
I would like to thank all the team members at Packt Publishing Ltd. who worked with me as an incredibly helpful team, Joanne Fitzpatrick who trusted me to update this book—we worked together so that the idea came into this book—Angel Jathanna who was very patient and helpful with time management, and Amey Varangaonkar who also was an important part of this project.

I want to thank the reviewers of this book who helped with their comments: Aparup Banerjee, Nicolas Dunand, Valery Fremaux, and Rajesh Taneja, they were really helpful.

I also want to thank the technical editors who worked with me in the editing process of the book: Manan Badani, Pankaj Kadam, Pramod Kumavat, Krutika Parab, and Hardik B. Soni.

I owe tremendous thanks to my wonderful nine-year-old son, Nico, who despite his age was very patient and supportive in the writing process of the book. He was on some occasions forced to play and study alone while I concentrated on my writing.

My parents, Susana and Jose (who is also a writer), who always stand by me and support my decisions. My brother, Gastón C. Hillar, who helps me whenever I need him, as usual. My little four-year-old nephew Kevin, my newly born nephew Brandon, and my sister-in-law, Vanesa S. Olsen, with whom we spend time working and exploring Moodle, as well as many other resources.

I would also like to thank all my students, either real or virtual, who make it possible for me to be a teacher.

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