungrouping, 152

Guest role for Groove, 449

guides. See grids and guides


hackers, 364

Handout Master, 82

formatting, 280

placeholders in, 88, 280

viewing, 83

handouts, 277

headers and footers in, 280-281

preparing, 280-281

printing, 281

hanging indents, 64

hard-to-select objects, selecting, 148

Header placeholder in Handout Master, 88

Header Row option, 242

headers and footers

adding, 91

changing look of, 91

in handouts, 280-281

placeholders, 88

on speaker notes, 284

help, 22-23

command help, 6

contacting Microsoft Help, 31

with Microsoft Excel, 222

searching for, 23

Help Viewer, 22-23

connection status, 23

hidden information, managing, 362-363

hiding. See showing/hiding

hierarchy purpose, SmartArt, 205

homographs, 372

horizontal alignment, 59

of WordArt text, 189

HSL color mode, 98

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 257, 272

with XML, 270

hue, 98, 99

hulu, 190-191


action buttons activating, 258

autoformatting, 66-67

color themes for, 95

deleting, 267

destinations for, 264

between documents, 265

editing, 260, 267

for e-mail messages, 265

to external objects, 262-263

to files, 262

formatting, 267

highlighting click or mouse over, 260

inserting, 264-265

inside of presentation, 264

mouse over for, 263

to other presentation, 262

to programs, 263

relative links, 264

slide object, adding to, 260

sound, adding, 261

using, 266

to Web page, 263

hyphens, replacing, 66-67



objects inserted as, 249

Pin icon, 12-13

Import Data Options dialog box, 226


chart data, importing, 226-227

Microsoft Excel charts, importing, 253

Microsoft Word, exporting notes to, 283

Picture Manager, exporting folders in, 394

rotating imported objects, 151

inactive application add-ins, 400

Increase List Level button, 54

increasing/decreasing list level text, 54-55

indenting text

for bulleted lists, 64

level of indent, changing, 54

modifying indent, 55

Text pane, lines in, 207

InfoPath Form Template, 422

initials of reviewer, changing, 356

ink annotations on slide shows, 342

Insert Cells button, 229

Insert Shape button list, 255

inspecting documents, 362-363

Internet. See also Web pages

Web presentations

Clip Art on, 162-163

fax, sending presentations by, 371

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), using, 274-275

Microsoft information, 276

photo albums, sharing, 167

Internet Explorer download monitoring, 373

invisible on-slide content, 363

ISO paper side size, 278

italicizing hyperlinks, 267


Joint Photographic Experts Group format.

See JPEG format

JPEG format, 165

presentation, saving, 269

slides, saving, 268

jumps. See hyperlinks


kerning, 60


browsing slides with, 18

grid settings, overriding, 143

nudging drawing object with, 123

objects, moving, 37

switch languages, 287

window panes, resizing, 15

KeyTips, 4

keywords for Clip Art, 160


labels in chart, changing, 234

landscape orientation, 278-279

languages. See also foreign languages adding to programs, 296

LAN (local-area network), 422

laser pointer, 331, 340

layouts. See also charts

slide layouts

organization chart layout, changing, 218-219, 255

SmartArt graphic layout, changing, 211

left indents, 64

legend series. See charts

letter paper slide size, 278


SharePoint libraries, 452-453

lines or arrows

in charts, 234

connector lines, 146-147

Counterbalance Arrows, 206

customizing attributes, 393

editing, 117

modifying, 117

Quick Style to line, adding, 116

straight lines or arrows, drawing, 116

line spacing, 58

linking. See also hyperlinks

OLE (object linking and embedding)

defined, 247

list boxes, 8

list purpose, SmartArt, 205

lists. See bulleted lists

numbered lists

Lists and Galleries, 3

live preview, 4. See also tables

general options, setting, 389

of organization charts, 218

with Picture Shape gallery, 171

for SmartArt graphics, 213

themes, 96

of transitions, 314

Lock Aspect Ratio check box, 240

luminosity, 98, 99


Macintosh PICT, 165

Macro-Enabled Design Template, 27

Macro-Enabled Show, 27

macros, 271, 399. See also Trust Center

controlling, 410-411

copying to other presentations, 411

creating, 410-409

debugging, 410

deleting, 409

digital signatures on, 412

earlier versions, macros from, 408

editing, 411

file extensions for, 414

harmful attack sand, 262-263

ribbon, assigning macro to, 413

running, 409

saving presentations with, 414

security settings, 380

self-signing certificates for, 412

stopping macros, 409

toolbar, assigning macro to, 413

VBA macros, 271

maintenance, performing, 30

Manager role for Groove, 449


tables, changing cell margins in, 240

for text boxes, 70

wrapping and adjusting, 71

Margins button, 240

Marks as Final command, 367

Master Layout, 86

masters. See also Handout Master

Notes Master

Slide Master

placeholders in, 80-81

viewing, 82-83

working with, 80-81

matrix purpose, SmartArt, 205


windows, 14

McAfee, 373

media compression, 201

menus. See also shortcuts

colors, adding, 104

File tab, 5

for slide shows, 339


comments, 357

presentations, 360

tables, cells in, 241

Message Bar

macros, signatures on, 412

security options, 381

metadata, 362

Document Information Panel tracking, 422

methods in VBA, 404

MHTML format, 272


Recording slide show, 344-345

Microsoft. See also Clip Organizer

organization charts

True Type fonts

DirectShow, 196

help from, 31

Paint, bitmap graphics from, 158-159

Windows Explorer, 2

Wordpad for playlists, 354

Microsoft Excel. See also charts

OLE (object linking and embedding)

