Chapter 7
Web Design

Susan A. Youngblood, Norman E. Youngblood

Key Terms

Absolute URL

Alternative Text



Background Image

Block-Level Element




Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Character Reference

Domain Name


File Transfer Protocol (FTP)


HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)


Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)


Inline Element


IP (Internet Protocol) Address

Navigation Bar



Nonbreaking Space




Relative URL

Root Folder


Site Design



Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

World Wide Web (WWW)

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

The future of cyberspace is not really about technology. Although it will obviously continue to develop, the essential technology is already here in one form or another. The thing we have to start recognizing is that cyberspace must be content-driven rather than technology-driven.

—Rick Schremp, Cyberspace 2020

Chapter Highlights

This chapter examines:

  • The World Wide Web and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
  • The basics of HTML code and the technology behind client/server networks
  • How to create and manage project files and website assets
  • The process for researching, planning, designing, producing, uploading, and testing a basic website
  • The importance of separating meaning from presentation and designing accessible sites for all audiences

How the Web Works

So what is this thing we call “the Web”? Perhaps the first thing to understand is that the World Wide Web (WWW) and the Internet are not the same thing, even if many people use the terms synonymously. The Web is a part of the Internet, usually the part we use through a web browser by entering an address beginning “http://.” So what’s the Internet? In his book Weaving the Web, Tim Berners-Lee,1 the inventor of the WWW, defines the Internet as a “global network of networks through which computers communicate by sending information in packets. Each network consists of computers connected by cables or wireless links.” These computers communicate using a variety of network protocols (rules for communicating). The Internet encompasses a wide variety of technologies, including email, the Web, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and many others.


A Brief History of the Internet and the World Wide Web

In 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first man-made satellite. Concerned that the United States had fallen behind in scientific and military research, the Department of Defense established the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). In 1962, the head of computer research at ARPA, computer scientist J.C.R. Licklider, began talking about a “Galactic Network” of computers that would stretch across the globe. In 1966, ARPA researchers began work on the first iteration of his idea, ARPANET, which would help lay the groundwork for the modern Internet. Unveiled to the public in 1972, ARPANET connected a number of academic research centers across the United States. Email was added to the system the same year. Over the next 20 years, ARPANET was supplemented by other networks, most notably the National Science Foundation’s NSFNET in 1986. These interconnected networks eventually evolved into what we now refer to simply as the Internet.

In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, a researcher at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), submitted a proposal to CERN to help researchers communicate by linking together documents located on different networked computers using hypertext: words in a document that, when selected, allow the user to move to another document. His project was accepted, and over the next year he developed the underpinnings of what is now the World Wide Web, including Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), the web server, and, of course, the web browser. CERN connected to ARPANET in 1990, and CERN’s first web server went online on December 25, 1990.

In 1994, Tim Berners-Lee and others involved in the creation of the Web established the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to create web standards, including how HTML should be written and how web browsers should interpret it. In 1995, Microsoft introduced its first browser, Internet Explorer. As the Web caught on, the number of sites grew exponentially. By 1997, the number of websites was well over 1,000,000. Not bad growth given that the first web server went online in December 1990. The volume of material on the Web continues to increase rapidly. The search engine Google, which once listed how many pages it indexed, now just refers to billions.

Demystifying Code

Web pages are built using HTML. This chapter focuses on the latest version, HTML5, finalized in October 2014, and some elements of HTML 4.01. The W3C took eight years to finalize the new standard, and HTML5 is a key element in web development for mobile devices, particularly as it has built-in support for playing media files. HTML5 also frees developers from having to rely so heavily on JavaScript and plug-ins such as Flash. Although web developers are increasingly turning to HTML5, you may still need to work with older sites designed with the older HTML 4.01 standard, so it’s a good idea to understand what’s changed. Happily, HTML5 still supports many HTML 4.01 standards, so updating a site to HTML5 doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Be aware that HTML is an evolving language and that the W3C is already working on HTML 5.1. You can keep tabs on the latest HTML5 decisions on the W3C website (; if the information on that site is too technical for you, read the latest tech blogs and other well-updated sites about HTML5.

HTML files are essentially just text files. In Figure 7.1, you can see one of the text files that controls what the browser will display. You can create HTML files using nothing more than a basic text editor such as Notepad in Windows. You can also create HTML by using a wide range of automated and semi-automated tools ranging from standalone web design software, such as Dreamweaver, to online web authoring tools such as WordPress, Blogger, and Wix. All these have a what-yousee-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) editing function that allows you to create a web page in much the same way you use a word processor. With many programs able to write HTML for you, more than a few people have asked the question, “Wait, why exactly am I spending all this time learning HTML?” There are a number of good answers to that question.

Figure 7.1 HTML and CSS, the guts behind the page.

Figure 7.1 HTML and CSS, the guts behind the page.

First, HTML has limitations, and if you don’t understand the basics of how HTML works, you won’t understand why the WYSIWYG editor won’t always do what you want it to do. Second, the WSIWYG editors don’t always write the best code, nor does the code they write always do exactly what you want it to do. If you don’t understand how HTML works, you can’t sneak in and tweak the code to fix the problems. This issue is particularly important if you want to customize the look of a WordPress or Blogger page beyond the point-and-click options they give you. In short, if you are at all serious about working with the web, you need to understand HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which largely control how the page will appear to users. Sometimes CSS code is put in the HTML itself, but often (and usually better), it is put into a separate file.

A good web developer uses HTML to label the pieces of a document according to their functions (navigation, headings, picture captions, paragraphs, list items, etc.) and uses CSS to control how those pieces look and behave (colors, positions on a page, actions like rollover effects, etc.). In other words, the developer uses HTML to mark for meaning and uses structure—semantic markup—to separate function from how elements on a page are presented, an idea explored in more depth in chapter 4 (under “Content and Form”). Among other things, this approach allows developers to change the look of a site across platforms such as phones, tablets, and computers and to apply a redesign with ease.

Figure 7.2 How tagging works.

Figure 7.2 How tagging works.

Rather than being a programming language, HTML lets you put tags (markup) around your text so the browser knows how to display it on the screen, which words or other objects are links, and where to go if you select a link, among other things. The graphics used in a web page are not actually inside the text document, but are referenced in the code and then uploaded along with the HTML file to the server. Formatting the text works much like a word processor, assuming you had to type in the commands to make things bold, italicized, and so on, which once upon a time you actually had to do. Most, but not all, elements have a start tag and an end tag (also called opening and closing tags), which tell the browser to start doing something and to stop doing something. Some resources call the tag an element, but technically an element is everything from the start tag to the end tag and in between. Figure 7.2 shows one way to render text in bold.

In addition to marking up how things look graphically, you can also mark up the text semantically, giving different parts meaning, as in labeling some text as a paragraph (<p></p>). For many items on a page, that labeling creates the type of visual hierarchy discussed in chapter 5, a hierarchy that allows users to make meaning from a page by instantly seeing the relationships between types of content. And a page with headings, subheadings, and paragraphs separated by white space is easier to navigate than a page that is a wall of undifferentiated text. Semantic markup also makes sense for designing a web page for multiple types of devices and users. Instead of marking something as being in bold (<b></b>), you can mark it as being strong (<strong></strong>). The default presentation in a web browser will be bold for each, but the strong tag carries a meaning: this material is important. A user who is blind might set a browser to read a page, and the text-to-speech software would read that material differently. Or a developer might set that material to display in red on mobile devices. The same distinction is true for italicizing. You could mark up the text to be presented in italics (<i></i>), but it’s better to mark it up semantically as emphasized text (<em></em>). If you decide later to make text tagged with <em> bolded rather than italicized, you can do that without changing the HTML tags. Table 7.1 gives you a list of many of the basic HTML elements you will likely use inside the body of your pages.

