Chapter 6
User Interface Design

Qian Xu, Elon University

Key Terms

Above the Fold





Augmented Reality (AR)





Collaborative Filtering

Cosmetic Customization

Data Mining

Dropdown List

Dropdown Menu

Fat Footer



Functional Customization


Input Prompt


Media Stickiness


Motion Tracking Interface




Parallax Website


Primary Navigation

Radio Button

Responsive Web Design

Secondary Navigation

Tab Menu


Text Field


Touch Interface


User Interface (UI)

Voice Interface

Web User Interface (WUI)

A picture is worth a thousand words. An interface is worth a thousand pictures.

—Ben Shneiderman, computer scientist and expert on human-computer interaction (2003)

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

—Steve Jobs, cofounder and CEO of Apple Inc. (2003)

Chapter Highlights

This chapter examines:

  • Types of user interfaces in multimedia design
  • Commonly used navigational aids: menus, tabs, tools for managing hierarchy, and tools for organizing content
  • Tailoring interfaces to users’ needs and wants through customization and personalization
  • Five components of usability: learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction
  • The importance of accessibility and usability testing in interface design

User Interfaces

In the field of information technology, a user interface is any system that supports human-machine interaction (HMI) or human-computer interaction (HCI). This chapter adopts this broad definition of user interfaces to include almost all information devices a human being can interact with. An interface has both hardware and software components and exists in the forms of both input and output. The input component allows users to control the system, whereas the output component enables the system to show the results of user control.


Before we start to talk about different kinds of user interfaces, let’s clarify one concept that is critical to this discussion: interactivity. Interactivity is one of the defining characteristics of multimedia interfaces. In this book, we define interactivity as the reciprocal communication between the media and the users facilitated by various technology features; in other words, it’s the user and the media communicating with one another. As technologies advance, user interfaces are becoming more and more interactive.

Interactivity implies both interaction and activity. It offers users—including you—a new way to access and experience media content. It replaces the one-way flow of information, such as with old-style broadcast television, with two-way interaction between the media and its users. Instead of sitting on the couch and passively viewing a television program, we can now consume media in a more active manner.

By incorporating interactivity, we give users a chance to choose what they need and want. They have the power to decide when, how much, and in which format the information will be displayed. The ability to control media content essentially makes users the source of information (see Figure 6.1). A user is said to have more agency when he or she can contribute to creating media content. This increased sense of agency can boost “media stickiness” and better engage users with the interface.

Types of User Interfaces

Figure 6.1 YouTube, the world’s largest distributer of video content, appeals to a new generation of “interactive and active” users who want to produce, as well as consume, media fare.

Figure 6.1 YouTube, the world’s largest distributer of video content, appeals to a new generation of “interactive and active” users who want to produce, as well as consume, media fare.

Source: Annette Shaff/

Early computers had few interactive features for users. As you learned in chapter 2, “The Computer,” users were faced with a nearly blank screen and could only interact with it by typing command lines with a keyboard. Command line interfaces (CLIs) require that the user have a lot of technological know-how. Eventually, developers came up with a more interactive solution: the graphical user interface (GUI). GUIs let users interact through graphic icons and visual aids, not just text.

Graphical User Interfaces

Graphical user interfaces usually include elements of windows, icons, menus, buttons, and scrolling bars. Multimedia components, such as motion, video, audio, and virtual reality features, have gradually become part of graphical user interfaces. Web user interfaces (WUIs), which accept input and generate output in the form of web pages, are probably the most widely used graphical user interfaces. Web user interfaces use Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), scripting, programming, and applications such as Flash to enhance user interaction. These topics are covered next in chapter 7, “Web Design.” You’re probably also used to graphical user interfaces for computer applications (for word processing and so on), computer games, and cell phones. But GUIs are all around you elsewhere, too: DVD menus, the screens of automated teller machines (ATMs), supermarket checkout kiosks—you name it. Some of these interfaces invite you to interact through pressing physical buttons. In contrast, many newer user interfaces give you more freedom by allowing you to interact by directly touching the screen or simply moving your body.

Tech Talk

UX Designer and UI Designer There are different jobs associated with designing an interactive interface, such as UX (user experience) designer and UI (user interface) designer. These two titles are related yet different from each other. The imprecise use of them often leads to problems for professionals. To understand the difference between the two terms, let’s first talk about the difference between UX and UI.

UI focuses on the elements of the interface that users interact with, such as the physical and technical features, as well as visual components. It has nothing to do with how users feel about the interface. UX is all about the overall experience a user has with the interface. It is an umbrella term that includes UI. Imagine that you are having cereal for breakfast. The spoon and bowl represent the UI, whereas using the spoon and bowl to consume the cereal, in other words, your overall experience with this breakfast, represents the UX.

Following this distinction, UI designers deal with how different tools are employed and visualized on an interface. They are in charge of creating icons, buttons, links, colors, and other technical features. In contrast, UX designers are concerned with the overall feel of the interface from a user perspective. They would adopt various methods and approaches to ensure a successful user experience, including user research, usability testing, information architecture, prototyping, interaction design, visual design, experiences and content strategies, and so forth.

In smaller companies and departments, the roles of UI designer and UX designer are sometimes combined into a single position due to budget and staffing constraints. Increasingly, however, larger firms are differentiating between the two roles and the unique skills sets each one represents.

Sample UI Designer Job Post

Primary roles and responsibilities:

  • Define the visual interface design for website, mobile, and tablets.
  • Work closely with a cross-functional team to assess product requirements and create screen designs that promote ease of use and a positive user experience.
  • Demonstrate a depth of experience with emphasis on user interface design for digital applications, including complex data-driven websites and multi-screen applications.
  • Leverage a sense for visual design, interaction design, usability, typography, and color.
  • Demonstrate a passion for user-centered design.
  • Assist with the development of a user interface design style guide that incorporates the visual design elements used across product user interfaces; assist with developing a visual design library for common user interface elements, including buttons and icons; and conceive, document, and evangelize user interface guidelines and standards.

Sample UX Designer Job Post

Primary roles and responsibilities:

  • Create the vision for developing, communicating, and implementing the user experience and associated UI framework and assets for Responsive Path deliveries on Web, mobile, and social channels.
  • Produce detailed user flows, wireframes, prototypes, and user interface specification.
  • Perform metrics analysis to inform design/UX optimization efforts; apply a data-driven approach to all design activities.
  • Lead user experience research and testing processes.
  • Drive the development and communication of design and experience guidelines.
  • Work directly with clients to develop a shared vision of the end product.
  • Work directly with the engineering team to align with platform best practices and implementation details.
  • Work in an agile, rapid development and prototyping environment where effective communication is paramount.

Source: Craigslist/Los Angeles.

