
I am indebted to all the people who have assisted and supported me in writing and publishing this book, one way or another. Along the way I have been able to further develop myself as a researcher, as a lecturer, as a translator and as an information professional, but above all, as a person. This personal development will be part of me throughout the rest my life and undoubtedly help me in my continuous learning process, which I expect to share with many others. Long live lifelong learning!

I would like to start thanking Dr Glyn Jones, George Knott and Harriet Clayton for their trust, time and help throughout the editorial process of publishing this book.

Special thanks go to Dora and Fede, who have always believed in me and from whom I have learned so much. Thank you for your priceless encouragement and kind friendship.

I am truly grateful to all my colleagues in academia from the Translation and Communication Department at Universitat Jaume I for their day-to-day support and advice. Special thanks in this sense go to those with whom I have shared lots of special moments and with whom I have learned so many things: Dr Dora Sales and Dr Enriqueta Planelles, from the Information Science area, and my fellow colleagues of the TRAMA research group: Prof Frederic Chaume, Dr Beatriz Cerezo, Dr Irene de Higes, Dr José Luis Martí, Dr Juanjo Martínez Sierra, Anna Marzà, Dr Ana Prats, Ana Tamayo and Glòria Torralba.

I cannot forget to express my gratitude to Prof Heather Fulford for her mentoring, advice and support during my early years in academia at Loughborough University; to my colleagues at the Business School such as Prof Malcom King, Prof John Wilson or Dr Dave Coates; as well as to my former colleagues and friends at Loughborough University, in particular Dr Arvind Yadav, Dr Matoula Papaioannou, Dr José Alberto Hernández, Dr Emmanuel Touloupis, Dr Christian Tuch, Dr Nacho Rendo, and Dr John Whitley.

I am particularly grateful to all the translators who shared their experiences with me at some point and provided their kind feedback as informants. Also to my students over these years, with whom I have shared many discussions and initiatives aimed at innovating in education. They have fed my hunger to learn more about didactics and keep developing myself as a lecturer.

Thank you to those institutions that have supported my research, such as the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC), Loughborough University, and Universitat Jaume I.

Finally, I want to thank my family and friends for their immense encouragement and faith in me. In particular, to my wife Deb for her unconditional support and endless patience; to my older daughter, Noelia Judit, for being the light and joy of my life that is always there for me; and last but not least, to my soon to be second daughter, Marina Odet, for adding even more happiness to our busy lives and who might even share a birthday with this book. All of you fill my life with inspiration day after day. Thank you!

Ximo Granell

(Castellón de la Plana, 2014)

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