embedding charts, 251-252

help, 222

importing charts, 253

tables, inserting, 239

themes for, 96

Microsoft Notepad, 270

for playlists, 354

Microsoft Office. See also Clipboard

online information, 276

SharePoint Server, 423, 446-447

Microsoft Office Web Apps. See Office Web Apps

Microsoft Outlook

for faxing presentation, 371

review, sending presentations for, 370

Microsoft Word

embedding documents, 254

notes exported to, 283

slides exported to, 283, 297

speaker notes exported to, 297

themes for, 96

minimizing. See maximizing/minimizing

Mini-Toolbar, 6

buttons on, 5

formatting with, 63

general options, setting, 389

MiniTranslator, 294-295

mirror type for texture fills, 131

modules in VBA, 405

monitors for slide shows, 344-345

mouse. See also slide shows

hyperlinks, mouse over for, 260, 263

increasing/decreasing list level text with, 55

objects, moving, 37

slide timings, controlling, 326

movies/videos, 158-159

ActiveX controls, playing with, 190, 420-421


adding/removing, 195

trigger animation, 324

Clip Organizer movie, inserting, 190-191

compressing, 201

editing, 192-193

fade effect, adding, 193


formats, 196

inserting movie from, 190-191

Flash movies, playing, 420-421

formatting, 195

inserting, 190-191

new slide, inserting movies/videos on, 190-191

non-supported movies/videos, playing, 190

placeholders, 35

playing movies/videos, 196-197, 198-199

options, setting, 196

saving as video, WMV, 347

slide, inserting on, 190-191

supported file formats, 190

text, add, 193

trim, 192

from video DVDs, 198-199

from Web site, inserting movie/videos, 190-191

moving. See also navigating

in charts, 225

comments, 356

grids and guides, 143

objects, 37

Quick Access Toolbar, 6

shapes, 122-123

text, 42

Text pane, 206

windows, 14

MPG/MPEG format, 190

MP3 & MP4 format, 190

multimedia clips, 158-159

Multiple Manager chart layout, 255

MyTemplates, 11

chart templates, saving, 236-237



for presentation, 310

reviewer name, changing, 356

Slide Master, renaming, 84

narration, 200, 328-329

navigating. See also Groove


dialog boxes, 8

self-running slide shows, 335

slide shows, 340-341

in Web browser, 260

New Comment button, 356

New screen, 10

new presentations. See also blank presentations



options, 10

Normal view, 1, 16-17. See also text

movies/videos playing in, 196, 198-199

sounds/audio playing in, 196, 198-199

speaker notes in, 282

text, working with, 38

notes. See comments

speaker notes

Notes Master, 82

formatting, 283

placeholders on, 284

viewing, 83

Notes Page view, 1, 282

Notes pane, Normal view, 282

numbered lists

adding/removing numbers, 64

AutoCorrect Options with, 66-67

character of numbers, changing, 65

shapes, adding to, 115

text, entering, 41

numbering. See numbered lists

slide numbering


Object Browser, 405

objects, 36-37. See also animation

AutoFit Options



OLE (object linking and embedding)