Touch Interfaces

Touch interfaces use touch screens as combined input and output devices. They let users directly interact with what is displayed on screen by using one or more fingers. Touch interfaces can also sense passive objects other than fingers, such as a stylus. The second screen on the lower panel of Nintendo DS is a single-touch interface (see Figure 6.2). You can control the game by directly using a finger or a stylus. The check-in kiosks at the airport and the checkout kiosks in grocery stores are also examples of single-touch interfaces. Apple devices such as iPad, iPhone, and iPod further enhance the intuitiveness and efficiency of touch interfaces by supporting multi-touch, the ability to simultaneously detect and accept two or more touch points (see Figure 6.3).

Voice Interfaces

Unlike the other interfaces that require users to adapt to artificial tools, voice interfaces allow you to use probably the most natural input method—voice/speech—to interact with digital devices. The rise of voice interfaces relies on the technology progresses in machine learning of natural language and statistical data-mining techniques. With this hands-free and eyes-free interface, you are able to make commands to initiate automated services. The growing popularity of mobile devices has contributed to the pervasiveness of this interface. The most prominent example of a mobile voice interface is Siri on iOS for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Figure 6.2 The Nintendo 3DS, released in 2011, features a single-touch interface that users can control using a finger or stylus.

Figure 6.2 The Nintendo 3DS, released in 2011, features a single-touch interface that users can control using a finger or stylus.

Source: Barone Firenze/

Figure 6.3 The Apple iPad features a multi-touch interface that can respond to multiple touch points and gestures simultaneously.

Figure 6.3 The Apple iPad features a multi-touch interface that can respond to multiple touch points and gestures simultaneously.

You can ask questions and make commands by talking to Siri the way you talk in everyday life. Following the commands, Siri figures out what applications to use and finds answers through search engines and online databases. Non-iOS smart-phones also have similar voice-activated personal assistants. For example, Google Now is available for Android Phones whereas users of Windows Phone have Cortana to find answers, make dictations, and perform other actions by using natural language (see Figure 6.4).

Figure 6.4 Left: Siri is Apple’s voice-activated user interface. Right: Cortana is the voice-activated personal assistant for the Windows Phone OS. Both Cortana and Siri respond to voice commands for calling, texting, directions, scheduling, dictation, application prompts, and much more.

Figure 6.4 Left: Siri is Apple’s voice-activated user interface. Right: Cortana is the voice-activated personal assistant for the Windows Phone OS. Both Cortana and Siri respond to voice commands for calling, texting, directions, scheduling, dictation, application prompts, and much more.

Tech Talk

Motion Tracking Interfaces Motion tracking interfaces are natural graphical user interfaces that directly monitor and respond to users’ body movements. The wire less controller on a Wii system, the video game console released by Nintendo in 2006, can detect human movements in three dimensions with built-in accelerometers and infrared detection. It allows users to control the game using physical gestures and traditional buttons. The motion controller gives users haptic (tactile) feedback, applying forces, vibrations, and sound for each gesture. Kinect, an input device for Xbox 360 released in 2010, offers users an even more natural experience. It is a horizontal sensor bar that captures full-body 3D motions and recognizes facial expressions and voices. It directly responds to gestures, spoken commands, and presented objects and thereby gives users a more vivid gaming experience (see Figure 6.5 and Figure 6.6).

Figure 6.5 The Wii wireless controller (top) senses movement in three dimensions and provides haptic feedback to users as they interact with the game. Below, an attendee uses body movements to interact with a Kinect gaming system at an industry trade show.

Figure 6.5 The Wii wireless controller (top) senses movement in three dimensions and provides haptic feedback to users as they interact with the game. Below, an attendee uses body movements to interact with a Kinect gaming system at an industry trade show.

Source: pcruciatti/ (bottom).

Figure 6.6 A teenager plays a video game with a wireless wheel remote.

Figure 6.6 A teenager plays a video game with a wireless wheel remote.

Augmented Reality (AR)

In the last decade, the field of augmented reality has received more and more attention from interface designers. As a result, a variety of innovative applications and devices have been developed to demonstrate the robustness of this technology. Augmented reality is about superimposing the computer-generated text, graphics, audio, GPS (Global Positioning System) data, and other sensory elements atop your view of the real-world environment in real time. Different from virtual reality that entirely replaces the real world with a simulated one, augmented reality is more of a mediated reality. In other words, it provides a modified view of reality with the aim to enhance your perception of the real world.

Figure 6.7 Google Glass is a wearable technology that allows users to take pictures and interact with mobile/web services using a tiny near-field monitor and touch interface.

Figure 6.7 Google Glass is a wearable technology that allows users to take pictures and interact with mobile/web services using a tiny near-field monitor and touch interface.

Source: Giuseppe Costantino/

One of the wearable devices that enable you to experience augmented reality is Google Glass (see Figure 6.7). It is composed of three parts: the touch pad on the side that allows you to control the device by swiping, the camera that can take photos and record videos, and the visual display that shows information in front of your eyes. The digital data shown on the small display is the augmented information overlaying what you actually see through your eyes. Aside from experiencing augmented reality through a wearable headset, you may also enjoy it on a smartphone or a tablet via applications. For example, Häagen-Dazs launched an augmented reality iPhone app named the Concerto Timer in 2013. Once you launch the app and point the camera at the lid of any Häagen-Dazs carton, you will see a miniature symphony on the lid via your smartphone (see Figure 6.8). The idea behind this augmented reality experience is to allow the carton to soften perfectly before you eat the ice cream.

Figure 6.8 Häagen-Dazs Concerto Timer provides a unique augmented reality experience to help its customers soften the ice cream within a set time.

Figure 6.8 Häagen-Dazs Concerto Timer provides a unique augmented reality experience to help its customers soften the ice cream within a set time.

Tech Talk

Emerging Technology

Baidu Eye Baidu Eye, the Google Glass rival from China, is yet another example of an augmented reality headset (see Figure 6.9). This working prototype made its first debut as a wearable technology device at the Baidu World Conference in Beijing in September 2014. This wraparound headset has an earpiece on the left arm and a camera on the right arm. It can take photos, recognize objects, and analyze information in the surrounding environment, as well as accept voice and gesture commands, such as circling an object with a finger to select. Unlike Google Glass, it does not feature any visual display on the wearable part. Images and other visual components generated by the augmented camera on Baidu Eye are sent to smartphones via apps to reduce the stress on eyes.

Figure 6.9 Baidu Eye is an augmented reality wearable technology device developed by, the largest search engine in China.

Figure 6.9 Baidu Eye is an augmented reality wearable technology device developed by, the largest search engine in China.


UI Components and Features

Having refreshed our memory of interface types, let’s look at a few indispensable components that create an interactive user interface—specifically for those used for navigation and forms. And let’s look at tailoring features, too. Although you’ll see and read about many web-based examples in this book, you can apply the same functions and mechanisms covered here to other types of user interfaces, such as those used in mobile apps or gaming systems.