Table 7.1 Basic HTML Elements within the Body

Element Description
Building blocks
<div> Division of the page
<p> Paragraph
<h1> to
<h6> Headings
<ul> Unordered list (i.e., a bullet list)
<ol> Ordered list (i.e., a numbered list)
<dl> Description list
<li> List item (a bulleted or numbered item in a list)
<dt> Description list’s term
<dd> Description list’s description
<table> Table
<caption> Table caption or title, which appears by default at the top of the table
<thead> Table header, or column label
<tfoot> Table footer, or column summary, appearing at the bottom of the table
<tbody> Table body; groups the content that will appear between the table headers and the table footers
<tr> Table row
<td> Table data; each forms a single table cell
<a> Hyperlink; the “a” in the tag comes from the earlier term “hypertext anchor”; with the href attribute (<a href=””), the element becomes a typical hyperlink
<img> Image
<em> Information that is emphasized; its default formatting is italics
<strong> Information that is emphasized as important; its default formatting is bold
<style> Controls the appearance of part of the page; choose to control appearance through CSS rather than this element if at all possible

Source: From the HTML5 W3C Recommendation, October 28, 2014.

Good designers try to use semantic—or meaningful—markup rather than markup that controls presentation alone. So they opt for <em> tags rather than tags like <i> and control how the emphasized text looks in a style sheet, usually in a separate file. We’ll get into that more later. For now, picture labeling your text in meaningful ways—with chunks marked up as headings, paragraphs, lists, block quotes, images, links, and emphasized text—and having a separate file control how it all looks. You might have a 500-page site but, at a whim, you could change that one style sheet file and make all the paragraphs display in Arial rather than in Times New Roman without changing anything in those 500 pages. Handy, no? This technique is a much better way to manage a big site. It also lets you include a separate style sheet for mobile devices so users can easily get to your information on their phones and tablets. Also important, it gives visually impaired users who rely on assistive technology (including screen readers that read pages aloud) an idea of what your text means. Instead of marking up a piece of text so it’s presented as Arial 14-point bold, you could mark it up as a heading, and the screen reader would read it aloud as a heading!

The declaration(s) come first, and the head and body are between the HTML tags. Your basic tags for an HTML5 page will look something like Figure 7.3.

Tech Talk

Sections of an HTML Document Your HTML document is divided into three sections:

  • Declarations: At the very top of the document, you should include at least a “doctype” declaration. This bit of code has to be exactly right for the browser to interpret the page correctly. The browser needs to know whether the code it’s interpreting is HTML5 or an older version of HTML with a few now-out-of-date conventions. Also, you might include a character encoding declaration that tells the browser what character set the server uses to store and transmit your site’s information. This second declaration is optional and only one of several ways to accomplish this task. You’ll notice that the opening html element (<html lang= “en”>) includes the language attribute (lang) that defines the human language in which a page is written, in this case English (en). This is an important piece of information to include, particularly for people using a screen reader, because it lets the screen reader know what language to read the text in.
  • Head: Like the head on a body, to some extent it controls what the body does. Most information you put into your head is invisible to the user. This section of code is at the top of your page between the head tags (<head></head>).
  • Body: Most of the information you place in the body is information you want the user to see or code that directly controls how and where this information shows up. This section of code is below the head and between the body tags (<body></body>).

Look back at that sample of code in Figure 7.3. Notice how the head and body tags are inside the HTML tags? This is called nesting. Have you ever had a set of nesting dolls, the two-part hollow dolls that stack inside each other? Tags work the same way. You have to make sure the start and end tags in one pair of tags fit completely inside the start and end tags of another pair. Just like it wouldn’t work if you tried to put the head of a small doll on once the bottom is already sealed in a larger doll, as you can see in Figure 7.4, your HTML won’t work if you don’t nest the tags properly. HTML5 lets you leave the end tags off certain elements, but you can also include those end tags. Because older versions of HTML require them for most elements—as do many elements in HTML5—consistently using end tags is a good practice, with exceptions.

Figure 7.3 HTML5 sample.

Figure 7.3 HTML5 sample.

Figure 7.4 Nesting HTML tags.

Figure 7.4 Nesting HTML tags.

Some types of elements often deal with bigger chunks of information than others and usually begin on a new line. These are called block-level elements. Examples include paragraphs, lists, and list items (the separate bulleted or numbered items in a list). In contrast, inline elements such as strong tags often control small chunks of information and are used within a block-level element. In the example shown in Figure 7.4, the paragraph element is block level, and the strong element is inline. You can nest some block-level elements in others, and you can nest inline elements in block-level elements, but you can’t nest block-level elements in inline elements (so you can’t put paragraph tags between bold tags).

Let’s take another look at the parts of an HTML page. While the browser knows it’s looking at HTML, without the doctype declaration, it doesn’t know which type of HTML. The W3C periodically issues new HTML standards, and the browser needs to know which version (doctype) is being used so it can correctly interpret and render the page. If you don’t include a doctype, the browser may not render the page correctly. Once all browsers support (correctly interpret and render) HTML5, you’ll be able to reliably use that simple piece of code: <!DOCTYPE html>. If you are using HTML 4.01, the code is a bit more complicated, and you may want to cut and paste it directly from a reliable source, such as the W3C. Here’s an example of one option for defining an HTML 4.01 document:


Unless you are working with an existing website, however, you should be able to avoid HTML 4.01. HTML5 offers new features, including new block-level elements. As we go through the structure of the HTML document, we will discuss many of the new HTML5 block-level elements, as well as ways to code HTML5 documents to be compatible with older browsers.

Now let’s look at some body tags, which control what the user sees. Although the tags in Figures 7.2 to 7.4 are simple, they get more complex. There can be several parts to a tag, as with the hyperlink in Figure 7.5.

Figure 7.5 Anatomy of a basic tag.

Figure 7.5 Anatomy of a basic tag.

Tech Talk

HTML Head Content Your web page head controls what the user sees at the top of the browser and in the tab. You have to include title tags (<title></title>); what’s between them will appear as text on the tab and at the top of the browser. You might also include a link to a tiny image called a favicon, the little icon that appears in the browser tab next to the title. Now for the invisible head content:

  • Links to external style sheets (separate files that control how the pages look, maybe even for printing or for mobile devices)
  • Style information (if you choose to control styles within the file rather than from a separate file)
  • Metadata—information about the HTML document such as the author, language of the content, character encoding, keywords that help a search engine find your page, and so on—in meta tags (<meta></meta>)
  • Links to other external script files, such as separate files with JavaScript
  • Tags that indicate which scripts are used in the body

Figure 7.6 Anatomy of a complex tag.

Figure 7.6 Anatomy of a complex tag.