aligning, 144-145

deleting, 37

hard-to-select objects, selecting, 148

icons, inserting objects as, 249

moving, 37

on Notes Master, 283

resizing, 36

selecting/deselecting, 36

stacking order, changing, 149

VBA objects, 404

accessing, 276

clip art, inserting, 160

options, 389

SmartArt graphic, 204-205

templates, 11

themes, searching for, 96

Office Theme format, 27

Office Web Apps

accessing documents, 431-433

broadcasting, presentation, 345-346

browser support, 424-425

collaborating, documents with, 444-445

compare to desktop app, 430-431

creating documents, 437

downloading files, 442

file compatibility, 424

introduction, 423-424

Microsoft Silverlight, 424, 426-427

Office Mobile, 454

opening documents, 433

preparing to use, 424

saving documents, 428-429

saving files, new name, 442-443

using, 424

Windows Live ID, 423-424, 426-427

, 427

off-slide content, managing, 362-363

OLE (object linking and embedding), 203, 247

broken links, reconnecting, 251


importing Excel charts, 253

inserting Excel charts, 251-252

compressing embedded objects, 251

converting linked objects, 251

editing linked objects, 250

files, inserting, 248

icons, inserting objects as, 249

Microsoft Word documents, embedding, 254

modifying linked objects, 250-251

new object, inserting, 248

organization charts, embedding, 255

paste linking objects, 248-249

source of linked object, changing, 250

updating source of linked object, 250

working with embedded objects, 249

OneNote, linked to a presentation

creating, 361

opening, 361

Online templates, 11

on-screen show slide size, 278


charts, 221

default view, selecting, 390

password-protected presentations, 365

Picture Manager, 394

presentations, 12-13

presentations, macros with, 415

presentations, PowerPoint 97-2003 in compatibility mode, 12-13

recovering presentations, 28-29

Task panes, 15

Web pages, 272

Web page, presentations, 272

XML presentations, 270

OpenType fonts, 336

option buttons, 8

ordinals with superscript, 66-67

organization charts

assistant shape object, 255

colors, changing, 219

coworker shape object, 255

creating, 216

deleting chart box, 255

dotted lines in, 218

embedded object, creating with, 254

layout, changing, 218-219, 255

methods for creating, 216-217

modifying, 255

rearranging chart box, 255

selecting/deselecting chart boxes, 255

shapes, adding, 217

style, changing, 255

subordinate shape object, 255

text, aligning, 255

Organization Chart Style gallery, 255

Org Chart button, 219


slide orientation, 278-279

SmartArt graphics and, 210

outline fonts, 336

Outline pane, Normal view, 16-17

browsing slides in, 19

collapsing slides in, 75

expanding slides in, 75

formatting, showing/hiding, 55

rearranging slides, 75

slides, working with, 52-53

text, entering, 38, 39, 52

outlines. See also borders

Web presentations

another program, inserting outlines from, 53

document, saving text as, 304

printing, 312

text, entering, 52

overhead transparency slide size, 278


Package for CD feature, 348-349

Page Number placeholder, Handout Master, 88

page setup options, 278-279

Paint Shop Pro, 158-159

Painter, Animation, 325

parental controls, 382-383

Participant role for Groove, 449

passwords, 355

adding to presentation, 364-365

changing/removing passwords, 365

opening presentations with, 365

for slide shows on CDs, 349

strong passwords, 364

paste linking, 248-249

Microsoft Word, exporting notes and slides to, 297

for notes, 283

Paste Options button, 43

Paste Special command, 248-249

pasting. See also paste linking

charts, data into, 227

objects from slide, 37

slides, 74

smart cut and paste, 43

PDF documents, 1, 27

creating, 26, 305

e-mail attachments, 370

pen. See slide shows

personal information, managing, 362-363

phishing, 372

privacy options and, 382

photo albums

editing, 167

new album, creating, 166

sharing, 167

Picture Effects gallery, 173

picture fills

custom picture fills, applying, 129

to shapes, 128-129

tables, adding to, 245

tiling pictures, 129

Picture Manager, 394-395

exporting folders in, 394

red eye removal, 395

Picture Quick Style gallery, 170

pictures, 158-159. See also brightness

Clip Art


picture fills

artistic Quick Style, 169

background style pictures, creating, 106

borders, applying, 172

on bullets, 65

changing pictures, 164

in charts, 234

compressing, 176

cropping, 180-181

in Picture Manager, 395

Delete Cropped Areas of Picture setting, 176

effects, adding, 173

file, inserting from, 164

file formats for, 165

on numbers in lists, 65

photo albums, 166-167

Picture Manager, 394-395

placeholders, 35

precisely cropping pictures, 181

precisely resizing pictures, 174

presentation, 269

Quick Style, adding, 170

recoloring, 178-179

red eye removal, 395

redisplaying cropped pictures, 180

removing picture background, 182-183

resizing, 174-175

rotating, 181

in Picture Manager, 395

scaling pictures, 175

screen shot

capturing, 168

inserting, 168

shapes, applying, 171

SmartArt graphic, 214

tables, adding to, 243

transparent background, setting, 179

picture presentation, 269

Picture Shape gallery, 171

Pin icon, 12-13

pinning/unpinning documents, 12-13

placeholders, 34

default, resetting to, 35

entering information in, 35

formatting, 89

in Handout Master, 280

for headers and footers, 88

in masters, 80-81

modifying, 89

on Notes Master, 284

showing/hiding, 88

in slide layouts, 87

in SmartArt graphics, 205

text placeholders, 40

title placeholders, 35, 88

playlists for multiple presentations, 354

plot area. See charts

PNG format, 165

pictures, saving, 170

slides, saving, 268

pointer options in slide shows, 342

points, 58

polygons, drawing, 118

Portable Network Graphics Format. See PNG format

portrait orientation, 278-279

poster frame, 195

.pot file format, 27

.potx file format, 27

PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Design Template (.potm), 414

PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation (.pptm), 24, 27, 271, 414

PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Show (.ppsm), 414, 346

PowerPoint Show format, 27

PowerPoint Viewer

customizing, 353

Run command with, 353

showing presentation on, 352

.ppt file format, 24, 27

presentation graphics software, 1

Presentation window, 3

Presenter view, 344-345

preserving Slide Master, 85


gradient fills with, 132

for SmartArt graphics, 212-213

previewing. See also live preview

animation, 316

in black and white/grayscale, 308-309

in dialog boxes, 8

presentations, 308-309

in Presenter view, 345

print preview, 308-309

Web pages, 273

Previous/Next Slide buttons, 17

Print screen, 280-281


changing options, 307, 391

custom shows, 311

handouts, 281

outlines, 312

presentations, 310-311

previewing, 308-309

range of slides, 311

scaling slides for, 312

single slides, 311

Privacy dialog box, 2

privacy options

parental controls, 382-383

setting, 382

statement, 372, 374

problems, 30

macro problems, 410

objects, arrangement of, 153

recovering presentations, 28-29

procedures in VBA, 405

process purpose, SmartArt, 205


appearance, changing, 389

hyperlinks to, 263

shortcut, creating, 2

Slide Show view, switching in, 340

program tabs, Ribbon, 4

projects. See also macros

in VBA, 405

Protected view, 11?, 415-417

options, 376-377

pyramid purpose, SmartArt, 205


Quick Access Toolbar, 1, 3

adding or removing items from, 7, 392

buttons on, 5

customizing, 7

macros, adding, 413

moving, 6

resetting, 6

resetting to default, 392

Save button, 24

Quick Print command, 310

Quick Style

lines, adding to, 116

pictures, adding to, 170

shapes, adding to, 124-125

to SmartArt graphics, 210

tables, adding to, 244-245

Transition Quick Style gallery, 314

quitting PowerPoint, 32

quotation marks, 66-67


ranges. See also slides

of data, 222

reading comments, 357

read-only presentations, 367

Reading view, 16-17

Recent Places list, 12-13

Recent Presentations list, 12-13

options, setting, 390-391

recently used presentations, opening, 12-13

recoloring pictures, 178-179

Recolor Picture Quick Style gallery, 178


sounds/audio, 200

voice narration, 200, 328-329

recovering presentations, 28-29

redoing, 46-47

red eye removal, 395

redoing actions, 46-47

reference books, searching, 292

reflection effect, 135

in pictures, 173

for SmartArt graphics, 212-213

tables, applying to, 246

to WordArt text, 188

regression analysis trendlines, 234

rehearsing slide show timings, 326-327

relationship purpose, SmartArt, 205

relative links, 264

removing. See adding/removing

deleting renaming. See also Groove

Slide Master, 84

repairing problems. See problems

repeated words, flagging, 285

Replace All option, 73

Replace Fonts command, 392

replacing text, 73

research, parental controls for, 382-383

Research task pane, 292

for translating text, 294

options, 398

Reset Picture button, 177

resizing. See also AutoFit Options

movies/videos, 196

objects, 36

panes in windows, 15

pictures, 174-175

shapes, 112-113

SmartArt graphics, 208

tables, 240

Task panes, 15

text boxes, 70

Text pane, 206

text while typing, 48

windows, 14, 15

Reuse Slides task pane, 78

reviewing presentations, 355

changing reviewers, 358

e-mail, sending presentations by, 370

initials, changing, 356

rewinding movies/videos, 196

RGB (red, green, blue) color mode, 98, 99

Ribbon, 1, 3. See also add-ins

Developer tab


adding or removing items from, 7, 392

adding commands not in, 392

Chart Elements list arrow, 232

customizing, 6-7

font changes with, 62

formatting text with, 62

macros, adding, 413

for Microsoft Word documents, 254

working with, 4

rotating. See also 3D rotation effects

characters, 61

gradient fills, 133

photo albums, pictures in, 167

picture fills in shapes, 129

in Picture Manager, 395

pictures, 181, 395

precisely rotating objects, 151

preset increments, rotating objects to, 150-151

shapes, 150-151

SmartArt graphic, shapes in, 209