Good navigation is essential; its importance can’t be overstated. In multimedia design, we often create complex products, more than we could put on a single web page or screen at one time. Navigation provides structure and organization. It helps manage information. More importantly, it guides users through the interface so they know what information is available, where they are, where they have been, and where they can go next. The most user-friendly navigation is the one that doesn’t surprise users and allows them to apply what they’ve already learned.

Primary Navigation

For simple sites containing a relatively small number of pages, content categories, or informational subsections, a single navigation structure (i.e., primary navigation) will often suffice. Primary navigation organizes the content that users are most interested in by major topical headings or labels (e.g., Home, About Us, Products, Contact Us, etc.). Primary navigation is usually placed in the most visible place above the fold, such as the top of the interface below the header and the logo. The primary navigation system or nav bar component can be laid out either horizontally or vertically. The most commonly used primary navigation element is a menu.

Secondary Navigation

For complex interfaces with rich information, a single primary navigation component might not be enough to organize all the content on a page or site. For such cases, it is common for the user interface designer (or UI designer) to adopt secondary navigation to assist with the hierarchy of the content. Secondary navigation organizes the content that is less often visited by users. You can find it almost everywhere on an interface. The appearance of secondary navigation, including color, font, and size, should be different from primary navigation. Examples of secondary navigation include tabs, footers, and breadcrumbs.

Based on functional differences, Anders Toxboe, a Danish web developer, grouped navigational features into several categories. In user interfaces, we most commonly find those features that 1) classify categories and create sections, such as menus and tabs; 2) manage the hierarchy, helping users move within the structure of an interface, such as home links, breadcrumbs, and footers; and 3) organize content, such as thumbnails, carousels, pagination, archives, and tag clouds.


Menus are the most common navigational tool used in graphical user interfaces. Space on an interface is limited—too limited to present all your content. Menus can solve the problem, letting you create links to sections with different kinds of content. Unlike links buried in text, menus present links in consistent, easy-to-find locations. If you are building a website or application with only a handful of sections and little functionality, you might create a simple menu with a single row or column of buttons or links. But more interactive menus—vertical dropdowns, horizontal drop-downs, and accordions—can solve more complex organizational problems and give your users a more interactive experience. For web pages, you can create these types of menus using HTML and CSS alone, or you can create them using features in your web design software, such as the Spry Framework in Dreamweaver. Whatever technique you use, be sure to check your menus and other features for accessibility (see the section “Making Interfaces Accessible” at the end of this chapter).

Vertical Dropdown Menus

A vertical dropdown menu shows up initially as a horizontal row of main sections (see Figure 6.10, A). But users can then access subsections from a list that drops down just below that main item. Sometimes the user has to click on the main section listing to get to the submenu, as often is the case with the main menus for computer applications; other times, the user only has to hover over (move a cursor over). When a user moves the cursor away from the submenu, or clicks somewhere else on the screen, the dropdown menu goes away.

If you choose to use a dropdown menu (either type), limit your subsections to no more than two layers: users have trouble keeping the cursor within complex dropdown menus. If you use the hover feature to display subsections, build in some delay between when the user moves the cursor away and when the dropdown disappears. By doing so, you can avoid the awkward situation where a user accidentally moves the mouse and needs to go through the main section again to initiate the dropdown list.

Horizontal Dropdown Menus

Horizontal dropdown menus work much the same way as vertical dropdown menus. However, the main sections are listed vertically, and the subsections appear to the right side of the selected section (see Figure 6.10, C). Again, limit your menu to no more than two layers. Also, don’t provide too many sections in the vertical list. If there are too many sections, users have to scroll up and down to see the complete list of sections, which makes using the interface more complicated.


Accordions are a special form of menu with a vertically or horizontally stacked list of sections (see Figure 6.11). Each section has a headline and a panel associated with it (sometimes with links, sometimes with other information). When a user clicks a headline, the section expands to show a panel with more detailed related information. At the same time, the other sections collapse, hiding the other panels. By showing all section headlines but revealing only one panel at a time, accordions can give users easy access to other sections without causing information overload. If you use a vertical accordion, limit the number of sections so users don’t have to scroll up and down to see the complete list of sections.


Designers use tabs when an interface needs to provide access to different content modules or sections. This technique is similar to labeling folders and organizing them in a file cabinet. Tabs provide an easy way to show a large amount of information by category. When a user switches between tabs on the same web page, the web page usually will not refresh.

Tabs are appropriate when users don’t have to see information in different tabs at the same time: switching back and forth between tabs can create an extra cognitive burden to users’ short-term memory and subsequently affect their information

Figure 6.10 Dropdown menus come in many shapes and sizes. A) A vertical dropdown menu offers simple linear navigation. B) A two-dimensional dropdown panel categorizes navigation options under group headings. C) A horizontal dropdown menu system branches off the main vertical dropdown menu to provide access to additional submenus.

Figure 6.10 Dropdown menus come in many shapes and sizes. A) A vertical dropdown menu offers simple linear navigation. B) A two-dimensional dropdown panel categorizes navigation options under group headings. C) A horizontal dropdown menu system branches off the main vertical dropdown menu to provide access to additional submenus.

Figure 6.11 This horizontal accordion component expands to reveal the contents of the section whenever the user clicks on one of the six menu options.

Figure 6.11 This horizontal accordion component expands to reveal the contents of the section whenever the user clicks on one of the six menu options.

processing. Organize the content for each tab similarly so users don’t have to change mental models when they process content in different tabs. Since the width of the web page or the screen is usually predetermined, create only a limited number of tabs. Also, keep tab labels (the name affixed to the tab) relatively short.

Figure 6.12 This website for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration employs a well-designed tabbed interface for primary navigation.

Figure 6.12 This website for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration employs a well-designed tabbed interface for primary navigation.

When designing tabs, it is important to avoid having more than one row of categories. People have limited spatial memory; they don’t easily remember which tabs they have already visited. Users can become frustrated if they have to take extra time to track previous actions. In addition, always use a visual cue to distinguish the currently viewed tab (the one the user is viewing) from all the other tabs. For instance, you can make it a different color or increase its size. If you are going to dim the color of the other tabs to highlight the currently viewed tab, make sure the unviewed tabs are still readable so users can see their other options (see Figure 6.12).

Managing the Hierarchy

In addition to classifying categories and creating sections, an interface needs to structure information in a logical hierarchy to make it easier for users to go from one place to another. It’s a bit like building a road with many intersections. At each intersection, you need to provide direction signs so people know where they are and where to go.

Home Links

No matter where users are, they always need to have the option to easily go back home, back to the starting location in the interface. It might be a link embedded in a website logo that brings users back to the homepage, or a main menu option in a video game, or a home button on a mobile device bringing users to the starting screen. Whatever it is, always place the home link in the same location across different sections of an interface to let users find it easily.