HTML5 streamlines code, making it cleaner (less cluttered and more efficient) than in the past and pushing developers to control presentation in external style sheets. You will find examples of older approaches to coding as you analyze pages to see how other people made cool things work, but you are better off controlling styles externally. In older code, especially, you might see examples of more complex attributes as shown in Figure 7.6. Again, though, you are better off controlling colors and other presentation characteristics from a separate style sheet file rather than within the element.

Browsers also ignore blank lines you put between your words, as shown in Figure 7.7. If the browser doesn’t see a command telling it to put extra space between the words (a nonbreaking space, coded as &nbsp;), it won’t put the space in. HTML is generally not case sensitive; even though the doctype is in uppercase, that’s only by convention. Among the exceptions are special character commands, which have to be lowercase. Using lowercase is the best practice because 1) these exceptions exist, 2) lowercase is easier to read, 3) most developers use lowercase, and 4) the practice of using lowercase will prepare you to branch out into similar coding that is case sensitive.

In addition to formatting and defining elements in a web page, you can, of course, create hyperlinks—this is why we use HTML, right? You can create links to spots within your web page, to other pages in your site, and to web pages on other websites. You do this by using the anchor tag with a hypertext reference attribute (<a href></a>). For example, the code in Figure 7.5 would take you to the Focal Press website when you click on the text “Link to Focal Press.”

Figure 7.7 Blank spaces in HTML.

Figure 7.7 Blank spaces in HTML.

Tech Talk

Special Characters Special character commands, known as character references, are great. They allow you to use symbols (a.k.a. glyphs) that are not part of the standard HTML character set, such as a copyright symbol © and quotation marks (both straight quotes and smart quotes, which are angled to show opening and closing). Displaying symbols like these requires you to use special characters, &copy; and &quot; in this case. Special characters always begin with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon. Over 2,200 special characters have names, and you can use numbers instead of names. Special character commands also can solve problems beyond adding characters that otherwise wouldn’t display on a web page. Earlier, you learned that HTML treats five spaces the same way it does a single space. But what if you want five spaces between the words? The special character command &nbsp; (nonbreaking space) will come to the rescue, as Figure 7.8 shows. Table 7.2 shows you a few other characters you might find useful. Many more special characters are listed in easy-to-find online resources.

Figure 7.8 Special characters in HTML.

Figure 7.8 Special characters in HTML.

Table 7.2 Basic HTML Elements within the Body

Glyph Name Number Description
© &copy; &#169; copyright
® &reg; &#174; registered trademark
&trade; &#8482; trademark
& &amp; &#38; ampersand
" &quot; &#34; straight quote
&ldquo; &#8220; left (opening) double quotation mark
&rdquo; &#8221; right (closing) double quotation mark
&lsquo; &#8216; left (opening) single quotation mark
&rsquo; &#8217; right (closing) single quotation mark
# &num; &#35; number sign
  &nbsp; &#160; nonbreaking space
&mdash; &#8212; em dash
&ndash; &#8211; en dash
§ &sect; &#167; section
&hellip; &#8230; horizontal ellipsis
{ &lcub; &#123; left curly bracket
} &rcub; &#125; right curly bracket
$ &dollar; &#36; dollar sign
£ &pound; &#163; pound sign
@ &commat; &#64; commercial at
÷ &divide; &#247; division sign
ñ &ntilde; &#241; lowercase n with tilde


One of the challenges to designing web pages is that what looks good in one browser may not always look good in another—the browsers don’t always interpret HTML and other elements the same way. And there are a number of web brows-ers: Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Safari, to name a few. Not only is code sometimes interpreted differently between browsers, but different versions of the same browser may behave differently, and the same version of a browser may interpret code a bit differently when run on different platforms (Windows versus Linux versus Apple’s OS X). Part of the problem is that HTML is an evolving language. The meanings of HTML tags sometimes change, new tags are added, and old tags are deprecated (made obsolete and invalid). Watch out for browsers that don’t follow W3C standards. One of the most notorious is IE 6, which often requires special coding. Although it came out in 2001, there are still a small number of people using it, particularly outside the United States.

One thing most graphical browsers have in common is that they rely on plug-ins to show non-HTML-based material, such as video, Flash, Adobe Acrobat, and Microsoft Word files. Plug-ins are software that run inside your web browser and have become an integral part of the Web. When you are designing a web page, you need to be careful about relying too heavily on content that requires plug-ins. If your end user doesn’t have the plug-in, the page won’t work correctly. Also, consider how many people browse the Web on mobile phones and other devices, such as the Kindle. Many types of devices have browsers that may not support all plug-ins. For instance, Flash isn’t currently supported by Apple on the iPhone or iPad. As we move from HTML 4.01 to HTML5, plug-ins are becoming less necessary. That said, at the time this book was written, none of the major browsers was fully HTML5 compliant.

When you develop a page, you need to make sure that users of graphical browsers will see what you want them to see, that mobile users can easily access materials— and the page isn’t just a hard-to-read mini version of the one you designed for the person using a desktop computer—and that other users can access the materials too. While most of us are familiar with graphical web browsers like the ones listed in this section, some text-based browsers are still in use, including Lynx and Bobcat. And you should also think about how users with assistive technology “see” your page. We’ll talk more about that later.

The Network

The Url: Your Address on the Web

Communicating on the Web is a bit like communicating with postal mail—assuming you had to mail off a request for information every time you wanted something. Clicking on a link is like sending a request to a company for a brochure: you have to have the right address for the company (the web address), and you have to have a return address of sorts (at least a temporary address for the company to mail the brochure to). Focal Press’s web address——is an example of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). The URL includes the protocol, or the set of rules that controls how data are exchanged over a network: in this case Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Figure 7.9 breaks down the component parts of the URL. It also includes the domain name of the server,, and the local host name, www (the part that says “look on the server Focal Press has named www”). It could include the name of a specific file as well, set off with a slash (as with, and even a list of folders the computer has to look in to find that file (the path, between slashes after the domain name—/books/film_and_video/—shows the folder structure). Browsers are not limited to just using HTTP. They can also read HTTPS, which is secure HTTP; FTP (File Transfer Protocol), which is used for uploading and downloading files; RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol), which is used for streaming media; and a variety of other protocols.

The server name can be broken down as well, and we do this by reading the dot-separated domains from right to left. The last section, the .com, is a top-level domain (TLD). In this case, it indicates that the site is a commercial domain. A site ending in .gov would be a government (probably American) site. When this text was written, there were over 800 top-level domains, and the number continues to grow. In addition to indicating what type of site a page is on, a top-level domain can also indicate what country the site is located in, for example, .us (United States), .uk (United Kingdom), and .de (Germany—from Deutschland). The middle section, the .focalpress, is a subdomain, or a second-level domain, and usually refers to the name of the organization to which the site belongs. In some cases, organizations may even use third- and fourth-level domains. The front section, in this case www, is a local host name.

Figure 7.9 Anatomy of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

Figure 7.9 Anatomy of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

If you want to choose a cool domain name— something meaningful and easy to remember— go to a domain name registry service and search to see if the name you want is available. Once you find an available name, you can pay the fee to have that name licensed to you for the year (or prepay to have it licensed for multiple years). You’ll also need a web hosting service, or space you can rent on a server that’s always on. The web host will let you associate your domain name with their IP (Internet Protocol) address. Some web hosting companies provide both domain name licenses and hosting.

