Setting up the server

In the following section, we will try to build an example using NGINX-Lua support.

The problem statement

Let's say we have a website, the pages of which have moved from location /previous-feature/1 , ... , /previous-feature/n to /new-feature-1 , ... , /new-feature-n. Now, if the site is being indexed by Google (or any other search engine), it might be required to perform URL redirects when the Googlebot hits /previous-location/X. The redirect may require a proper HTTP redirect code (301, 302) too.


In order to solve the previously stated problem, we need to do some validation before processing a request. We will configure NGINX to do the following:

  • Determine whether the request URI is one of the redirected locations
  • If no, then serve the request
  • If yes, then determine the new location and HTTP redirect code
  • Perform an NGINX redirect to the new location using the redirect code

We will save the location information in MySQL in the following format; then, we can do lookups from NGINX to determine whether the location requires a redirect or not:













The following MySQL statements will create the required table and insert data into it:

CREATE TABLE seo_redirect_location ( 
 Org_Location varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL, 
 Redirect_Location varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL, 
 Redirect_Code int(11) NOT NULL, 

INSERT INTO seo_redirect_location 
(Org_Location, Redirect_Location, Redirect_Code) 

INSERT INTO seo_redirect_location 
(Org_Location,Redirect_Location, Redirect_Code) 

Now, we need to build the NGINX script that can look up the MySQL database. We will add the lua-resty-Mysql library to do this. The following NGINX script sums up all the required changes:

# add library to path
lua_package_path "/home/ubuntu/lua-resty-mysql-master/lib/?.lua;;";

# import mysql package 
init_by_lua 'mysql = require "resty.mysql" ';

server {
 location / { 
      default_type 'text/plain'; 

      content_by_lua ' local db, err = mysql:new() 
#connect to databas
       local ok, err, errno, sqlstate = db:connect{ 
          host = "", 
          port = 3306, 
          database = "test", 
          user = "newuser", 
          password = "newuser", 
          max_packet_size = 1024 * 1024 } 

        if not ok then 

        local res, err, errno, sqlstate = db:query("select * from seo_redirect_location where org_Location='"..ngx.var.uri.."' order by id asc", 10) 

        if next(res) then 
          return ngx.redirect(res[1].Redirect_location,res[1].Redirect_Code) 

    location @inline_concat { 
      # MIME type determined by default_type: 
      default_type 'text/plain'; 
      set $a "hello"; 
      set $b "world"; 
      # Lua script to generate Hello world
         set_by_lua $res "return ngx.arg[1]..ngx.arg[2]..ngx.var.uri" $a $b; 
           return 200 $res; 

The preceding script does the following things:

  • The lua_package_path directive adds the lua-resty-Mysql scripts to the NGINX Lua path
  • The init_by_lua directive imports the resty.mysql package
  • NGINX does all validations in the default location block
  • The content_by_lua directive tries to build a response using Lua
  • The db.connect statement connects to the MySQL instance
  • If an error occurs while connecting to MySQL, then the content is served from the @inline_concat location
  • If no error occurs, then check the location int in the seo_redirect_location table using db:query() method
  • The next() method call gives back any result found by the query
  • If one exists, perform a redirect using the ngx.redirect() method
  • If one does not exist, the server serves content from the @inline_concat location
  • If the NGINX configuration does not have a default content type, it needs to be set in the @inline_concat location block
  • In the @inline_concat location, set_by_lua executes the Lua code to generate a response
  • NGINX sends back the generated response using the return statement. The optional HTTP code (200) is also passed to the call
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