Breadcrumbs are another such feature that can prevent users from getting lost in an interface. The term breadcrumbs is from the Brothers Grimm’s fairytale Hansel andGretel. In the tale, two little children dropped breadcrumbs to form a trail to find their way back home. Putting breadcrumbs in your interface gives users a way to track their paths and go back up to another level in the hierarchy (see Figure 6.13).

Figure 6.13 A breadcrumb element, such as the one pictured here, helps users keep track of their location within a multipage website.

Figure 6.13 A breadcrumb element, such as the one pictured here, helps users keep track of their location within a multipage website.


Breadcrumbs are usually used for complicated interfaces with hierarchically arranged layers. If an interface only has a single layer, you don’t need breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs on websites are typically right below the navigation menus in a horizontal line. They are often styled so they are plain and don’t take up too much space. As a result, they have little impact on users’ processing of interface content. Breadcrumbs can also be a good way to invite first-time users to further explore the interface after viewing a landing page. Let’s imagine that a user searches for an AMD motherboard and lands on a product list page on He or she fails to find a satisfying product on this page. However, enticed by the breadcrumbs on the top of page, the user can navigate to a higher-level product page to see what other brands Newegg offers.

Even though breadcrumbs may effectively reduce the number of clicks a user needs to reach a higher structure on an interface, they should never replace tabs or menus. They are not a form of primary navigation. They are just a secondary navigation aid to help users establish where they are and to give them an alternative way to navigate the interface. Breadcrumbs should never be placed on the highest layer of an interface, such as a homepage or an introduction screen: after all, nothing is higher in the hierarchy.


You might have heard people say that all the important text and images should be placed “above the fold” so users don’t have to scroll down a page or a screen to get to it. Extending this concept, the bottom of a page or a screen usually becomes the part with the least important content. However, quite a lot of users do scroll down to the bottom, depending on the site. It’s time to reexamine this “forgotten” area and use it better.

In the footer of a website, you can add links to the frequently used sections of the site, RSS feeds, social media sites, recent updates, or sign-up forms for newsletters. Some interfaces even expand the size of the footer to add additional internal and external links. For example, the Library of Congress website has a fat footer that gives users more choices of things to do after browsing the page (see Figure 6.14). It inspires users to continue browsing. Rather than following the prescribed hierarchy of the interface, the user is given the option to visit related pages using redundant links embedded in the footer. The fat footer provides continuous access to shortcuts to highly used sections, as well as major functions that are important to users regardless of where they are in the site or application. Similar to bread-crumbs, footers should only be used for secondary navigation, never replacing tabs and menus.

Figure 6.14 Here, a fat footer located at the bottom of the page provides with additional internal and external links.

Figure 6.14 Here, a fat footer located at the bottom of the page provides with additional internal and external links.


Organizing Content

The content of a user interface includes text, images, and video/audio downloads, as well as other types of data. Let’s look at four popular methods of organizing content.

Great Ideas

Above the Fold Layout

Above the fold is a design principle that originated in the age of print media. Since most newspapers are delivered folded up, people may only see the top half of the front page. For this reason, layout editors place important news and engaging images on the upper half of a newspaper’s front page. User interface designers adopted the term above the fold (or above the scroll) to refer to the part of a web page or screen that is visible without scrolling. The “fold” (i.e., the point where users need to scroll) may vary depending on the resolution of a user’s monitor or screen. When the resolution is relatively low (such as 640 × 480), the fold is relatively high. In contrast, when the resolution is relatively high (such as 1280 × 1024), the fold extends much further.


A thumbnail is a reduced-size version of a larger image (see Figure 6.15). It can illustrate any visual item, such as a picture, a frame from a video clip, or a screenshot of a web page. If you have a lot of graphics for users to see at one time, thumbnails should be your choice. They give users an overview of all the visual content you want to present without requiring them to open all the files. This saves users download time and uses up less Internet bandwidth.

To make a thumbnail, you can create a mini version of the whole image. You can also crop part of the image, but you have to ensure that users can recognize the new partial image. In other words, it should also successfully convey the meaning you intend. For example, if you want to link to several great French chefs with thumb-nails, you would do better using their faces for the thumbnails than their hands. Although some thumbnail sizes are fairly common, you can adjust an image’s size to better fit your interface (see Table 6.1). You can even use an image that is partially transparent to give your thumbnails a unique appearance.


Figure 6.15 Image thumbnails serve as helpful visual links to specific content collections on the Library of Congress website. Notice also how they are perfectly aligned on the page.

Figure 6.15 Image thumbnails serve as helpful visual links to specific content collections on the Library of Congress website. Notice also how they are perfectly aligned on the page.


Another way to organize visual content on a user interface is a carousel. Carousels organize items on a horizontal line. Even though you might have many items, the carousel shows only a few of them, as thumbnails, at a time. An interface carousel is reminiscent of a carnival carousel with painted horses: as the carousel turns, you get a good look at a few of the horses in front of you, but you know there are more hidden to the left or right. If users want to see more, they click an arrow (left or right), move a slide bar below the images, click to the side of carousel indicators (the dots below some carousels), or mouse over the images. Apple uses cover flow carousels, which have 3D effects, in its Mac Finder window, iTunes, and other software, to display rotating thumbnail images for file collections such as photo and music libraries (see Figure 6.16, top). Netflix uses stacked carousels to organize movie and TV show selections thematically according to program genre (see Figure 6.16, bottom). Users can browse the various program offerings through touch gestures or by mousing over a revolving carousel of small icons. As you hover over an image or click, descriptive text related to the underlying show is revealed in an expanded window.

Table 6.1 Thumbnail Sizes

Width × Height (pixels) Description
48 × 48 Very Small
64 × 64 Small
96 × 96 Medium
128 × 128 Large
144 × 144 Extra Large
160 × 160 Super Large
192 × 192 Huge
Figure 6.16 Top: A carousel interface component is built into Apple OS X and can be used for browsing attached storage drives and specific file collections such as your iTunes music library or photo albums. Bottom: Netflix incorporates a multitiered carousel design to help uses quickly navigate through their offerings of television and movie content.

Figure 6.16 Top: A carousel interface component is built into Apple OS X and can be used for browsing attached storage drives and specific file collections such as your iTunes music library or photo albums. Bottom: Netflix incorporates a multitiered carousel design to help uses quickly navigate through their offerings of television and movie content.

Source: Top: Apple, Inc. Bottom:

By only showing a few items at once, carousels effectively direct users to concentrate on a limited number of things at one time. Compared to thumbnails, carousels may pique users’ curiosity and encourage them to explore more. Carousels are more effective when used for visual items, such as album and book covers, movie posters, paintings, and product images; they are not appropriate for text.


