
There are several people whose support was fundamental in making the idea for this book become a reality.

My first thought is for my colleague and friend Sergio Palazzo, who suggested the idea of writing a book on mobility modeling, and encouraged me to undertake it. Thanks Sergio—without you this book would simply not exist.

I would also like to thank those colleagues who shared with me the exciting task of studying the realm of mobility modeling over the years: Giovanni Resta, Dieter Mitsche, Alessandro Mei, Giacomo Morabito, Julinda Stefa, Luca Becchetti, Andrea Clementi, Francesco Pasquale, Riccardo Silvestri, and Christian Bettstetter. I am grateful also to Konstantinos Mammasis for carefully reading the text of Chapter 2 on radio channel models, and for providing Figure 2.2. Finally, I wish to thank Massimo Zedda and Aleph Srl for providing Figure 12.2, and Francesca Martelli for providing Figure 12.3.

My special thanks go to all the staff at John Wiley & Sons (Anna Smart, Tiina Rounamaa, and Susan Barclay) for their assistance, encouragement, and support during the proposal, writing, and production phase of the book.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my wife Elena for her constant support and encouragement during these months. Without her support, this book would have not been possible.

Paolo Santi

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