Table of Contents

Series Page

Title Page



List of Figures

List of Tables

About the Author



Book Overview

How To Use This Book


Part One: Introduction

Chapter 1: Next Generation Wireless Networks

1.1 WLAN and Mesh Networks

1.2 Ad Hoc Networks

1.3 Vehicular Networks

1.4 Wireless Sensor Networks

1.5 Opportunistic Networks


Chapter 2: Modeling Next Generation Wireless Networks

2.1 Radio Channel Models

2.2 The Communication Graph

2.3 The Energy Model


Chapter 3: Mobility Models for Next Generation Wireless Networks

3.1 Motivation

3.2 Cellular vs. Next Generation Wireless Network Mobility Models

3.3 A Taxonomy of Existing Mobility Models

3.4 Mobility Models and Real-World Traces: The CRAWDAD Resource

3.5 Basic Definitions


Part Two: “General-Purpose” Mobility Models

Chapter 4: Random Walk Models

4.1 Discrete Random Walks

4.2 Continuous Random Walks

4.3 Other Random Walk Models

4.4 Theoretical Properties of Random Walk Models


Chapter 5: The Random Waypoint Model

5.1 The RWP Model

5.2 The Node Spatial Distribution of the RWP Model

5.3 The Average Nodal Speed of the RWP Model

5.4 Variants of the RWP Model


Chapter 6: Group Mobility and Other Synthetic Mobility Models

6.1 The RPGM Model

6.2 Other Synthetic Mobility Models


Chapter 7: Random Trip Models

7.1 The Class of Random Trip Models

7.2 Stationarity of Random Trip Models

7.3 Examples of Random Trip Models


Part Three: Mobility Models for WLAN and Mesh Networks

Chapter 8: WLAN and Mesh Networks

8.1 WLAN and Mesh Networks: State of the Art

8.2 WLAN and Mesh Networks: User Scenarios

8.3 WLAN and Mesh Networks: Perspectives

8.4 Further Reading


Chapter 9: Real-World WLAN Mobility

9.1 Real-World WLAN Traces

9.2 Features of WLAN Mobility


Chapter 10: WLAN Mobility Models

10.1 The LH Mobility Model

10.2 The KKK Mobility Model

10.3 Final Considerations and Further Reading


Part Four: Mobility Models for Vehicular Networks

Chapter 11: Vehicular Networks

11.1 Vehicular Networks: State of the Art

11.2 Vehicular Networks: User Scenarios

11.3 Vehicular Networks: Perspectives

11.4 Further Reading


Chapter 12: Vehicular Networks: Macroscopic and Microscopic Mobility Models

12.1 Vehicular Mobility Models: The Macroscopic View

12.2 Vehicular Mobility Models: The Microscopic View

12.3 Further Reading


Chapter 13: Microscopic Vehicular Mobility Models

13.1 Simple Microscopic Mobility Models

13.2 The SUMO Mobility Model

13.3 Integrating Vehicular Mobility and Wireless Network Simulation


Part Five: Mobility Models for Wireless Sensor Networks

Chapter 14: Wireless Sensor Networks

14.1 Wireless Sensor Networks: State of the Art

14.2 Wireless Sensor Networks: User Scenarios

14.3 WSNs: Perspectives

14.4 Further Reading


Chapter 15: Wireless Sensor Networks: Passive Mobility Models

15.1 Passive Mobility in WSNs

15.2 Mobility Models for Wildlife Tracking Applications

15.3 Modeling Movement Caused by External Forces


Chapter 16: Wireless Sensor Networks: Active Mobility Models

16.1 Active Mobility of Sensor Nodes

16.2 Active Mobility of Sink Nodes


Part Six: Mobility Models for Opportunistic Networks

Chapter 17: Opportunistic Networks

17.1 Opportunistic Networks: State of the Art

17.2 Opportunistic Networks: User Scenarios

17.3 Opportunistic Networks: Perspectives

17.4 Further Reading


Chapter 18: Routing in Opportunistic Networks

18.1 Mobility-Assisted Routing in Opportunistic Networks

18.2 Opportunistic Network Mobility Metrics


Chapter 19: Mobile Social Network Analysis

19.1 The Social Network Graph

19.2 Centrality and Clustering Metrics

19.3 Characterizations of Human Mobility

19.4 Further Reading


Chapter 20: Social-Based Mobility Models

20.1 The Weighted Random Waypoint Mobility Model

20.2 The Time-Variant Community Mobility Model

20.3 The Community-Based Mobility Model

20.4 The SWIM Mobility Model

20.5 The Self-Similar Least Action Walk Model

20.6 The Home-MEG Model

20.7 Further Reading


Part Seven: Case Studies

Chapter 21: Random Waypoint Model and Wireless Network Simulation

21.1 RWP Model and Simulation Accuracy

21.2 Removing the Border Effect

21.3 Removing Speed Decay

21.4 The RWP Model and “Perfect Simulation”


Chapter 22: Mobility Modeling and Opportunistic Network Performance Analysis

22.1 Unicast in Opportunistic Networks

22.2 Broadcast in Opportunistic Networks


Appendix A: Elements of Probability Theory

A.1 Basic Notions of Probability Theory

A.2 Probability Distributions

A.3 Markov Chains


Appendix B: Elements of Graph Theory, Asymptotic Notation, and Miscellaneous Notions

B.1 Asymptotic Notation

B.2 Elements of Graph Theory

B.3 Miscellaneous Notions



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