Chapter 2. Basic IDE Usage

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Creating a Java Project using Maven support
  • Creating a package
  • Creating a class
  • Running the main class
  • Debugging a class
  • Creating constructors
  • Generating toString(), equals(), and hashCode()
  • Generating getters and setters


Now that we are all set, let's start with what every developer loves: coding.

NetBeans features a handful of project wizards. These wizards abstract the tedious job of creating folder structures and automate most of the job required by the developer in terms of importing the required libraries.

Creating a Java project with NetBeans Wizards is simple and easy. With NetBeans' help, we will explore the basics of project creation and configuration. Some more advanced project creations, like Maven support, are also covered in this chapter. These are actually the first steps of more advanced projects that will come in later chapters. Besides using Projects Wizards, this chapter shows the Java editor for the first time. As with other IDEs NetBeans also eases the creation of files such as: Classes, interfaces, JSP's, Servlets, and many more can be easily created with a few clicks.

Apart from the rich set of wizards, NetBeans features a great Java debugger and in this chapter you will learn how to debug a simple Java class.

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