Servers and IP Addresses

For others to access a website, the files have to be on a server, or a computer that receives requests for data over the Web and then sends back the right data. If you are creating a website, you won’t have any visitors until the site is published on a server (just like a budding author won’t have readers until the publisher prints and distributes that best-seller-to-be).

To get the Focal Press homepage when you type in, the network has to send the request to the right computer, and that computer has a number. The same is true when you type in to get to Elon University’s homepage. The entire domain name is linked to an IP address, a unique numerical address that computers use to identify each other over a network. Elon’s IP address is If you type in, you’ll reach the same page you would if you typed in the easier-to-remember

Planning Site Structure and Navigation

You have a great idea for the content of a website, but a good site depends on good organization and good file naming schemes. One of the keys to managing your website is understanding what files go where and how to name your files. In most cases you won’t be building your site directly on the web server. Instead, you’ll create the site on your computer and then transfer the site to the server. This method has several advantages. First, it gives you a chance to preview the site before it’s available to the world on the web server. Second, it allows you to keep a backup of the website on your local system. Commercially maintained web servers keep backups, but you’ll always do well to have your own copy. Computers fail; it’s a fact of life. Even if the people who maintain the server keep meticulous backups, a fire or other disaster might destroy the backups, particularly if they are stored in the same building and the same area as the server.

Defining a Site and the “Root Folder”

When you are setting up your site, you’ll need to set up a root folder on your local computer (e.g., mysite). This is the folder in which you will store the files for your website. All the files you are using for the site must be in this folder or in folders inside the root folder. Eventually, you’ll need to find the information for publishing your website to the server. Again, unless you are using an older version of Expression Web (Microsoft’s replacement for FrontPage), you will probably be publishing your files using FTP. You’ll need to know the name of the FTP server too; this is probably, but not always, going to be the name of the web server and your root folder on the server. You’ll also need your username and password. In many cases, your web root folder will be named public_html. This is not, however, always the case. You should always find out which folder your files should be stored in before you begin uploading them. When in doubt, check with your local systems administrator or contact your web hosting company’s technical support service.

Great Ideas

File Naming Conventions

How you name your files is critical. Here are some general guidelines.

The main page of your website should be called index.htm or index.html. Most web servers are set up to display a default file if the user doesn’t specify one; the names index.htm and index.html are standard options. When users type in, the server sends them to, the EPA’s default homepage. If you don’t have a file with this name in your directory, the server will either give users a complete list of the files in the directory or give them an error message such as “Directory Listing Denied.”

Be consistent with which file extensions you use for your web pages. A file extension is a suffix used to indicate a kind of file. Develop a religious-like devotion to .htm or .html, the two file extensions that tell the computer you have an HTML file. You can use either .htm or .html, but if you are not consistent, you risk ending up with both a project.htm and a project.html file and changing or uploading the wrong one. You can run into similar problems with naming JPEG graphic files. You’re better off using the more standard .jpg instead of .jpeg.

Keep your file names lowercase. Lowercase file names tend to be easier to read. In addition, most web servers can tell the difference between uppercase and lowercase file names. Some servers are case sensitive: even if you only have a Projects.htm file, the server may not find it if the user types the URL in lowercase. Also, you don’t want to get caught in the trap of having a projects.htm file and a Projects.htm file and linking the wrong one.

Don’t put spaces in your file names. Most web servers will not display spaces in a file name. Instead, they will fill the space with a %20, so the file name “my projects.htm” ends up being “my%20projects.htm.” Not only does this look ugly, but it also makes it difficult for users to type in a file name. If you feel compelled to put spaces in, use an underscore: “my_projects.htm.”

Don’t use characters that aren’t a letter, number, underscore, or hyphen. Such characters may cause problems with some servers and can make it difficult for people to remember or type a file name. You should also avoid using non-English letters such as ë.

Avoid extra periods. For example, my.project.htm. Periods in file names are generally used only to separate the name from the file extension.

Many of the these guidelines apply to non-HTML files as well, including graphics and video files. Some organizations have their own naming conventions. When you are working for others, make sure you learn their naming conventions and use them.

Establishing a Hierarchy

Most websites have a hierarchy, often with three main page levels, as shown in Figure 7.10:

  • Home (your default page, index.htm or index.html)
  • Main pages (linked from a main menu)
  • Content pages (linked from secondary navigation and from other content pages)

Figure 7.10 A hierarchical site map.

Figure 7.10 A hierarchical site map.

A first step in site design is deciding how many pages you need to link to in the primary navigation (or global navigation) on your homepage and whether you’ll need secondary navigation (also called a submenu). Your navigation area needs to be big enough to accommodate your major links. As you plan what users will click on to reach their destinations, create a chart to figure out how pages can be reached. Try to plan your site so users can reach any page with three or fewer clicks from the homepage. Main menus usually run along the top of the page or the left-hand side of the page. Users are used to navigation being in these areas. Avoid the right and bottom for primary navigation.

Maintaining Site Uniformity and Consistency

Repeating components, particularly the navigation, should be in the same location on each page. Users get frustrated when components move. Here are two approaches to make sure each page looks about the same:

  • Design your basic page as a template, and create other pages in your site only from your template. Some web development software allows you to design one page as a template—a page that controls how all the others look—and to make site-wide changes on that one page, making them ideal for larger sites.
  • Design one page as index.html; copy the page, rename and save your copy, and edit it, adding a new title and new content.

Page Design and Usability

Focus on creating a user-centered design from the start (refer back to chapter 3 for more about the user-centered design process). Careful planning can prevent having to rebuild an entire site.

Marking up your Content

Every chunk of text in your page needs to be labeled semantically, or in a meaningful way. If you don’t put your text between semantic tags, the browser won’t put spaces between your paragraphs and headings. You may cause other problems, too. Again, some elements are block-level and others are inline.

Table 7.3 Major HTML5 Elements

Element Description
<nav> A block of navigation; can be used in more than one location on a page
<main> The main content of a page, excluding things like navigation that repeat across the site
<article> A “complete article, or self-contained, composition,” such as an article in a periodical, a blog entry, a forum post, or a comment; this element is useful for content that might be syndicated
<header> Introductory content for elements such as the page as a whole, navigation, articles, sections, and asides; may contain navigational aids
<section> A distinct section, such as of an article
<footer> A footer for elements such as articles, sections, and the like; contains information such as author and copyright data
<aside> For “tangentially related” content that, in print material, might appear in a sidebar
<address> The contact information for the author of a block of content (such as an article) or a page
<figure> A self-contained piece of content, often one that illustrates something described in the text; it could be an image, video, text, or other content and can be paired with a figure caption
<figcaption> A “caption or legend” for a figure
<audio> A “sound or audio stream”
<video> A video stream such as a video clip
<canvas> Provides a “resolution-dependent bitmap canvas” for scripts to render graphics without extra software or plug-ins; among other things, it can be used to create animation on the fly, allowing users to interact with animations

Quotations are from the HTML5 W3C Recommendation, October 28, 2014.