Figure 6.17 Adding pagination to the interface of a multipage or multiscreen site can help the user keep track of where they are on the site.

Figure 6.17 Adding pagination to the interface of a multipage or multiscreen site can help the user keep track of where they are on the site.

Source: Top:

You might use pagination if you have a large set of organized information, such as a long article, a batch of customer reviews, a list of blog entries, or a group of search results (see Figure 6.17). In these cases, you have to break the information down to be displayed on separate pages. Unlike the simple “previous” and “next” button, pagination gives users a brief idea about how much information to anticipate. It also allows users to easily navigate through the parts of a large body of information. Users don’t have to finish browsing all information provided by the interface. They can stop wherever they want and jump to other places. Do you want to find out how that feature story ends? Just jump to the last page.

Good pagination is easy to use. First, you need to provide big enough clickable areas to get to different pages and leave enough space between page links. Second, you need to identify the current page—using color or shape distinctions—and tell users where they are and where they can go. Finally, your pagination should let users know the amount of available information (number of pages). If you can, include both the first page link and the last page link. However, if it’s hard to include both links, you could add text indicating the total number of screens or pages, as the second example illustrates (see Figure 6.17, bottom).


Figure 6.18 Which interface would you rather work with, the one on top or the one on bottom? Navigating online databases and archives can be an arduous task. Providing a fun or visually interesting interface can make the process more enjoyable for users and keep them coming back to your site.

Figure 6.18 Which interface would you rather work with, the one on top or the one on bottom? Navigating online databases and archives can be an arduous task. Providing a fun or visually interesting interface can make the process more enjoyable for users and keep them coming back to your site.


Another way to deal with a large amount of information is to organize it chronologically using archives. Different from pagination, an archive is only appropriate for information that spans a rather long period of time and that users can logically browse chronologically, such as by date.’s Wayback Machine is an extreme example of archiving (see Figure 6.18). It does a great job of capturing and keeping the homepages of all kinds of websites on a daily basis. It organizes this information by year and month, using a blue circle to mark days when it recaptured a site. Most sites don’t archive this much information, so their designers don’t need to be as careful in planning their archive’s time intervals. For example, if a blog has around 8 posts per year, it’s inefficient to archive them by month. Another blog may have 300 posts per year. However, these posts may not be evenly distributed across months, with some months completely lacking posts. If this is the case, then the designer doesn’t even need to list those empty months in the archive.

Tech Talk

Parallax Scrolling One recent trend in web design is parallax scrolling. On a parallax website, the background of the site moves at a slower speed than the foreground elements on the page to create a faux 3D visual effect. The majority of parallax websites have only one single long page created by either JavaScript or CSS. Parallax web-sites provide great opportunities to encourage online story-telling by guiding you through the site in a linear manner. The scrolling feature provokes curiosity, which can motivate visitors to spend more time on the page (see Figure 6.19). However, parallax websites are not without limitations. The single long web page is not conducive to website SEO (search engine optimization). The large amount of visual and other multimedia information on this single page may cause longer loading time, which could frustrate users before they even start scrolling. In addition, it is harder to make parallax websites compatible with the responsive design for mobile devices. Designers would have to be very careful to avoid overdoing it to make the site too complicated. The website for the Seattle Space Needle serves as a good example of parallax scrolling ( Unlike most other parallax sites, it requires users to scroll up instead of scrolling down. This site juxtaposes clickable photos and text with scrolling to give you a unique browsing experience.

Figure 6.19 In this example of a parallax website, the background and foreground elements traverse at different speeds as the user scrolls vertically up or down the page. The mid-ground element (the human silhouette) is locked down, making it motionless during scrolling.

Figure 6.19 In this example of a parallax website, the background and foreground elements traverse at different speeds as the user scrolls vertically up or down the page. The mid-ground element (the human silhouette) is locked down, making it motionless during scrolling.



You probably use electronic forms frequently: shopping online, logging into a game system, registering software, downloading phone apps, and such. In essence, you enter information and get feedback. Maybe your information goes to another party— needs your order, payment information, and address. But some forms just give you feedback, such as an inch-to-centimeter conversion calculator. The bottom line to making your forms successful is keeping them short and intuitive. The less you ask people to fill in, and the easier you make the process, the more likely they will actually complete and submit the form. Also, the more you avoid asking for sensitive information or information they might not readily have on hand, the more complete forms you’ll get back.

Figure 6.20 A typical form can include components such as text fields, dropdown lists, radio buttons, and checkboxes for user input.

Figure 6.20 A typical form can include components such as text fields, dropdown lists, radio buttons, and checkboxes for user input.

When you create a form, you can give users preset options to choose from with checkboxes, radio buttons, and dropdown lists, or you can have them type content into text fields (see Figure 6.20). Here are a few options:

  • Checkboxes (small squares) let users select multiple options, even all of them, if they’d like (e.g., interests: reading, playing music, playing sports, cooking).
  • Radio buttons (small circles) let users choose among mutually exclusive options (e.g., yes or no; red, green, or orange).
  • Dropdown lists (text followed by a triangular down arrow) also let users choose among mutually exclusive options, but you can reasonably include more options in a dropdown list than with radio buttons (e.g., a list of states to let you identify the state you live in).

Figure 6.21 Input prompts provide a visual hint to users entering data into a form field.

Figure 6.21 Input prompts provide a visual hint to users entering data into a form field.

Text fields let users type in what they want. Human beings are cognitive misers. We try to fill out those online forms as quickly as possible. Sometimes, we might not even bother to read instructions or labels when filling out a form. You can help your users fill in the blanks with less effort in several ways: by using autofill, prompt prefills, and tabbing. You should already be familiar with autofill and autosuggestions: many email editors and search engines use them. For instance, as you enter the first few letters of a contact’s name or email address, some email editors use autofill and automatically fill in a complete address. As you type “multimedia” in’s search field, you get an autosuggested list below the search box: “multimedia audio controller,” “multimedia fusion 2,” “multimedia audio controller driver,” and more. And if you type two words, “multimedia website,” you get more detailed suggestions of “multimedia website template,” “multimedia website design,” and others. Autofill and autosuggestion work best for the most commonly searched terms. If you try to look for something less common or rarely used, the system probably will not be able to provide good suggestions.

How often do you read all the text on a form you complete? Input prompts prefill a text field with a prompt, telling you what to type. The website of EveryBlock New York City gives users a way to search for local news. The search fields are prefilled with an example—“e.g., 175 5th Ave., Manhattan, Williamsburg”—making the form field self-explanatory (see Figure 6.21). Without such input hints, users might quickly scan a site and miss or ignore the other hints below or next to text fields. But an input prompt that sits right where you start typing will grab your attention right away. Ideally, you should also use a script that clears the prompt text once your user starts to type. Also, if you design your forms so users can tab through them, they won’t have to reposition the cursor to get to each new field.


