Socket programming in JavaScript

Let's now bring the conversation about network connections, protocols, and sockets to a close by talking about the tools—JavaScript and WebSockets—that bring everything together, allowing us to program awesome multiplayer games in the language of the open Web.

The WebSocket protocol

Modern browsers and other JavaScript runtime environments have implemented the WebSocket protocol in JavaScript. Don't make the mistake of thinking that just because we can create WebSocket objects in JavaScript, WebSockets are part of JavaScript. The standard that defines the WebSocket protocol is language-agnostic and can be implemented in any programming language. Thus, before you start to deploy your JavaScript games that make use of WebSockets, ensure that the environment that will run your game uses an implementation of the ECMA standard that also implements WebSockets. In other words, not all browsers will know what to do when you ask for a WebSocket connection.

For the most part, though, the latest versions, as of this writing, of the most popular browsers today (namely, Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer) implement the current latest revision of RFC 6455. Previous versions of WebSockets (such as protocol version - 76, 7, or 10) are slowly being deprecated and have been removed by some of the previously mentioned browsers.


Probably the most confusing thing about the WebSocket protocol is the way each version of the protocol is named. The very first draft (which dates back to 2010), was named draft-hixie-thewebsocketprotocol-75. The next version was named draft-hixie-thewebsocketprotocol-76. Some people refer to these versions as 75 and 76, which can be quite confusing, especially since the fourth version of the protocol is named draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-07, which is named in the draft as WebSocket Version 7. The current version of the protocol (RFC 6455) is 13.

Let us take a quick look at the programming interface (API) that we'll use within our JavaScript code to interact with a WebSocket server. Keep in mind that we'll need to write both the JavaScript clients that use WebSockets to consume data as well as the WebSocket server, which uses WebSockets but plays the role of the server. The difference between the two will become apparent as we go over some examples.

Creating a client-side WebSocket

The following code snippet creates a new object of type WebSocket that connects the client to some backend server. The constructor takes two parameters; the first is required and represents the URL where the WebSocket server is running and expecting connections. The second URL, which we won't make use of in this book, is an optional list of sub-protocols that the server may implement.

var socket = new WebSocket('ws://'),

Although this one line of code may seem simple and harmless enough, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • We are no longer in HTTP territory. The address to your WebSocket server now starts with ws:// instead of http://. Similarly, when we work with secure (encrypted) sockets, we would specify the server's URL as wss://, just like in https://.
  • It may seem obvious to you, but a common pitfall that those getting started with WebSockets fall into is that, before you can establish a connection with the previous code, you need a WebSocket server running at that domain.
  • WebSockets implement the same-origin security model. As you may have already seen with other HTML5 features, the same-origin policy states that you can only access a resource through JavaScript if both the client and the server are in the same domain.


    For those who are not familiar with the same-domain (also known as the same-origin) policy, the three things that constitute a domain, in this context, are the protocol, host, and port of the resource being accessed. In the previous example, the protocol, host, and port number were, respectively ws (and not wss, http, or ssh), (any sub-domain, such as or would violate the same-origin policy), and 80 (by default, WebSocket connects to port 80, and port 443 when it uses wss).

    Since the server in the previous example binds to port 80, we don't need to explicitly specify the port number. However, had the server been configured to run on a different port, say 2667, then the URL string would need to include a colon followed by the port number that would need to be placed at the end of the host name, such as ws://

As with everything else in JavaScript, WebSocket instances attempt to connect to the backend server asynchronously. Thus, you should not attempt to issue commands on your newly created socket until you're sure that the server has connected; otherwise, JavaScript will throw an error that may crash your entire game. This can be done by registering a callback function on the socket's onopen event as follows:

var socket = new WebSocket('ws://'),
socket.onopen = function(event) {
   // socket ready to send and receive data

Once the socket is ready to send and receive data, you can send messages to the server by calling the socket object's send method, which takes a string as the message to be sent.

// Assuming a connection was previously established
socket.send('Hello, WebSocket world!'),

Most often, however, you will want to send more meaningful data to the server, such as objects, arrays, and other data structures that have more meaning on their own. In these cases, we can simply serialize our data as JSON strings.

var player = {
   nickname: 'Juju',
   team: 'Blue'


Now, the server can receive that message and work with it as the same object structure that the client sent it, by running it through the parse method of the JSON object.

var player = JSON.parse(; === 'Juju'; // true === 'Blue'; // true === undefined; // true

If you look at the previous example closely, you will notice that we extract the message that is sent through the socket from the data attribute of some event object. Where did that event object come from, you ask? Good question! The way we receive messages from the socket is the same on both the client and server sides of the socket. We must simply register a callback function on the socket's onmessage event, and the callback will be invoked whenever a new message is received. The argument passed into the callback function will contain an attribute named data, which will contain the raw string object with the message that was sent.

socket.onmessage = function(event) {
   event instanceof MessageEvent; // true

   var msg = JSON.parse(;


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Other events on the socket object on which you can register callbacks include onerror, which is triggered whenever an error related to the socket occurs, and onclose, which is triggered whenever the state of the socket changes to CLOSED; in other words, whenever the server closes the connection with the client for any reason or the connected client closes its connection.

As mentioned previously, the socket object will also have a property called readyState, which behaves in a similar manner to the equally-named attribute in AJAX objects (or more appropriately, XMLHttpRequest objects). This attribute represents the current state of the connection and can have one of four values at any point in time. This value is an unsigned integer between 0 and 3, inclusive of both the numbers. For clarity, there are four accompanying constants on the WebSocket class that map to the four numerical values of the instance's readyState attribute. The constants are as follows:

  • WebSocket.CONNECTING: This has a value of 0 and means that the connection between the client and the server has not yet been established.
  • WebSocket.OPEN: This has a value of 1 and means that the connection between the client and the server is open and ready for use. Whenever the object's readyState attribute changes from CONNECTING to OPEN, which will only happen once in the object's life cycle, the onopen callback will be invoked.
  • WebSocket.CLOSING: This has a value of 2 and means that the connection is being closed.
  • WebSocket.CLOSED: This has a value of 3 and means that the connection is now closed (or could not be opened to begin with).

Once the readyState has changed to a new value, it will never return to a previous state in the same instance of the socket object. Thus, if a socket object is CLOSING or has already become CLOSED, it will never OPEN again. In this case, you would need a new instance of WebSocket if you would like to continue to communicate with the server.

To summarize, let us bring together the simple WebSocket API features that we discussed previously and create a convenient function that simplifies data serialization, error checking, and error handling when communicating with the game server:

function sendMsg(socket, data) {
   if (socket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {

      return true;

   return false;
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