Major Sections

In Table 7.1, we covered some of the basic HTML you will use to design a page. HTML5 allows you to go further than labeling content in generic divisions. You can and should label the parts of your page according to their functions, as you see in Table 7.3. As these elements come together, you can imagine boxes around them, as you see in Figure 7.11. They serve as places for specific types of content.


You will probably use headings throughout your website, much like a textbook uses headings. Headings give users a sense of the structure of a site at first glance, and assistive technology allows users to review the headings on a page without wading through all the content. HTML gives you six options for heading sizes: h1 (the largest because it is the first-level heading) through h6 (the smallest). You can define how these headings look by using a style sheet, but the headings will be easy to read and tell apart even if you don’t use a style sheet. Headings automatically appear with space above and below them.

Figure 7.11 Elements on the page.

Figure 7.11 Elements on the page.

Paragraphs and Block Quotes

Much of your remaining text will be paragraphs, and you may also use block quotes for indented text. Browsers will put space above and below text with these tags, too.


Another useful way to mark text is with list tags. You may choose a bulleted list (an unordered list, or <ul>) for items that don’t have to go in a particular order, or a numbered list (an ordered list, or <ol>) for items that are sequential; each uses list items (<li>). Alternatively, you might use a description list (<dl>), in which each item is broken into two pieces, the description term <dt> and the description <dd>. Figure 7.12 outlines the structure of each type of list.

Figure 7.12 The three types of lists.

Figure 7.12 The three types of lists.

Creating and Managing Hyperlinks

Linking within the Website

A link works by using an anchor element (<a></a>) with a hypertext reference attribute (href). An anchor is a piece of code that tells the browser that the element is a link of some sort, and the hypertext reference attribute tells it where to jump to, whether that’s on the same page, another file in the site, or another site altogether. The browser needs to receive instructions to make the jump, and those instructions come when you click on a link. If the instructions are to jump to a specific point on the same page, that point needs to have an element that is labeled with an id attribute (essentially, a label for a unique item on the page): a heading might be labeled <h1 id= “intro”>Introduction</a>, or a piece of text might even use anchor tags without the href attribute, labeled as <a id=“tip”>tip for use</a>. Figure 7.13 shows you how to create a link to content on the same page and to separate pages, both within and outside your site.

Figure 7.13 Linking content on the page and linking files.

Figure 7.13 Linking content on the page and linking files.

Linking to other pages also uses a hypertext reference. The hypertext reference will either be a path through your files to one of your documents (a relative URL) or a URL from someone else’s site (an absolute URL), which includes the protocol (e.g., HTTP).

Use a relative URL to link to files in your website. A relative URL is the name of the file and cues to show where it is in your file structure relative to the current page. With this type of URL, you can post your site in another folder on the server but still have all your internal links work. Also, if you change the folder structure, some web design applications will give you the option to automatically rename your URLs so they continue to work. If you use absolute links by mistake, your links likely won’t work correctly when you upload your files, and you’ll have a maintenance headache.

If you want to link to a file in a different folder, you need to indicate the path, or the steps the browser has to take to find the file. Figure 7.14 illustrates a sample file structure.

Let’s say you have everything in a folder named My Work. When you upload your site, you’ll upload the contents of My Work, but not the folder itself. For now, you’re working on the site offline (not the version on the server). A few files would be in that main folder: your homepage (index.htm) and your main pages (about. htm, portfolio.htm, design.htm, and contact.htm). Notice that the site has only one index.htm file, and it’s in the main folder. That folder contains other folders with simple names to organize deeper site content. If this site had images, it would probably have an images folder. Figure 7.15 shows how to structure links between some of the files shown on the right of Figure 7.14, including navigating up and down the directory structure. These navigation rules apply to your image files as well, not just HTML files.

Figure 7.14 A sample file structure.

Figure 7.14 A sample file structure.

Figure 7.15 Navigating directory paths in HTML.

Figure 7.15 Navigating directory paths in HTML.

Usually, when you click on a link that pulls up another part of the same website, the new page fills the same window or tab the old page filled. This is one cue you’re still in the same site. This is the default way the browser opens links.

Linking to External Sites

Do you want to link to files (web pages, documents, audiovisuals) outside your site? If you do, you need to use an absolute URL. Instead of showing the path to the right page or file, this link provides the complete URL, like the one you see in the address window of your browser:

<a href=“”>Visit our publisher, Focal Press.</a>

The Navigation Bar

Links in the text are great, but you also need a navigation bar to get to the main pages and subpages. Navigation bars are often just images or styled text with links:

  • Text: You can control the appearance of text-based buttons with a style sheet. Text links can display with background colors, change colors when you mouse over them, and so on.
  • Separate images: Separate images can act as buttons, coded to swap out with other images when you mouse over them.
  • Image maps: Single images can have designated hot spots, or places that trigger the browser to read URLs. These have drawbacks, though: they can be slow loading, be problematic if they don’t load, and cause accessibility problems.

Navigation bars can be simple or complicated. You can use other types of code, like JavaScript, to create navigation bars, but some of these scripts slow down the browser or pose accessibility problems.

Linking Images and Adding Image Information

The image element (<img>) allows you to tell the browser to insert an image into the web page. It’s important to understand that the image is a separate file from the HTML document. As shown in Figure 7.16, there are four critical attributes that need to accompany an img element:

  • src: the source, or the location and name of the image file
  • width: the image’s width, measured in pixels
  • height: the image’s height, measured in pixels
  • alt: an alternative text description of the image

Although most elements have both a start and end tag, the image element is a void element, meaning it doesn’t have an end tag: all its information is within one tag. Linking images is much like linking text. Instead of putting text between the start and end <a> tags, you need to refer to the image file you want to link, as in Figure 7.16.

Figure 7.16 Linking images and using alternative text.

Figure 7.16 Linking images and using alternative text.

Tech Talk

Creating an Email Link Have you ever clicked on an email address and had your computer pull up the email client (like Outlook or Mac Mail)? It’s easy to set up an email link. Start with the same structure as a text link (<a href=), but change the property: instead of using a URL, use mailto and add the email address:

<a href=“mailto:[email protected]”> Email to order this book.</a>

Consider your audience before you add an email link like this. Many people don’t have their email client set up because they either find it difficult to set up or are working on shared computers, as in a computer lab. Instead, they use web interfaces for email: they might go to and Yahoo’s mail service without ever opening Outlook. For these people, it’s a hassle when Outlook or another email client loads unexpectedly. If you choose to add an email link, use the email address as the linked text so 1) people can copy and paste it and 2) people don’t click on a name expecting to get more information about the person. Be aware that automated software collects email addresses for spam. This software collects links typed into web pages and included in email links. As you become more advanced, look into other options for including email addresses.

Most of your users will be able to see the image just fine. Some, however, won’t. Blind users have screen readers to tell them what’s on the page. When these readers encounter a link like the one in Figure 7.16, they can’t tell the user what the picture represents. This problem is particularly frustrating if the image is a graphic button. Even if you create a site for visual artists and expect only sighted users, some images may not be rendered because of errors. To make sure that content is still usable, add an alt attribute to your img element to describe it.