In the early days of computing, every visitor to a website received the same interface. Web pages looked the same regardless of who you were. Likewise, applications displayed the same screen no matter who the users were. Some sites and applications are still designed that way, but many interfaces now adapt to individual users, giving people tailored experiences. There are two types of tailoring: personalization, in which the system makes the changes, and customization, in which the user makes the changes.


When a computer system personalizes your interface, it’s using your previous actions (sometimes information you put in a profile) to predict your interests. In other words, it relies on your implicit interests rather than your explicitly expressed ones. For instance, might recommend Avatar based on the fact that you’ve rented other science fiction and fantasy movies. examines your profile and gives you relevant advertisements. Sometimes the process isn’t perfect.

Figure 6.22 With every search, acquires valuable information about the shopping and buying habits of its customers. Through collaborative filtering, this information is personalized and shared with other shoppers who are conducting a similar search.

Figure 6.22 With every search, acquires valuable information about the shopping and buying habits of its customers. Through collaborative filtering, this information is personalized and shared with other shoppers who are conducting a similar search.


A system needs data to make effective predictions and recommendations. It might ask you to submit a questionnaire—collecting demographic, lifestyle, and content preference information—when you register with a website or application. The system then applies rules and gives you a preset category of content that fits your profile. Another way it can collect that data is by data mining—such as with a website clickstream, or a record of your clicks—to anticipate what action you might take next. Both these approaches require you to log in to your own account. But it can collect data even if you don’t have an account. Using cookies saved on your hard drive, the system can identify you and your browser, then give you an individualized welcome message and recommendations. But if you use a friend’s computer or a public computer without first logging in to the site, you won’t get a truly personalized interface.

One of the best ways to personalize an interface is with collaborative filtering. Collaborative filtering technology examines both your profile and the action you’re taking, such as viewing a book on It then bases feedback on what similar people who took that same action did. The group of like-minded people you are being compared to constantly changes based on what you’re doing (see Figure 6.22).


Unlike personalization, customization allows users to deliberately tailor content, giving them agency. As a user, you can directly choose options or even create new content. As researcher Sampada Marathe explains, customization can be either cosmetic or functional.1 Cosmetic customization lets you control presentation, such as the background, color, font, layout, graphics, and your profile photo. For instance, with a Wii, you can create an avatar of yourself, selecting a gender, hair and skin color, facial features, name, and body type. At the “feature” level of its interface, Facebook lets you hide your friend Bob’s posts. As the name implies, functional customization lets you change the functionality of your interface. lets you add and remove applications on your page and even drag-and-drop to rearrange the order of applications. Along with changing the background color and theme, iPhone allows you to add and remove apps, as well as adjust the display order of these apps (see Figure 6.23). In Skype, you can create a specialized

Figure 6.23 Users can customize their iPhone interface 1) cosmetically by changing the theme and 2) functionally by adding or removing apps or changing settings.

Figure 6.23 Users can customize their iPhone interface 1) cosmetically by changing the theme and 2) functionally by adding or removing apps or changing settings.

ringtone for contacts in your address book. A ringtone might be a statement, such as “Mike is calling,” a song, or some other sound.

Sometimes personalization and customization work together in one interface. On, you can customize your own channel, changing its title, creating tags, changing the background theme and color, and adding and removing functional modules. At the same time, will also suggest videos you might be interested in based on what you recently viewed.


Have you ever used a website that isn’t well organized or is complex but doesn’t have a help menu? Perhaps you’ve used an online course management system that requires extra steps to upload an assignment, a word processor that loses a document because of one accidental click, a remote control with more buttons than you actually need, or a touch screen that does not respond quickly enough to the fine movement of your fingers. These are usability problems. Designers can identify many of these problems—and fix them—by focusing on usability during the design process: they apply usability methods, including usability testing, to make sure their products meet usability criteria. You may refer back to the discussion in chapter 3 of the process of design and user-centered design.

Usability is a measure of people’s experience with a user interface. We can apply the concept to anything a user uses, from software to hardware. Often, we apply it to user interfaces because they are what users interact with. Usability refers to the extent to which users can achieve their context-specific goals effectively, efficiently, and with satisfaction. Can users successfully achieve their goals? How much effort do they need to spend to complete a given task? And how much do they enjoy the experience? In other words, usability is about the user. It focuses on how to make the interface easier for people to use, rather than how to train people to better adapt to a poorly designed interface. It’s hard to change the habits of a large group of users, and if an interface is hard to use, many users will find an alternative product or website that’s easier to use. In the end, it’s easier—and more profitable—to make the interface more usable. Check for usability early and often! Jakob Nielsen identifies five essential criteria that make something usable: learnability, efficiency, memorability, error management, and satisfaction.2


Learnability is how fast a user can accomplish the basic tasks on an interface they have never used before. An interface will be easier to learn if its design taps into the core psychology of how we learn, and we learn well when something is familiar, general-izable, predictable, consistent, and simple. If the design of an interface is similar to ones users are familiar with, they will be able to navigate through it by generalizing what they’ve learned in the past. They will be able to predict what will happen when they click a certain button or figure out how to go back to the homepage. If you keep the design pattern of the interface consistent across different sections, users will be less confused and will need to adapt their behavior less. Learning is fast when there is not much to learn. Less complexity also can improve learnability.


Efficiency is how fast a user can perform tasks after learning how to use the interface. While learnability is about users’ initial interactions with the interface, efficiency is about the effort users expend during repeated visits. For example, two shopping websites can be equally learnable if their checkout buttons are well placed, making it easy for users to complete a purchase. But one may be more efficient than the other. One may require a single step for completing the purchase, while the other may take four steps and require users to fill in several forms. An efficient website can ultimately save users a lot of time, make them happy about their experience, and boost both ratings and repeat business.


If a user has used the interface before, can he or she still remember enough to use it effectively after being away from it for a while? This is the issue of memorability. It’s not surprising that users tend to forget how to use interfaces they only use occasionally. If they use several different systems at the same time, such as three different banking websites, they’ll have an even harder time. Relearning a system every time they come back takes extra time and effort, and some people may take their business elsewhere. Memorable feedback helps users, and familiar visual cues make an interface both more learnable and memorable.

Error Management

Although usability is primarily focused on eliminating design mistakes rather than blaming users, we realize people will click buttons we didn’t expect them to click and make other decisions we might think of as errors. A good interface: 1) reduces the number of errors users might make, 2) decreases the severity of each error, and 3) makes it easy for users to recover from errors. If possible, avoid creating situations in which users are likely to make mistakes. For example, if you expect users to look for content or a feature that’s on another page, add a link to it on the current page. And if a user submits a form with an empty required field, send the user back to the partially completed form—not an empty one—and point out what’s missing.