texture fills, 131

3D rotations, 134

WordArt text, 189

RTF (Rich Text Format) documents, 27

saving text as, 304

ruler. See also tabs

showing/hiding, 54

vertical ruler, showing, 390-391

Run command, 353


safe modes, 384-385

disabled items, 385

saturation, 98, 99

Save As command, 257

Save As dialog box, 24

Save button, Quick Access Toolbar, 24

Save dialog box, 24

Save Template button, 236

saving. See also slide shows

Web presentations

for different formats, 26-27, 303

Groove workspace, 446-447

macros, presentations with, 414

options, setting, 25

picture presentation, 269

PowerPoint 97-2003 format presentations, 25

presentations, 24-25

presentations, PowerPoint 97-2003 in compatibility mode, 24-26

templates, 108-109

as video, WMV, 347

voice narrations, 329

Web graphics, saving slides as, 268

Web graphics, saving presentations as, 269

XML presentations, 270

scalable fonts, 336

scaling pictures, 175

schemas, 270

screen resolution, choosing, 330

screen shot

capturing, 168

inserting, 168


shortcut keys in, 390-391

showing/hiding, 6

scribbles, 119

scrolling in presentation, 18


for Clip Art, 160

for clips on Web, 163

for help, 23

Research task pane, 292

for text, 73

for themes, 96, 97


creating, 76

navigating in slide show, 340-341

removing, 77

renaming, 77

working with, 77

security, 355. See also ActiveX controls


digital signatures

pass words

Trust Center

avoiding attacks, 372-373

encryption, 366

macro security options, 380

Message Bar security options, 381

parental controls, 382-383

Protected view, 12, 376-377, 415-417

read-only presentations, 367

safe modes, 384-385

viruses, avoiding, 372-373


bulleted text, 65

numbered text, 65

objects, 36

organization chart boxes, 255

text, 42

selection boxes, 36

Selection pane, 148

self-running slide shows, 335

Send to Back, 149

for SmartArt graphic, 209

Send to Microsoft Word command, 297, 304, 392

sepia, converting pictures to, 178

Set Transparent Color command, 179

Set Up Show dialog box, 332-333

for self-running slide shows, 335

Shading button, 245

shadows, 135

customizing, 137, 393

to pictures, 173

preset shadows, adding, 136

for SmartArt graphics, 212-213

tables, applying to, 246

to WordArt text, 188

Shape Effects button, 212

Shape Effects gallery, 134

Shape Fill button, 95, 212

Shape Outline button, 95, 126, 127, 212

Shape Quick Style gallery, 124-125

shapes, 111. See also AutoShapes



lines or arrows



adjusting shapes, 113

basic shapes, drawing, 112

bulleted lists, adding, 115

Clipboard task pane, copying objects with, 123

Clip Organizer, adding to, 155

color fills, applying, 126-127

color outline, applying, 127

connecting shapes, 146-147

converting to freeforms, 118

copying objects, 122-123

curves, 118

customizing attributes, 393

deleting, 112

distributing objects, 144

effects, adding, 134-135

gradient fills, 132-133

grids and guides, aligning objects to, 142-143

grouping/ungrouping shapes, 152

hard-to-select objects, selecting, 148

for hyperlinks, 267

multiple shapes, inserting, 114

nudging, 123

numbered lists, adding, 115

one step, copying/moving in, 122

organization charts, adding to, 217

other shapes, changing shapes to, 114

picture fills, applying, 128-129

pictures, applying shapes to, 171

precision, moving object with, 123

Quick Style, adding, 124-125

replacing shapes, 113

resizing shapes, 112-113

rotating, 150-151

scribbles, 119

Selection pane, selecting with, 148

shadows, adding, 136-137

for SmartArt graphics, 212-213

snapping objects into grids and guides, 142

stacking order, changing, 149


adding, 71, 115

Quick Style to text, adding, 125

for text boxes, 70, 71

texture fills for, 130-131

3D effects, adding, 138-141

transparency, shape color with, 127

two shapes, connecting, 146

SharePoint, 1, 423, 446-447

publishing slides, 452-453

Windows SharePoint Server, 446-447

sharing. See also Groove

OLE (object linking and embedding)