Creating Tables

Originally, HTML tables were designed to hold tabular data—and that is a great use for them. Some designers, unfortunately, use them to lay out web pages by turning off the borders and using the cells to place images, colors, and text right where they want. Don’t fall into this trap. Tables are not as flexible as divs and elements like <nav>: they make your content harder to scale (harder to magnify and shrink) and your job of preparing the page for a different presentation— such as on a mobile phone—tricky, and they frustrate users who rely on assistive technologies like screen readers. (Among other things, imagine having to hear about the table as you listened to a web page being read: “Table with two columns and four rows. Welcome to …”). Tables are still used to hold tabular data, though, so you might use one to show a menu of upcoming yoga courses and their prices at a gym.

Tables are built row by row. Essentially, you tell the browser you want a table, and within that table you want a row, and inside that row you want a cell, another cell, and yet another cell. Then you add another row and continue. Imagine listening to a screen reader read these cells aloud as they are written in the code. You could create quite a mess for your users. So as you develop a table, make sure you build it correctly and use semantic, or meaningful, markup so assistive technology can help readers make sense of the information. Good tables include a summary attribute in the <table> tag, start with a caption, and are then built by row groups in up to three sections in this order:

  • Table caption <caption>: This caption serves as a title for the whole table.
  • Table head <thead>: This row group contains labels (table headers) for each column. This row group must come first.
  • Table foot <tfoot>: This row group contains a footer. Leave it out if you don’t need it. If you include it, though, place the tags right after the end tag for the head.
  • Table body <tbody>: This row group contains the cells in the body of the table, or the table data.

Within row groups, create rows and cells:

  • Table rows <tr>: In your table head, your row will contain the next elements, the table headers. In your table foot and table body, your rows will contain table data (normal cells).
  • Table headers <th>: You can (and should) add a header to each column to label what comes below.
  • Table data <td>: Your cells (other than headers) are in table data elements.

Let’s look at a simple table in Figure 7.17. You’ll notice that the width is set to 400 pixels and the border is set to 1 pixel. You can get rid of the border by setting it to 0.

Figure 7.17 The structure of a table.

Figure 7.17 The structure of a table.

Controlling Appearance: Cascading Style Sheets

There are four ways to control how something appears on the screen:

  • Use standard HTML tags in the body. Choose semantic tags such as <em> and <strong>, rather than tags that only focus on presentation, such as <i> and <b>. Semantic tags will let you adjust the appearance of the tagged content elsewhere, such as in an external style sheet.
  • Use style tags in the body (inline styles). If you want to adjust how one section of a page looks, you can use the style tag with just that section. A better practice, though, is to label that section and control it in an external style sheet.
  • Use a style tag in the head (an internal style sheet) of your page. This tag will allow you to set font types, font sizes, margins, the appearance of headings and other text, the appearance of links, background colors, and so forth. If you are making a single-page site, this approach is okay. Otherwise, use an external style sheet.
  • Use an external style sheet (a Cascading Style Sheet). An external style sheet is a separate file (a .css file) that you refer to in the head. The browser reads both the HTML file and the .css file, which tells the browser how the page should look.

The best option is usually an external style sheet. These are called Cascading Style Sheets (CSSs) because of the way the rules for styles fall into a cascade, or how one rule overrides another: if you need one page to look different from the rest, you can override the CSS by using an internal style sheet or tags in the body. Or you might even refer to a separate external style sheet on that page. Even though there is a cascade in internal and inline styles—a background color you set inline in the body will override one you set in the head—when people refer to Cascading Style Sheets, they generally mean external style sheets. If you have a large site and want to make a change to all your pages, you only need to change one piece of code in one CSS file. You might have a 100-page site, but you can change the color of all of your paragraphs with one small change to your style sheet. Much like regular HTML, most good web design tools like Dreamweaver will help you create your styles without getting too heavily into the code. Also like HTML, CSS has different versions. Although the W3C is working on CSS 3, many CSS 3 feature sets are supported by newer browsers. Among the better-supported CSS 3 features are box shadows (which let you create an adjustable shadow around a div), text shadows, and setting a minimum width for a div. Other CSS 3 features such as filters and touch screen options are not yet well supported. CSS 1 is supported by almost all browsers released in the last few years.

While being able to change the styles used on web pages across a site using an external CSS file is certainly an advantage, you can also attach multiple style sheets to an HTML page and use the media attribute to tell the browser when to use which sheet. For example, setting media=“screen” when you link a style sheet to the HTML file tells the browser to use that CSS file if the page is being viewed on a screen. Setting media=“print” tells the browser to use the style sheet when a page is being printed. This option is particularly helpful as it allows you to reformat the web page so it prints well, including removing advertisements and other non-essential information. CSS 3 allows you to take even firmer control by choosing a style sheet based on what size screen a page is being viewed on.

External style sheets use selectors to tell the browser what characteristics to apply the rule to. For instance, you might choose to make all first-level headings (<h1>s) blue. In your style sheet, you would write a bit of code (essentially a short sentence) to change all those headings at once. In that case, h1 is your selector. You can select most elements and control their appearance and sometimes behavior in CSS. In addition, if you have a special element on your page that you want to treat differently, you could create an id selector that applies only to one element on a page and format it differently. In the HTML, you’d label the code using the id attribute. Perhaps you want to control a sidebar div’s position, fonts, and so on from your external style sheet (<div id=“sidebar”></div>). Perhaps you want the button with the id “thispage” (the page you’re on) to be a different color than all your other navigation so the site’s menu can indicate what page the user is on. Or you could create a class selector that can apply to several different tags, perhaps bits of text you want to put boxes around (<p class=“boxed”></p>).

When you are debating whether to use a class or id when writing your code, think about how the section will be used. If it is a section of the page that is only going to be used once per page, such as a page footer, it should be an id. Otherwise, set it up as a class. Having trouble keeping track of this? Here’s a helpful mnemonic—a student may have many classes but should have only one student id card.

Characteristics of Appearance

You have a basic structure and content. The properties that follow (using CSS) let you control the look. These characteristics can be controlled by inline styles or internal style sheets, but they are best controlled by external style sheets. Remember, separate the meaning of your content from the presentation to make the code easier to understand (somebody needs to maintain the pages), to make site-wide changes easier, and to make the content more accessible to users with disabilities.


Web page real estate is valuable. Although large margins are good on paper, most designers like to have small margins. When you set top and bottom margins, you are setting the space above and below your text and images. This space is added to the very top and bottom of your page. It is not a buffer of space, so it disappears when you scroll down. Left/right margins work in a similar way.

Define the value of your margins using the number of pixels (px) or one of several other measurement units (for instance, % for percent of the page width or height; pt for points; mm for millimeters; or em for em widths, the width of an m in whatever font size you use or whatever font the user’s browser displays). You can define top and bottom margins, and you can also define left and right margins.

Background and Text Colors

Pay attention to your users’ preferences and whether or not you need to tie in a client’s color scheme. Let common sense and color theory guide your choices. Purchase a color wheel or look one up online (you don’t need a precise example to make basic choices). Colors on opposite sides of the wheel, especially intense colors like bright blue and orange or red and green, will appear to vibrate if they’re next to each other. Inverse text (light on dark) can strain your readers’ eyes. Some combinations cause problems for colorblind users. Choose your color scheme carefully, view it on different monitors to make sure the colors look good, and use a visuals checker, such as Vischeck’s free online checker, to make sure the contrast is adequate.