Satisfaction is about enjoyment. How pleasant is the user’s experience? How much do users like the interface, and how satisfied are they with it? We can learn about the other three elements of usability by watching users interact with the interface. Not so much with satisfaction: to understand satisfaction, we need to ask for users’ subjective feedback.

If you are designing something only you will use, you can do almost anything. But most interface design is a creative activity bounded by constraints: time, money, environment, and more. Usability is just another constraint, an essential one. Checking usability lets you explicitly identify users’ needs. You learn how people usually perform on interfaces similar to what you plan to design. It sheds light on real issues you need to consider and inspires ideas for improvement. Usability is never the enemy of creativity. You, as the designer, ultimately choose the details of your design. But usability principles and testing give you a way to ensure people will actually want to use your website, play your game, or visit your kiosk.

Usability Testing

If you want to ensure the usability of an interface, you need to conduct usability tests early on and again when you develop a working prototype. They are the best way to understand how users really experience your interface and where your design isn’t intuitive. If you’re faithfully following the design process we’ve discussed, you’ve already identified the target users of your interface and developed the prototypes mimicking the entire interface or the part of it you are interested in. Now recruit your test participants: several users or good user proxies. You can catch about 80% of the problems with your interface if you choose five to eight good users and design your test carefully. You can conduct usability tests in a lab or in a more natural setting, where the interface is supposed to be used.

There are several ways to conduct a usability test. Let’s look at two: 1) unobtrusive observation and 2) think-aloud protocols, also called obtrusive observation.

Whichever method you choose, avoid bias by using a script (such as the Test Facilitator’s Guide available on so each participant receives the same instructions when you explain tasks. Also, make participants comfortable with the process. People often have anxiety about testing, even when there’s no grade involved. Remember to explain that the interface is being tested, not them. Tell them that any problems they have are problems with the interface and that they are helping you when they find problems.

With each method, you usually give participants one or more tasks to complete. With the unobtrusive observation method, after you give participants the basic instructions, you observe what they do without talking to them. You can record how much time they need to finish a task, how many errors they encounter, whether they are confused by a certain function, as well as their physical and emotional reactions. Even if you only have a paper prototype, you can give them tasks to complete (e.g., find out how to email the vice president of operations), have them point to where they would click, and watch what they do. In contrast, when you use the think-aloud method, you will not only keep a record of what they do, but also encourage them to talk about their experience as they interact with the interface. Is it hard or easy? What do they expect to happen when clicking a thumb-nail or image? If they were to encounter a similar problem in a different interface, how would they solve it?

If you are testing a fuller prototype, give participants tasks that will require them to use or interact with at least the following types of components:

  • Main menu and submenus
  • Interactive components (forms, search boxes, pop-ups, and so on)
  • Text and informative statements
  • Images (especially icons)

Ask your users to go to specific pages or screens, use forms, complete tasks that involve icons, and find answers to questions that require them to go to pages or screens buried in your architecture. Ask them to do anything an average user might do. If you have pages or screens they can’t get to in one or two clicks, choose some tasks that require them to go to these deeper spots. If you have submenus, choose tasks that require the users to use them. For instance, if you are designing a web-site for a club, and you have membership information they can get to only from a submenu, ask a question about membership (e.g., How much are dues?). Make sure your design isn’t missing features they want, like search boxes, contact links, and such. Get their reaction to the colors, fonts, layout, images, and other traits of your design.

With the think-aloud method, you can collect users’ responses and understand their decision-making in real time. You can also collect much of the same data you would in unobtrusive observation; however, you might interrupt the normal flow of users’ interaction with the interface, making the interaction unnatural and some data meaningless. What will a users’ “time on task” (the time it took them to complete a task) mean if you interrupted them to talk at length about what they were doing?

In addition to observing users’ actions, you can carry out focus-group research, letting users sit together and discuss their experiences with the interface. You can also collect their opinions in one-to-one interviews to get more in-depth feedback. Questionnaires, both pencil-and-paper and online, are yet another way to collect users’ feedback after they finish interacting with the interface. If you would like to compare two types of interfaces or two functions of an interface, conduct an experiment.

Soliciting and Applying Feedback

Show users your prototype, but don’t say, “It’s great, isn’t it? You like it, don’t you?” Instead, ask them what they like and what they find problematic. As you watch each user, avoid giving help. Yes, of course you know how to find that piece of information: you put it there. You’re not being tested: the interface is. The test is useless if you help your participant complete the task and then assume your design is good. If you’re using the think-aloud method, neutral prompting is okay. Don’t be afraid to prompt quiet users to share their thoughts, particularly if they look grumpy or confused. Pay attention to your users’ reactions. If some of your users look irritated as they search again and again for a piece of content, your design probably has a problem.

If your users tell you that they don’t like parts of your design, don’t get upset. The point of getting feedback is to get honest critiques that will help you make necessary changes. You will probably find it helpful to have someone else ask the questions to make the process as neutral as possible. Designing is like writing: a sentence may sound great to you, and you might have written it as a sincere response to a problem, but it may confuse your reader or come across with the wrong tone. If you’re upset, put the project aside for a while, and come back to working on it when you can consider the feedback without taking offense.

Use your test findings to help you refine design ideas, make the changes, and improve the interface. Again, you should carry out several iterations of usability testing throughout the interface design process.

Responsive Web Design

With the rapid adoption of mobile devices, responsive web design has become a recent trend to increase website usability across platforms. According to data released in 2014 by the Pew Research Center, 58% of American adults have a smart-phone, with 42% owning a tablet computer as of January 2014.3 During the same month, mobile devices exceeded desktop and laptop computers to account for 55% of Internet usage in the United States.4 The growth in mobile Internet usage poses challenges for interface designers to build websites suitable for multiple devices. The industry has responded to these new usage patterns with responsive web design. In simple terms, responsive web design refers to the practice of building a website that works for every device with optimal display regardless of the screen size. This term was coined by Ethan Marcotte (2011) in his book Responsive Web Design.5

Let’s imagine that you are viewing a responsive website, such as the one created for the state of Wisconsin (, on a desktop browser. If you make your browser window smaller, the images and content columns will shrink. If you continue making the browser smaller, the layout will gradually change from multiple columns, to two columns, and finally to one column with the disappearance of top navigation (see Figure 6.24). A responsive website detects the type of device (i.e., a laptop, a tablet, or a smartphone) in use and automatically changes the site layout, or even the site functions, accordingly. The images in responsive websites usually scale along their containers. If you switch between devices with different resolutions and screen sizes, the scaled images should change fluidly while remaining sharp across contexts.

You may wonder why it is necessary to make a website responsive. Couldn’t we just build a traditional website for computers and then a second site for mobile handheld devices? First, you have to remember that having only one responsive website enables continuity across different browsing contexts. You can thus avoid the frustration of experiencing limited content on the mobile site. Having just one URL for the website also allows Google to discover and index the content more easily, which will boost the search engine optimization of the site.

