Configuring NGINX Proxy

In the preceding section, we developed a Python application running on the 5000 port. Now, we want to configure NGINX to Proxy the server using the following directives. We will also try to cache the response from the Python server by enabling the proxy cache.

In addition to the directives, the NGINX Proxy module also creates the $proxy_host, $proxy_port, and $proxy_add_x_forward_for variables that can be used at various places such as Proxy headers.


This directive can be used to specify the protocol, address, and URL (optional) of the upstream server. The protocol takes the value http or https. The address can be in any of the following forms:

  • It can be a domain name or IP address along with the port, that is, location:port
  • It can be a unix socket address specified with a unix: prefix and enclosed within colons, for example, unix:/var/run/server.sock:
  • It can be a group of servers created using the NGINX upstream directive

This directive is only available under the location and if and in location sections of an NGINX configuration. Here's an example:

location /myloc/{ 
proxy_pass http://unix:/var/run/server.sock:/loc;


This directive sets the HTTP method passed to the proxy server instead of the version specified by the client. The directive is available under the http, server, and location sections of an NGINX configuration.


This directive is used to define header fields passed in the upstream request. The fields can have values in the form of variables and text. If there is a field with an empty string ("") as its value, it will not be passed in the upstream request. The directive is available under the http, server, and location sections of an NGINX configuration. Here's an example:

location /myloc/{ 
proxy_set_header Host $proxy_host;
proxy_set_header Accept-Charset UTF-8;

By default, NGINX sets only two fields, namely Host with the $proxy_host value and connection with the close value.


This directive sets the version of HTTP for requests to the upstream server. By default, the value is 1.0. Version 1.1 should be used for keepalive connections. The directive is available under the http, server, and location sections of an NGINX configuration.


In order to work with upstream keepalive connections, the connection header needs to be set. NGINX, by default, sets the header field to close. Use proxy_set_header to set the keepalive value in the connection header. Here's an example:

location /myloc/{ 
      proxy_set_header Connection keep-alive;
      proxy_http_version 1.1

proxy_pass_request_headers / proxy_pass_request_body

These directives indicate whether the request header and body should be passed to the upstream server or not. By default, both the directives are set to on. The directives are available under the http, server, and location sections of an NGINX configuration. Here's an example:

proxy_pass_request_headers on; 
proxy_pass_request_body on; 


This directive enables NGINX to ignore the processing of certain upstream response headers, namely X-Accel-Expires, Expires, Cache-Control, Set-Cookie, Vary, X-Accel-Redirect, X-Accel-Charset, X-Accel-Buffering, and X-Accel-Limit-Rate. If not disabled, the fields cause the following behavior:

  • The caching is controlled by X-Accel-Expires, Expires, Cache-Control, Set_Cookie, and Vary header fields
  • An internal redirect is performed using X-Accel-Redirect
  • The response character set is controlled by X-Accel-Charset
  • The buffering of responses is controlled by X-Accel-Buffering
  • The rate of response transmission to the client is controlled by X-Accel-Limit-Rate

This directive is available under the http, server, and location sections of an NGINX configuration.

proxy_connect_timeout / proxy_send_timeout / proxy_read_timeout

The proxy_connect_timeout directive sets the timeout to establish a connection between NGINX and the Proxy server.

The proxy_send_timeout directive sets the timeout to write a request to the Proxy server. The proxy_read_timeout directive sets the timeout to read a response from the Proxy server.

All the directives have a default value of 60 seconds and are available under the http, server, and location sections of an NGINX configuration. Here's an example:

proxy_send_timeout 30s; 
proxy_connect_timeout 30s; 
proxy_read_timeout 30s; 

It is important to note that the connection will be closed if the timeout specifies any proxy_send_timeout directives and proxy_read_timeoutdirective expires.

proxy_store / proxy_store_access

The proxy_store directive enables saving responses from upstream to the disk as files. By default, the directive is off. The directive can be turned on, which will save the response in the directive's root location. The directive can also specify a path, using variables, which is used to determine the file's location. The directive is available under the http, server, and location sections of an NGINX configuration:

location /myloc{ 
proxy_store on; 
proxy_store_access user:rw group:rw all:r; 
root /location; 

The proxy_store_access directive can be used to specify the permissions for the created files. By default, the directive grants read-write permissions to the file owner only. This directive is available under the http, server, and location sections of an NGINX configuration.