You can use color names for basic colors like blue and yellow. To achieve subtle variations, use hexadecimal codes for other colors (six-digit color codes, each digit using a number 0–9 or letter A–F, such as #0000FF for a common blue). These codes tell your browser how to combine red, green, and blue, giving you well over 16 million colors to choose from. Select colors from the web-safe colors—your web design application will have a palette that will let you choose from 256 colors—or select colors from the color wheel or spectrum in your design application. Most people now have browsers that do a good job of interpreting colors that are not on the web-safe list. Like other presentation characteristics, colors can be set in CSS.

Tech Talk

Background Images If you want to use an image as your background, choose one with a small file size to shorten the page-loading time. Images online don’t need to be high resolution to make your page look good. A typical resolution for web images is 72 ppi (pixels per inch). Your image will be in a separate file (usually in an images folder), and you will refer to it in the HTML. The browser will read your code and pull the image into your web page.

You control the background image with the body tag or CSS. You can use one large image as your background (which slows loading time), or you can use a small image and make it repeat, like tiles on a floor. Usually, if you use a tiled image, the image is designed to blend with the next tile so it looks like a seamless pattern.

Font Type and Style

First, keep your lines of text short (about 40 to 60 characters per line), and avoid using all capital letters: they make text hard to read. Refer to chapter 8, “Text,” for more tips on designing type for on-screen display.

You’ve got a lot of content to fit on one page. A small font seems like a good idea, but is it really? Probably not. People generally prefer to see a larger font on screen than on paper. Also, you may have users who are aging or wear glasses. Don’t make your site hard for them to read. Another thing to keep in mind is that font size is relative to the font type you choose. In a word processor, 12-point Times New Roman will have smaller letters than 12-point Arial. The same is true for web pages: some font types are larger than others.

Absolute Sizes

One way to set your font size in HTML is by using absolute values. Instead of using points (as you would in a word processor), you’ll use numbers, with 1 being the smallest font and 7 being the largest. If you don’t set a font size, your paragraph text will be displayed in size 3 font (16-point font).

Relative Sizes

Another way to set your font size in HTML is by using relative values. To use relative values, you first need to set your base font size (reset the default font size in the page properties window). Then, you select the relative sizes 11 to 16 for larger fonts and 21 to 26 for smaller fonts. The difference in font size will always be relative to the base font size you established for the site.

Link Characteristics

How do users know what text on a web page is a link or which links they have already followed? A site is more usable if users can identify links and tell which links they have clicked on. Designers set different characteristics for links to make navigating easier using pseudo-classes, such as a:hover, which changes the properties of a link when the cursor is over the link, or a:visited, which changes the color of links to already visited pages. Although links are often to web pages or other files, you can also use them to take users to a specific part of a web page.

If you don’t want your linked text to be blue and underlined, you can change how it appears, but make sure you give the user good cues that the text is linked. Create your links in a distinct color, and style them so the browser adds underlining when you move the cursor over them (mouse over or hover). You can be creative, but apply color theory (such as by choosing colors for effect and selecting color analogs for your link pseudo-classes), and be consistent with link colors throughout your site.

To control text link appearance and states (how the link appears before, during, and after the user interacts with it), use an external style sheet. In your style sheet, you can control these and other states with pseudo-classes (a selector followed by information about the element’s state):

  • Unvisited: This is how your link shows up before you click on it. It should stand out from the page. Use the selector a:link.
  • Hover: This is how your link appears when you mouse over, or move the cursor over, the link. Use the selector a:hover.
  • Active: This is how your link shows up when you are clicking on the link and haven’t yet released the mouse button. Use the selector a:active.
  • Visited: This is how your link shows up after you have visited that page or document. Use the selector a:visited.

Like any text, you can control all sorts of properties of your links: margins, background colors, background images, borders, text decoration (like underlining), and so on, creating text-based buttons styled in CSS. The key is setting properties for separate states. Figure 7.18 shows how you can change link colors and make the underlining appear only when you move the cursor over the links.

Figure 7.18 Controlling link pseudo-classes in CSS.

Figure 7.18 Controlling link pseudo-classes in CSS.

Tech Talk

Buttons and JavaScript How about image-based buttons? How can you get the same cool effects with buttons? Like text links, you set properties for different states. For each state, your web page can use an event handler to tell the browser to swap out images when you take a particular action (for instance, swap the silver button with the blue button when the cursor touches the image). Here are two common states used in JavaScript:

  • onmouseover: This triggers the swap when you move the cursor over the linked image that serves as the button.
  • onmouseout: This triggers a second swap (usually to the original image) when you move the cursor off the button.

These events are usually handled with JavaScript. Not to worry, though: your web design application should be able to create the JavaScript for you.

Interactive and Multimedia Web Content

We’ve just skimmed the surface of HTML5 and CSS. You’ve probably visited sites with numerous visual effects, forms, music, videos, games, and so on. Many of these pages don’t yet use HTML5 to work, but instead use an older version of HTML, often relying on JavaScript or another scripting language—essentially bits of programming code that are inserted into the HTML. If you insert interactive features such as accordions (parts of the content that expand and contract when clicked) using Dreamweaver, the editor creates them using JavaScript. JavaScript is usually used as a client-side script, meaning it runs on the user’s computer. It’s free, simple—at least when you compare it to full programming languages—and well supported. Some features use server-side scripting, such as PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) or ASP (Active Server Pages). These scripting languages are processed (run) by the server and send data back and forth between the user’s computer and the server. If you think you’ll need a server-side scripting language, learn more about your needs and options, and choose one before you choose a host for your site: you’ll have to select a hosting package that supports that language.

In HTML5, your job as a designer will be easier: some of the work of these scripting languages will be done by HTML elements, although scripting languages will still play a role. Where you once had to use scripts to make a page editable, for instance to let users make a list right on the web page, you’ll be able to use the contenteditable tag (<contenteditable></contenteditable>). Where you once had to use a script to pop up a calendar to let someone choose a date for a form, you’ll be able to use a simple input tag (e.g., <input type=“date”>). In other cases, HTML5 elements will pair with scripting to more easily allow users to interact with the page. The canvas element (<canvas></canvas>) is one such case and will let users draw graphs and other things on the web page. HTML5 will also allow you to more easily create drag-and-drop features. If you want to create a form for users to register with your site, you’ll still need a server-side script because you’ll still need to get that data back to your server; however, many design tasks will be easier to accomplish.

To include media—music and video—designers have had to rely on the embed element (<embed></embed>) with lots of extra information in additional tags and hope the user had the right plug-in. Once HTML5 is standard, you’ll reliably be able to use more specific elements, such as audio and video (<audio src=“mysong.ogg”>my song</audio>, <video src=“myvideo.ogg”>my video</video>), without depending on plug-ins. You’ll have to offer the right type of files, though, and HTML5 compatible browsers are not consistent in which media files they will read. You will be able to control how the video plays, the size of the display, and so forth using attributes in the video tag itself. You can set the music or video to autoplay, but you’re better off letting your users decide whether and when to play media. Overall, multimedia features in HTML5 will let your coding be cleaner, let your media work well with the rest of the page, and give users with disabilities keyboard access to controls.