documents, information among, 247

photo albums, 167

XML data, 270

Shockwave players, 420


adding/removing, 303

choosing commands from menus, 5

for command-line switches, 353

objects, resizing, 36

program shortcut, creating, 2

ScreenTips, shortcut keys in, 390-391

Slide Show view navigation shortcuts, 341

showing/hiding. See also turning on/off

background objects on slide, 90

charts, elements in, 235

Close button and, 32

file extensions, 26

movies/videos, 196

placeholders, 88

Ribbon, 4

ruler, 54

ScreenTips, 6

slide shows, hiding slides in, 334

sound icon, 197

spelling errors, 285

status bar, checking on/off status with, 9

tables, gridlines in, 243

Text pane, 206

Show Markup button, 357

signatures. See digital signatures

64-bit version, 2

size. See also resizing

shadows, setting for, 136, 137

slide size, controlling, 278

Size Dialog Box Launcher

pictures, scaling, 175

for shapes, 112

sizing handles, 70

slide files, 27

slide layouts

changing, 89

charts, creating, 221

Clip Art, inserting, 161

existing slide layout, creating from, 87

gallery, 34

new slide layout, inserting, 86

placeholders, inserting, 86

saving template, 108

Slide Master, 79, 81

background objects, hiding, 90

deleting, 84

new Slide Master, inserting, 85

preserving/not preserving, 85

renaming, 84

saving template, 108

viewing, 82

slide numbering

different number, starting numbering with, 93

on every slide, 93

specific slides, inserting on, 92

slides. See also backgrounds



slide numbering

action buttons for specific slides, creating, 259

collapsing slides, 75

cut and paste, moving with, 74

deleting, 52

duplicating, 35, 53

expanding slides, 75

exporting to Microsoft word, 297

graphic image, saving as, 303

hyperlinks, adding, 260

landscape orientation, 278-279

layouts to existing slides, applying, 34

Microsoft Word, exporting to, 283, 297

movie on slide, inserting, 190-191

new slides, creating, 34

from other presentations, 78

in Outline pane, Normal view, 52-53

portrait orientation, 278-279

proportions, customizing, 279

range of slides

printing, 311

in slide show, 330

rearranging slides, 74-75

recording sounds/audio on, 200

size of slide, controlling, 278

text, entering, 39

themes to other slides, applying, 95

transitions, creating, 314-315

voice narration, recording, 200, 328-329

Web graphics, saving as, 257

slide shows, 313. See also animation

PowerPoint Viewer

advanced options, 339


ink annotations on slide shows, 342

pen, using, 342

pointer options, changing, 342

saving, 343

showing, 356

black-out screens, 345

black slide, ending with, 339

CD, packaging for, 348-349

continuously playing, 330, 331

custom slide shows, 332-333

navigating to, 341

deleting custom slide show, 333


custom slide show, 333

timings, 327

fonts, working with, 336

hiding slides, 334

laser pointer, 331, 340

macros running in, 409

manually showing, 330

monitors, multiple, 344-345

mouse pointer

options, changing, 342

pen, changing to, 343

multiple monitors for, 344-345

multiple presentations, showing, 354

navigating, 340-341

options, setting, 339, 391

Package for CD feature, 348-349


laser pointer, 331, 340

mouse pointer, changing to, 343

using, 342

presenting, 337

range of slides, showing, 330

rehearsing timings, 326-327


annotations, 343

presentation as slide show, 346

screen resolution, choosing, 330

second monitor, running on, 344-345

self-running slide shows, 335

setting up, 330-331

speaker notes, 340

in Presenter view, 345

speed of transition, setting, 315

starting, 338-339

timings between slides, setting, 326-327

transitions, creating, 314-315

turning on/off annotations, 343

Slide Show view, 1, 17

movies/videos playing in, 196, 198-199

navigation shortcuts, 341

options, 339, 391

sounds/audio playing in, 196, 198-199

speaker notes, adding, 340

switching between programs in, 340

Slide Sorter view, 1, 17

animation, viewing, 316

rearranging slides, 74

transitions, viewing, 315

Slides pane, Normal view, 17

browsing slides in, 18-19

rearranging slides in, 74

