Adding links to Wikipedia


Wikipedia easy links

Module type



Valery Fremaux




No issues raised


Support for English, French, Spanish but should work in any language




Online documentation and readme.txt file



This is a very useful filter that allows teachers to mark words to form links that direct students to entries in Wikipedia.

Getting ready

Download and install the directory named wikipediacalls into the /moodle/filter/ directory. Enable the filter at Site Administration | Modules | Filters | Manage filters.

How to do it...

The filter can be used to create links to Wikipedia entries around a course site, including text inside labels, web pages, forum posts, assignment descriptions, and so on.

When entering text in a Moodle editor, the Wikipedia filter code can be placed immediately after the target word in [square brackets]. Do not put spaces between the word and the brackets.

How to do it...

The most basic filter code is an upper case [WP] after the word you want linked. The word will then be passed as a search term to Wikipedia.

How to do it...

Two additional optional codes can be added to the WP code. If the desired search term differs from the word being linked, the desired search term(s) can be provided as a second code, separated from the WP code with a vertical bar |. This | symbol is accessible on a keyboard, usually by holding Shift and pressing the backslash key. Multiple search terms can be used in this second code, separated by spaces or underscore _ characters. The desired language for the target Wikipedia entry can be suggested as a third code, again following a vertical bar |. Language codes are two letter abbreviations, for example en, es, nl, ru, and so on.

If you would like to form the link around more than one word on a Moodle page, you can use an underscore character between words, for instance Turing_Test[WP].

How it works...

With the Wikipedia filter on, words followed by [WP] codes are rendered as links:

How it works...

Target words are turned into links to Wikipedia entries. Clicking on a link conveniently opens Wikipedia in a new tab or browser window.

There's more...

Here are some ideas for how you could employ the Wikipedia filter in teaching:

  • Directing students to specific Wikipedia entries related to current course topics
  • The Wikipedia game: give students a starting point and challenge them to get to another article, distantly related, by clicking only links in Wikipedia entries. The winner can be the fastest or the student who uses the fewest links.
  • Link to the Wikipedia main page, current news, featured articles or historical dates.
There's more...

See also

  • Wikipedia block
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