Checking your Code and Compatibility

Along the way, check your code using a validator, or code checker. W3C has an online HTML validator ( and CSS validator ( These tools check to see if your code is well formed so brows-ers will display your page correctly. Remember that example early in the chapter when the tags weren’t nested properly? Validators detect these problems and more. Some web design software has built-in tools for validating code and checking for compatibility problems, but you should also perform a separate check using the W3C tools.

As you develop your site, check it for issues such as problems with appearance (especially when you change text size in the browser), links, functionality, and page load times. If your web editor can’t estimate the load time, find a friend with a slow connection and try loading your page on your friend’s computer. Also check for cross-platform compatibility. Bring up your site on multiple platforms (at least PC and Mac) and browsers (at a minimum, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Safari). Try viewing your site on older versions of the main browsers as well. If your site doesn’t work, don’t put up a “best viewed on” message: that message translates as “I didn’t know what I was doing, so you’ll have to use another computer or other software.” Fix the site. Test for color displays and font appearances. Colors and fonts that look fine on a Mac may not look fine on a PC (fonts can vary subtly from platform to platform). Colors also may change between monitors. Average users will not color correct their monitors: you can’t assume that just because you’re working on a color-corrected flat screen, your colors will display the same way on other flat screens.

Even if you ran usability tests at earlier stages, run another test to catch the remaining problems. You want your site to be as usable as possible.

Accessibility Issues

Accessibility was discussed throughout this chapter and in chapter 6, “User Interface Design.” When you think about your audience, always remember that some of your users may have different needs because of disabilities. The most common issue you’ll hear about is users with vision problems. These problems can range from colorblindness to problems reading small print to users who are completely blind and rely on a text reader to use the Web. Other disabilities you should consider are hearing loss, motor control issues (users who can’t use a mouse, for instance), and cognitive problems, including, among others, problems with attention, memory, and reading. As you build your site, make sure it’s usable for users with disabilities. You should ask a wide variety of questions about accessibility as you design your site. Here’s a small sample of questions: Is the information in logical order? Do my links have meaningful text that could, by itself, help the user (or do they say “More”)? Do I have distracting items, such as flashing images? Do video files have captions and transcripts? Would my menus be easy to use if my hand had a bit of a tremor? For more information, go to, a leading accessibility site. Also visit

You can make some accommodations or adjustments for disabled users’ needs with small bits of code. One of the easiest accommodations you can make for users with vision problems is putting in alternative text for images, called alt attributes (commonly, but mistakenly, called alt tags). Most web design applications will give you a spot to put this information when you insert an image in your web page. Without alt attributes, all the text reader will tell the user is that there is an image on the page, not what that image is. Alt attributes are critical when you are using images to create hyperlinks or to replace text. One of the nice things about using alternative text is that it will also make life easier for users on slower connections who might have turned images off in their web browser or people who are using a mobile device. Users with motor skill problems may have to navigate using the tab key—an issue you can address by setting the “tab order” on a page.

Use tools to help you fix accessibility problems, but don’t rely on tools alone. Some web design applications prompt you to add alt attributes as you use the WYSIWYG tools, and some have built-in accessibility checkers. Online tools often help you check your pages in more detail. The W3C validator will give you a line-by-line breakdown of coding problems, including accessibility issues such as the possible misuse of H1, and WAVE ( will give you a visual of your page and flag the problems it detects with red and yellow icons. AChecker will create an accessibility-specific report. Other checkers will allow you to identify problems for colorblind users and even emulate the type of information someone would get if using a screen reader.

Making your page accessible for any of these users will frequently increase the overall usability of the site on both computers and mobile devices. And as you learned in chapter 6, “User Interface Design,” you may have a legal obligation to make your site accessible, too.

Uploading the Site to the Server

So you’ve finished your website and need to upload it to the web server. Did you proofread your text? Dreamweaver and other editors have built-in spell checkers, but don’t rely on them to do all your work, since spell checkers will miss correctly spelled words that are still the wrong word—for instance, there and their. Take a deep breath and load your files onto the server, which you can do in a number of ways. The most common way is using File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, a protocol or set of rules for transferring files. You don’t need to know much about FTP to use it: You can get standalone FTP client software, such as Cyberduck—software that allows you to transfer files this way. Most commercial web design software will have a built in FTP client that, once set up with your site and server’s information, will allow you to push an upload button to update your site. Any time your computer is connected to a server, it becomes a client of that server. It doesn’t matter what information the server is providing. If you are using Dreamweaver, you may see a dialog box asking if you want to “include dependent files.” What it is asking is whether or not you want to publish the images and other files (e.g., audio) the web page needs to display correctly. You’ll want to say yes the first time you publish a page. After that, you’ll only need to say yes if you need to update those files on the server, that is, if you’ve added additional images or modified one of your images. Depending on the software you are using, you may need to upload audio and video files separately.

Once you’ve published the site, pull it up in a web browser to make sure it is where it’s supposed to be. If possible, check the website on a machine other than the one you created it on to make sure your pages don’t reference any files on your local computer. If you need to change something, fire up your web editor, change the file, and republish it. If you don’t have the file on your computer, you can always download it from the server. Remember that you have to enter the site definition on each computer you edit on to ensure the links you create work properly later and that changes to your template are applied site wide. If you are using a public machine, be sure to clear your username and password when you finish.

Chapter Summary

As the tools and technology for creating and uploading web pages continue to become more user friendly, remember that production software and hardware issues play a relatively small role in determining the effectiveness of a website. The best sites will always be those with good navigational structures that are functional, easy to use, and accessible to all audiences; that provide substantive, timely, and meaningful content for the user; that feature attractive designs and page layouts; and that are maintained and updated by the webmaster on a regular basis. Such a site is only possible with thoughtful research, planning, design, and authoring on the part of the webmaster or production team.

About the Authors

Susan A. Youngblood, Ph.D., teaches both graduate and undergraduate web development in Auburn University’s Department of English in the Master of Technical and Professional Communication (MTPC) program. Her classes emphasize research-based best practices for design, accessibility, and usability testing. She helped plan the layout of Auburn’s Instruction in Design, Evaluation, and Assessment (IDEA) lab—used mostly for teaching usability testing—and consulted on the installation of Auburn’s new research-oriented usability and focus-group lab. She teaches students to be advocates not only for end users but also for their colleagues and clients who have to maintain the sites they create. Susan’s research interests include competing communication needs in online environments, usability, and Web accessibility. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Business and Technical Communication, Technical Communication Quarterly, the Journal of Usability Studies, and the Journal of Technical Writing and Communication.

Norman E. Youngblood, P.D., has been teaching courses on web design and interactive media since 2001 and has a background in information technology. He is an associate professor in the School of Communication and Journalism at Auburn University and is the codirector and cofounder of the Laboratory for Usability, Communication, Interaction, and Accessibility, a research facility in Auburn University’s College of Liberal Arts. His research focuses on website usability and accessibility, particularly in the fields of e-government and e-health. He has published in a variety of academic journals including Government Information Quarterly, the Journal of Media and Religion, the Journal of Usability Studies, Universal Access in the Information Society, and the International Journal of Sport Communication.


1 Berners-Lee, T. (2000). Weaving the Web: The original and ultimate destiny of the World Wide Web by its inventor. New York, NY: HarperCollins, p. 223.

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