Since native mobile apps are also popular nowadays, you may also wonder why it is still necessary for us to consider responsive sites. Couldn’t we just build apps? In general, a mobile app is designed for a unique experience with the device. It is exclusive to the particular operating system it runs on. It is onerous for designers to develop different apps to suit different operating systems on various devices. In contrast, a responsive site can be accessed universally from any device without sacrificing the integrity of content. However, we have to admit that there are limitations of a responsive site compared to a mobile app. For example, it usually takes longer for a responsive site to fully load on mobile devices than an app. In addition, the responsive site cannot incorporate some smartphone features, such as GPS or camera, to the full capacity of an app.

Figure 6.24 The responsive website for the state of Wisconsin adapts very well to different screen sizes and devices. Observe here how the layout of the homepage changes when viewed on a laptop computer (top), an iPad (bottom left), and an iPhone (bottom right).

Figure 6.24 The responsive website for the state of Wisconsin adapts very well to different screen sizes and devices. Observe here how the layout of the homepage changes when viewed on a laptop computer (top), an iPad (bottom left), and an iPhone (bottom right).


Making Interfaces Accessible

Accessibility is a fundamental principle of user interface design. We typically define accessibility in terms of making sure users with disabilities can access your content, but an accessible interface can also help people with technological constraints, making it usable by as many people as possible. Let’s examine how you can do both.

Accessibility features should addresses all kinds of disabilities that may affect people’s use of interfaces, including visual, auditory, physical, and cognitive problems (both short- and long-term). People who can’t see rely on assistive technologies such as screen readers, which read websites and other electronic documents aloud. But screen readers can’t describe images if designers don’t add alternative text (textual synopses that accompany the images and can be read aloud), so if you design an interface that relies on images, those users won’t understand all the content or even be able to access all of it. (We’ll address this issue more in chapter 7, “Web

Great Ideas

Accessibility and the Law

A number of government acts call for accessibility. We’ll talk about two. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act requires federal agencies to make their information technology, such as websites, accessible to people with disabilities; this is frequently a requirement of organizations receiving federal funding or doing business with the federal government. Section 255 of the 1996 Telecommunications Act also calls for electronic media to be made accessible (see Figure 6.25). Over the last few years, there have been a number of lawsuits regarding websites based on these and other laws. While many of them are still undecided, the last thing you want to do is open you or your client up to legal action.

Figure 6.25 Like so many smart devices today, the Apple iPhone includes a host of settings to enhance the accessibility of the user interface. Here, more than 20 accessibility features are displayed under the accessibility menu for Apple iOS 8.1.3.

Figure 6.25 Like so many smart devices today, the Apple iPhone includes a host of settings to enhance the accessibility of the user interface. Here, more than 20 accessibility features are displayed under the accessibility menu for Apple iOS 8.1.3.

Design.”) Interfaces with small fonts and tiny images are difficult for users with weak vision to read. Older people who lack fine motor control might not be able to precisely control the movement of a mouse or a joystick to interact with an interface. These are a few cases in which designers need to focus more on accessibility to guarantee equal access and equal opportunity for people with special needs.

Accessibility features tend to make interfaces more usable overall. In particular they benefit people without disabilities who use an interface under situational limitations. Environmental circumstances might constrain users’ activities. In a quiet environment, such as a library, users might be uncomfortable if the interface makes unexpected sounds. If you build your interface with an easy-to-use mute option that still gives them the cues they need, you will help users avoid embarrassment. In contrast, it’s hard for users to hear clearly in a noisy environment. Interfaces that show the content of conversation or the script of a video or audio clip benefit these users, not only those with hearing loss. Many people browse the Web on mobile devices; these users welcome websites with simpler navigation and input methods. When you design an interface, consider other usage situations, too, such as strong sunlight, slow Internet connections, and differences in operating systems and browsers.

Making sure your interface gracefully degrades, or changes with older technology, is important. Not every user will have the latest version of a browser or the most recent model of a mobile device. An accessible interface makes sure these differences in technology don’t become an obstacle, preventing people from accessing content. That doesn’t mean we need to design interfaces based on the least advanced technology. But designers do need to consider average users’ needs rather than developing an interface only for the latest technology. When designing a web-site, try turning off all the images and audio/video clips you’ve embedded to see how the layout would change without these elements. When developing content with Flash, consider how it would look on devices that don’t support Flash, such as some mobile phones and iPads.

If you separate your content from its presentation (fonts, layouts, and so on), you’ll have an easier time making it accessible. In web design, you can accomplish this separation with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS is discussed more fully in chapter 7, “Web Design”). A set of well-designed style sheets allows users with disabilities to override your styles and apply idiosyncratic preferences: reverse-contrast text and larger headings for low-vision users, color schemes for colorblind users, and more. And you can create separate style sheets for mobile devices and printing.

Great Ideas

Accessibility and Usability

Accessibility is related to usability. However, accessibility should not be confused with usability. Whereas usability refers to designing an effective, efficient, and satisfying interface, accessibility focuses on allowing more people, especially those with disabilities, to use that interface under more circumstances.

Chapter Summary

The way that we interact with technology has evolved significantly through the years, and it continues to change. Motion tracking interfaces and multi-touch interfaces probably will become more popular in the near future. Interface designers are also working on developing more natural input devices, some controlled by a user’s natural eye gaze or even by brainwaves. The display devices we use are becoming lighter and more flexible, and upcoming devices will likely break some of our current conventions. Samsung recently demonstrated a transparent display that could be used for MP3 players, and LG has developed flexible e-paper that can be bent. In general, interfaces are becoming more intuitive and giving us more interactive experiences.

No matter what type of interface you create, it’s essential to focus on real users throughout the design process. When you plan navigation features, consider how they will be used. When you design forms, make them easy to use. Consider tailoring your interface to give users a better experience. Whatever your ultimate design, work to ensure it is usable and accessible, not just trendy.

About the Author

Qian Xu, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the School of Communications at Elon University, where she teaches graduate courses in interactive media. She received her Ph.D. from Penn State University. Her research and teaching interests focus on the social and psychological impact of media technology, user experience of online media, and online strategic communication.


1 Marathe, S. S. (2009). Investigating the psychology of task-based and presentation-based UI customization. CHI Extended Abstracts, 3129–3132.

2 Nielson, J. (2010). Usability 101: Introduction to usability. Retrieved December 2, 2010, from

3 Pew Research Internet Project. (January 2014). Device ownership over time. Retrieved September 22, 2014, from

4 O’Toole, J. (February 2014). Mobile apps overtake PC Internet usage in U.S. Retrieved September 22, 2014, from

5 Marcotte, E. (2011). Responsive Web design. New York, NY: A Book Apart.

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