small caps formatting, 62, 63

SmartArt graphics, 114, 203. See also organization charts

Text pane

adding shape to, 209

animating, 322-323

blanket graphics, creating, 205

changing shapes in, 209

colors, changing, 211

converting text to, 204-205

converting graphic to shapes, 215

creating graphics with, 204

customized animation, applying, 323

fills with, 212


orientation, changing, 210

Quick Style, applying, 210

shapes, 212-213

layout, changing, 211

orientation, changing, 210

outlines, applying, 212

pictures, adding, 204-205, 214

placeholders, 35

purposes in, 205

Quick Style, applying, 210

removing shapes from, 207

resizing, 208

reversing order of animation, 323

smart cut and paste, 43

snapping objects into grids and guides, 142

soft edges effect, 135

to pictures, 173

for SmartArt graphics, 212-213

solid fill background style, 107

sounds/audio, 158-159

action button to sound/audio, creating, 261

animation, adding to, 317


adding/removing, 195

trigger animation, 324

Clip Organizer sound/audio, inserting, 190-191

compressing, 201

editing, 192-193

file, inserting sounds/audio from, 190-191

hyperlink, adding sound/audio to, 261

inserting, 190-191

playing sounds/audio, 196, 198-199

options for, 197

Provide feedback with sound, 389

recording sounds/audio, 200

supported file formats, 190

for transitions, 314-315

trim, 192

voice narration, 200, 328-329

source file object, defined, 247

source program, defined, 247


line spacing, 58

text columns, 72

spam, 372

speaker notes, 277. See also slide shows

exporting to Microsoft word, 297

formatting, 283

headers and footers, adding, 284

Normal view, entering notes in, 282

in Presenter view, 345

special characters, inserting, 69

speed of transition, setting, 315

spell-checking. See also foreign languages

all-at-once spell-checking, 288

as-you-type, 289

contextual spelling, 285

custom dictionaries, using, 290-291

exclusion dictionaries, 290-291

foreign language words, 289

options, changing, 285

splitters, 15

splitting cells in tables, 241

spyware, 372

squares, drawing, 112


changing stacking order, 149

characters, 61

standard modules in VBA, 405

standard tabs on Ribbon, 4


Groove, 466

PowerPoint, 2

slide shows, 338-339

Start menu, 2

Groove, starting, 466

SharePoint Workspace, 466

statistics of document, 299

status bar, 3, 9

stop position for gradient fills, 133

strikethrough formatting, 62, 63

styles. See also background styles


format styles, applying, 68

galleries, 1

organization chart style, changing, 255

sub procedures in VBA, 405

subscript, 63

summary of document, 299

superscript, 63

for ordinals, 66-67

surface for 3D effects, 139

SWF format, 190


views, 16

windows, 14

Symantec, 373

Symbol dialog box, 69

symbols, 69

synonyms, finding, 293

syntax for VBA code, 404


Tab key

objects, selecting, 37, 152

tables, navigating, 238-239

Table button, 238

Table Effects button, 246

Table Effects gallery, 246

Table Quick Style gallery, 244-245


aligning text within, 241

backgrounds, adding, 245

bevel effect, adding, 246

borders, applying, 245

deleting columns and rows, 240

drawing, 238

effects, applying, 246

fills, adding, 245

formatting, 242-243

clearing, 244

height of row, adjusting, 241


columns and rows, 240

tables, 238-239

lines, adding/removing, 243

live preview

of effects, 246

of style, 244

margins of cells, changing, 240

merging cells in, 241

Microsoft Excel table, inserting, 239

outlines, applying, 245

pictures, adding, 243

placeholders, 35

Quick Style, adding, 244-245

resizing, 240

showing/hiding gridlines, 243

splitting cells in, 241

Tab key for navigating, 238-239


aligning text, 241

entering in, 239

textures in, 243, 245

ungrouping, 152

width of column, adjusting, 241

Table Size button, 240

tabs, 56-57

clearing tabs, 57

in dialog boxes, 8

distance between stops, changing, 57

on Ribbon, 4

setting tabs, 56

Tabs dialog box, 56

tags. See XML presentations

taskbar options, setting, 390

Task panes, 15

templates, 1, 79. See also charts

creating presentations with, 11?

