Ignoring Datafile Columns


Your datafile contains columns that should be ignored rather than loaded into the table.


That’s not a problem if the columns are at the ends of the input lines. Otherwise, you can use a column list with LOAD DATA that assigns the columns to be ignored to a dummy user-defined variable.


Extra columns that occur at the end of input lines are easy to handle. If a line contains more columns than are in the table, LOAD DATA just ignores them (although it might produce a nonzero warning count).

Skipping columns in the middle of lines is a bit more involved. Suppose that you want to load information from a Unix password file /etc/passwd, which contains lines in the following format:


Suppose also that you don’t want to bother loading the password column. A table to hold the information in the other columns looks like this:

  account   CHAR(8),  # login name
  uid       INT,      # user ID
  gid       INT,      # group ID
  gecos     CHAR(60), # name, phone, office, etc.
  directory CHAR(60), # home directory
  shell     CHAR(60)  # command interpreter

To load the file, we need to specify that the column delimiter is a colon, which is easily handled with a FIELDS clause:


However, we must also tell LOAD DATA to skip the second field that contains the password. To do this, add a column list in the statement. The list should include the name of each column to be loaded into the table, and a dummy user-defined variable for any column to be ignored:

mysql>LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/etc/passwd' INTO TABLE passwd
    -> (account,@dummy,uid,gid,gecos,directory,shell);

The corresponding mysqlimport command should include a --columns option:

%mysqlimport --local 
               --fields-terminated-by=":" cookbook /etc/passwd

See Also

Another approach to ignoring columns is to preprocess the input file to remove columns. Extracting and Rearranging Datafile Columns discusses a utility that can pull out and display data-file columns in any order.

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