This directive is used to define a cache. The directive has a couple of arguments that can be used to configure the cache behavior. It is mandatory to specify the disk location, cache name, and cache size. The cache also has an inactive time period, that is, the time after which data will be purged from the cache. The levels parameter can be used to define the hierarchy while writing data to the cache. The directive is only available under the http section of an NGINX configuration. Here's an example:

proxy_cache_path /var/cache/NGINX keys_zone=mycache:10m inactive=15m;

By default, the inactive period is set to 10 minutes. NGINX also runs a cache manager, which will remove the oldest entry once the cache reaches its maximum size as defined by the optional max_size parameter.

Cache loading is accomplished by a cache loader process. The option parameter specified by the directive, namely, loader_files, loader_sleep, and loader_threshold can alter the cache loading behavior.


This directive defines the key for cache lookup. The directive is available under the http, server, and location sections of an NGINX configuration. Here's an example:

proxy_cache_key "$request_method$request_uri";


This directive enables the use of a previously defined memory cache using the proxy cache_path directive. The proxy_cache directive identifies the memory zone by the name specified in the configuration. By default, the cache is set to off. The directive is available under the http, server, and location sections of an NGINX configuration. Here's an example:

proxy_cache mycache;


This directive enables NGINX to define the cache time period depending on the HTTP response code. If the HTTP response code is not specified, then only the 200, 301, and 302 response codes are cached. The directive also specifies any parameter that can be used to cache all response code files. The directive is available under the http, server, and location sections of an NGINX configuration. Here's an example:

proxy_cache_valid 200 302 10m;
proxy_cache_valid any 1m;

Cache control fields in the response header have a higher precedence than the directive. The processing of the response header can be turned off using the proxy_ignore_headers directive.


This directive defines the conditions under which the response will not be saved to the cache. The directive takes a list of parameters that are evaluated at runtime. If any of them is nonempty and nonzero, the response will not be cached. The directive is available under the http, server, and location sections of an NGINX configuration. Here's an example:

proxy_no_cache $http_pragma $cookie_nocache;

The preceding configuration will not cache the response if the header contains the Pragma field, or if a no-cache cookie has been set.


This directive defines the conditions in which NGINX will not perform cache lookup. The directive takes a list of parameters that are evaluated at runtime. If either of them is nonempty and nonzero, the response will not be cached. The directive is available under the http, server, and location sections of an NGINX configuration. Here's an example:

proxy_bypass_cache $http_pragma $cookie_nocache;

The preceding configuration will not perform cache lookup if the header contains the Pragma field, or if a no-cache cookie has been set.


This directive defines the list of HTTP methods that will be cached. By default, the GET and HEAD methods are cached. The directive is available under the http, server, and location sections of an NGINX configuration. Here's an example:

proxy_cache_methods GET HEAD;


This directive defines the error conditions under which a stale response can be used from the cache. The directive defines all error conditions served by NGINX as parameters. By default, the directive is set to off. This directive is available under the http, server, and location sections of an NGINX configuration. Here's an example:

proxy_cache_use_stale http_500 http_503;

Setting up the server

The following configuration enables NGINX to serve content from the Flask application. NGINX is also configured to serve the CSS file, which is a part of the Python application. The cache directives are used to enable the support of the Proxy cache for the Python application. Here's how NGINX is configured for Flash:

proxy_cache_path /etc/NGINX/pythoncachekeys_zone=pythonCache:100m inactive=60m; 
proxy_cache_key "$request_method$host$request_uri"; 
location /python/css/ { 
alias "/code-path/css/"; 

location /python/ {
proxy_cache pythonCache; 
proxy_cache_valid any 1m; 
add_header X-Proxy-Cache $upstream_cache_status; 
# Rest NGINX configuration omitted for brevity

The preceding configuration does the following things:

  • The proxy_cache_path directive creates a cache for the specified size
  • The proxy_cache_key directive defines the key format for cache lookup
  • The location directive for /python/css enables NGINX to serve all static content
  • The location directive for /python/ forwards all requests to the server running at
  • The proxy_cache directive in the location section enables the cache for all requests served by the block
  • The proxy_cache_valid directive caches a successful response for 1 minute

Additionally, the server adds the X-Proxy-Cache field in the response header, indicating the status of a cache hit.

Now, access the location http://server/python/. A screenshot similar to the following one will be displayed:

Setting up the server

Since we have added a field in the header, it can be used to validate whether the request has been served from the cache:

$ curl -I 
HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
Server: NGINX/1.7.12 (Ubuntu) 
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 08:50:30 GMT 
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 
Connection: keep-alive 
X-Proxy-Cache: MISS 

$ curl -I
.. .. .. ..
X-Proxy-Cache: HIT
..................Content has been hidden....................

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