Document Information Panel template, 422

existing design templates, changing, 109

macro-enabled design templates, 414

saving, 108-109

text. See also aligning text



color themes


dictating text

formatting text







alternative text, 300-301

columns, 72

copying, 42

customizing attributes, 393

date and time, inserting, 94

developing text, 38-39

dimming text after animation, 319

editing text, 42-43

entering text, 39-41

finding and replacing, 73

inserting text, 40

kerning, 60

modifying, 42

moving, 42

numbering on specific slides, inserting, 92

options for editing, setting, 43

organization chart, aligning text in, 255

in outlines, 38, 39, 52

placeholders, 40

resizing while typing, 48

ruler, showing/hiding, 54

selecting, 42

slide, entering text on, 39

SmartArt graphic, converting text to, 205

symbols, inserting, 69

3D rotation effects for, 141

typing, correcting while, 44-45


corrections, 46-47

options, 46-47

WordArt, text fills for, 186-187

wordiness of, 33

wrapping text, 71

text boxes, 8

in charts, 234

creating, 70

objects, 38

shapes, adding text to, 71

Text Effects gallery, 188

Text Import Wizard, 226

Text pane

drag-and-drop into, 205

red “x” in, 206

showing/hiding, 206

working with text in, 207

textures, 130-131

background style textures, creating, 106

in charts, 234

in tables, 243, 245

Tile picture as texture check box, 129

for WordArt, 186-187

Theme Colors button, 95

themes, 1, 79. See also background styles

color themes

applying, 96

create a new presentation, 95

custom themes, 102-103

effects, 101

fonts, 100, 101

other slides, applying to, 95

for photo albums, 166

saving template, 108

searching for, 96, 97

slides, applying to, 78

viewing, 96

effects, 101

fonts, 100

Thesaurus, 293

.thmx file format, 27

3D effects, 134. See also 3D rotation effects

custom effects, adding, 139

to pictures, 173

shapes, adding to, 138-141

3D rotation effects, 135

custom effects, adding, 141

to pictures, 173

shapes, adding to, 140-141

for SmartArt graphics, 212-213

to WordArt text, 188

3D view of charts, 235

32-bit version, 2

thumbnails of slides, 345

tick marks in charts, 221

TIFF format, 165

tiling gradient fills, 133

time. See date and time

Title bar, 3


chart title labels, 234

placeholders, 35, 88

text objects, 38

toolbars. See also Language bar

Quick Access Toolbar

choosing commands with, 6

Debug toolbar, 410

macros, adding, 413

for slide shows, 339

Total Row option, 242

transform effects for WordArt text, 188

Transition Quick Style gallery, 314

transitions, creating, 314-315

translating text, 294

MiniTranslator, 294-295


backgrounds for pictures, 179

for gradient fills, 133

for picture fills, 129

shadows, setting for, 136, 137

shape color fill with, 127

trendlines to charts, adding, 234

troubleshooting. See problems

TrueType fonts, 307

CDs, slide shows on, 348-349

kerning with, 60

in slide shows, 336

Trust Center, 372-373. See also privacy options

ActiveX security options, 379

Add-in security options, 378

File Block settings, 376-377

Macro security options, 380

Message Bar security options, 381

privacy options, 382

Protected view, 376-377

Trusted Documents, 376

Trusted Locations, 375

Trusted Publishers, 375

viewing, 374

trusted documents, 376

trusted lists, 375

trusted publishers/locations, 374, 375

TuCows, 373

turning on/off. See also showing/hiding

annotations in slide show, 343

AutoFit Options, 48

cell entries, automatic completion of, 223

grids and guides, 142

sound narration, 200

two shapes, connecting, 146

Type 1 PostScript font, 336


UNC (Uniform/Universal Naming Convention), 422


hyperlinks, 267

text, 62, 63

undoing, 46-47. See also text

Format Shape dialog box changes, 126, 128, 130

uninstalling Microsoft Office 2010, 30


Automatic Updates, 373

linked object, source of, 250

PowerPoint, 31

up/down arrows, 8

uppercase words, spell-checking, 285

URLs (uniform resource locators), 265

on Document Information Panel, 422

URN (Uniform Resource Name), 422

User-Initiated Safe mode, 384-385


VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), 271, 399. See also Visual Basic Editor

for ActiveX controls, 419

arguments, 404

class module, 405

event procedures, 405

function procedures in, 405

harmful attacks and, 372-373

methods, 404

modules in, 405

objects in, 404

procedures in, 405

projects, 405

standard modules, 405

structure of, 404

sub procedures in, 405

syntax for code, 404

working with, 404-405

writing code for, 404

vertex in freeform, modifying, 120-121

vertical alignment, 59

of WordArt text, 189

Vertical chart layout, 255

vertical ruler, showing, 390-391

video. See movies/videos

View buttons, 3

viewing. See also charts


add-ins, 400-401

clips online, 162

digital signatures, 369

disabled items, 385

document properties, 298

PowerPoint window, 3

presentation properties, 298-299

transitions, 315

Trust Center, 374

Visual Basic Editor, 406

XPS documents, 306, 370

views, 16-17. See also Normal view

Reading view

Slide Show view

Slide Sorter view


add-in security options, 378

antivirus software, 373

avoiding, 372-373

Visual Basic Editor, 405

macro problems, correcting, 410

viewing, 406

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). See VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

voice narration, 200, 328-329

volume, 196


washout, converting pictures to, 178

WAV format, 190

Web Apps. See Office Web Apps

Web Page Preview command, 260, 392

Web pages

addresses, understanding, 265

appearance, changing, 272

formats for, 27

full-screen mode, viewing in, 273

hyperlinks to, 263

individual slides, viewing, 273

opening, 272

previewing, 273

single file Web page, opening presentation as, 272

Web presentations, 257. See also hyperlinks

Web pages

action buttons

inserting, 258

sound, creating button to, 261

specific slide, creating buttons for, 259

animation, showing, 260

viewing, 273

navigation bar for, 260

Return action button, inserting, 259

single file Web page, opening, 272

square action buttons, creating, 259

web servers

Windows SharePoint Server, 446-447, 450-451, 452-453

Web site, inserting movie/videos from, 190-191

wide screen slide size, 278


chart column width, adjusting, 228

table column width, adjusting, 241


switching, arranging windows, 14

panes, 15

separate windows, 14

Windows Firewall, 373

Windows Live

adding files to, 438

broadcasting, presentation, 350-351

copying documents, 439

creating documents, 437

deleting documents, 439

downloading files, 440-441

embedding links, 444-445

moving documents, 439

opening documents, 428-429

renaming documents, 439

saving documents, 428-429

sending links, 444


browsing folders, 431-432

creating folders, 434

deleting folders, 435

renaming folders, 435

setting folder permissions, 436

Windows Live ID, 423-424, 426-427

, 427

Windows Mobile, 454

Windows Media Player, 158-159, 196

Windows Metafile (WMF), 165

compression with, 251

Windows SharePoint Server, 446-447, 450-451, 452-453

Windows custom dictionaries, 291

WMA format, 190

WMV format, 190

WordArt, 157

angle of text, adjusting, 184-185

different style to existing text, applying, 186

direction of text, changing, 189

editing text, 185

effects, applying, 188

formatting text, 186-187

for hyperlinks, 267

inserting WordArt text, 184

outlines to text, applying, 187

rotating text, 189

for text boxes, 70

WordArt Quick Style gallery, 125, 184

WordArt Styles group, 186

WordPerfect Graphics, 165

worksheets. See charts

wrapping text, 71


x-axis in charts. See charts

XML documents, 1

inspecting, 362-363

saving PowerPoint 2010 presentations, 24

XML presentations, 270

benefits of XML, 270

Microsoft Office support, 270

opening, 270

opening, macros with, 415

saving, 271

schemas, 270

sharing XML data, 270

transforms, 270

well-formed data, 270

XPS documents, 1, 27

creating, 26, 306

e-mail attachments, 370


y-axis in charts. See charts

You Tube, 190-191


ZIP format, 270

zooming, 3

on chart objects, 232

for freeforms, 121

presentation view, 19

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