Characteristics of documents

Before we go into detail about how we must model documents, we need a better understanding of some of its characteristics. These characteristics can determine your decision about how the document must be modeled.

The document size

We must keep in mind that the maximum length for a BSON document is 16 MB. According to BSON specifications, this length is ideal for data transfers through the Web and to avoid the excessive use of RAM. But this is only a recommendation. Nowadays, a document can exceed the 16 MB length by using GridFS.


GridFS allows us to store documents in MongoDB that are larger than the BSON maximum size, by dividing it into parts, or chunks. Each chunk is a new document with 255 K of size.

Names and values for a field in a document

There are a few things that you must know about names and values for fields in a document. First of all, any field's name in a document is a string. As usual, we have some restrictions on field names. They are:

  • The _id field is reserved for a primary key
  • You cannot start the name using the character $
  • The name cannot have a null character, or (.)

Additionally, documents that have indexed fields must respect the size limit for an indexed field. The values cannot exceed the maximum size of 1,024 bytes.

The document primary key

As seen in the preceding section, the _id field is reserved for the primary key. By default, this field must be the first one in the document, even when, during an insertion, it is not the first field to be inserted. In these cases, MongoDB moves it to the first position. Also, by definition, it is in this field that a unique index will be created.

The _id field can have any value that is a BSON type, except the array. Moreover, if a document is created without an indication of the _id field, MongoDB will automatically create an _id field of the ObjectId type. However, this is not the only option. You can use any value you want to identify your document as long as it is unique. There is another option, that is, generating an auto-incremental value based on a support collection or on an optimistic loop.

Support collections

In this method, we use a separate collection that will keep the last used value in the sequence. To increment the sequence, first we should query the last used value. After this, we can use the operator $inc to increment the value.


There is a collection called system.js that can keep the JavaScript code in order to reuse it. Be careful not to include application logic in this collection.

Let's see an example for this method:

      _id: "userid",
      seq: 0

function getNextSequence(name) {
   var ret = db.counters.findAndModify(
            query: { _id: name },
            update: { $inc: { seq: 1 } },
            new: true
   return ret.seq;

     _id: getNextSequence("userid"),
     name: "Sarah C."

The optimistic loop

The generation of the _id field by an optimistic loop is done by incrementing each iteration and, after that, attempting to insert it in a new document:

function insertDocument(doc, targetCollection) {
    while (1) {
        var cursor = targetCollection.find( {}, { _id: 1 } ).sort( { _id: -1 } ).limit(1);
        var seq = cursor.hasNext() ? + 1 : 1;
        doc._id = seq;
        var results = targetCollection.insert(doc);
        if( results.hasWriteError() ) {
            if( results.writeError.code == 11000 /* dup key */ )
                print( "unexpected error inserting data: " + tojson( results ) );

In this function, the iteration does the following:

  1. Searches in targetCollection for the maximum value for _id.
  2. Settles the next value for _id.
  3. Sets the value on the document to be inserted.
  4. Inserts the document.
  5. In the case of errors due to duplicated _id fields, the loop repeats itself, or else the iteration ends.


The points demonstrated here are the basics to understanding all the possibilities and approaches that this tool can offer. But, although we can use auto-incrementing fields for MongoDB, we must avoid using them because this tool does not scale for a huge data mass.

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