Extracting a superclass

Extracting superclasses enables NetBeans to add different levels of hierarchy even after the code is written.

Usually, requirements changing in the middle of development, and rewriting classes to support inheritance would quite complicated and time-consuming.

NetBeans enables the developer to create those superclasses in a few clicks and, by understanding how this mechanism works, even creates superclasses that extend other superclasses.

Getting ready

We will need to create a Project based on the Getting Ready section of the previous recipe, since it is very similar.

The only change from the previous recipe is that this recipe's project name will be SuperClassExtraction.

After project creation:

  1. Right-click on the superclassextraction package, select New... and Java Class....
  2. On the New Java Class dialog enter the class name as DataAnalyzer.
  3. Leave all the other fields with their default values and click Finish.

Replace the entire content of the DataAnalyzer.java with the following code:

package superclassextraction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class DataAnalyzer {
ArrayList<String> data;
static final boolean CORRECT = true;
static final boolean INCORRECT = false;
private void fetchData() {
void saveData() {
public boolean parseData() {
return CORRECT;
public String analyzeData(ArrayList<String> data, int offset) {
return "";

Now let's extract our superclass.

How to do it...

  1. Right-click inside of the DataAnalyzer.java class, select Refactor and Extract Superclass....
  2. When the Extract Superclass dialog appears, enter Superclass Name as Analyzer.
  3. On Members to Extract, select all members, but leave saveData out.
  4. Under the Make Abstract column select analyzeData() and leave parseData(), saveData(), fetchData() out. Then click Refactor.
How to do it...

How it works...

When the Refactor button is pressed, NetBeans copies the marked methods from DataAnalyzer.java and re-creates them in the superclass.

NetBeans deals intelligently with methods marked as abstract. The abstract methods are moved up in the hierarchy and the implementation is left in the concrete class. In our example analyzeData is moved to the abstract class but marked as abstract; the real implementation is then left in DataAnalyzer.

NetBeans also supports the moving of fields, in our case the CORRECT and INCORRECT fields.

The following is the code in DataAnalyzer.java:

public class DataAnalyzer extends Analyzer {
public void saveData() {
public String analyzeData(ArrayList<String> data, int offset) {
return "";

The following is the code in Analyzer.java:

public abstract class Analyzer {
static final boolean CORRECT = true;
static final boolean INCORRECT = false;
ArrayList<String> data;
public Analyzer() {
public abstract String analyzeData(ArrayList<String> data, int offset);
public void fetchData() {
public boolean parseData() {
return DataAnalyzer.CORRECT;
Java refactoringJava refactoringsuperclasses, extracting}

There's more...

Let's learn how to implement parent class methods.

Implementing parent class methods

Let's add a method to the parent class:

  1. Open Analyzer.java and enter the following code:
    public void clearData(){
  2. Save the file.
  3. Open DataAnalyzer.java, press Alt+Insert and select Override Method....
  4. In the Generate Override Methods dialog select the clearData() option and click Generate.
  5. NetBeans will then override the method and add the implementation to DataAnalyzer.java:
    public void clearData() {

Extracting an interface

As with Extracting a superclass, NetBeans also enables the developer to create interfaces out of pre-existing concrete classes.

As with superclasses, it is also possible to create a more complex hierarchy when extending different interfaces and combining them together.

Getting ready

We will need to create a project based on the Getting Ready section of the previous recipe, since it is very similar.

The only change from the previous recipe is that this recipe's project name will be InterfaceExtraction.

  1. Now right-click on the interfaceextraction package, select New... and Java Class....
  2. On the New Java Class dialog enter the class Name as DataAnalyzer.
  3. Leave all the other fields with their default values and click Finish.

Replace the entire content of DataAnalyzer.java with the following code:

package interfaceextraction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class DataAnalyzer {
ArrayList<String> data;
static final boolean CORRECT = true;
static final boolean INCORRECT = false;
private void fetchData() {
void saveData() {
public boolean parseData() {
return CORRECT;
public String analyzeData(ArrayList<String> data, int offset) {
return "";

Now let's extract our interface.

How to do it...

  1. Right-click inside of the DataAnalyzer.java class, select Refactor and Extract Interface....
  2. When the Extract Interface dialog appears, enter Interface Name as IDataAnalyzer.
  3. On Members to Extract select both methods and click Refactor.
How to do it...

How it works...

NetBeans copies the method declaration of selected methods contained in our concrete class and creates an interface with them.

Then our concrete class is marked with the implements keyword.

The interface is then placed in the same package as our concrete class.

package interfaceextraction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public interface IDataAnalyzer {
String analyzeData(ArrayList<String> data, int offset);
boolean parseData();

There's more...

Extracting interface from classes that already have an interface; undoing interface extraction; and understanding the options when refactoring.

Creating interfaces for classes that already implement interfaces

Let's create another interface directly from the class that already implements an interface.

Change the access modifier of fetchData method from default to public:

public void saveData() {

Perform the Extract Interface process one more time:

  1. Right-click inside of the DataAnalyzer.java class, select Refactor and Extract Interface....
  2. When the Extract Interface dialog appears, enter as Interface Name IDatabaseAccess.
  3. On Members to Extract, this time select implements IDataAnalyzer and saveData and click Refactor.
Creating interfaces for classes that already implement interfaces

As seen in the previous screenshot another option is given to the developer, the implements IDataAnalzyer.

This option will replace the interface that the class is currently implementing with the newly generated one, and then extend that new interface with the original.

Here is some code to exemplify:

Our class:

public class DataAnalyzer implements IDataAnalyzerDB

Our new interface:

public interface IDataAnalyzerDB extends IDataAnalyzer

Undoing interface exctraction

Don't worry, NetBeans is well-prepared for this situation.

Simply right-click DataAnalyzer.java, and inside of the Refactor sub-menu there is the Undo [Extract Interface] option.

Undoing interface exctraction

Refactoring options

When clicking Preview in the Extracting Interface the developer is presented with the Refactoring Options.

In this window it is possible to go into great detail over what will get refactored during the above tasks.

Refactoring options

In this dialog we can select any, all or none of the hierarchical options.

It is possible, for example, not to enable the creation of the interface, even though this would have the consequence of code not compiling, but this gives the developer the chance to make necessary changes to whatever is needed.

Encapsulating fields

Encapsulation is one of the core principles of object-oriented programming and NetBeans goes to great lengths to simplify the process of generating the necessary code for it.

Getting ready

Creating the code to be encapsulated:

We will need to create a project based on the first Getting Ready section of this chapter, since it is very similar.

The only change from the previous recipe is that this recipe's project name will be EncapsulatingFieldsProject.

We will also need to add a Java class with Person as the class name with entities as the package name.

Replace the code within Person.java with:

package entities;
public class Person {
long id;
String firstName;
String lastName;
int age;
String address;
String email;

And save the file.

How to do it...

With Person.java open in the Java editor:

  1. Right-click inside of Person.java.
  2. Select Refactor and Encapsulate Fields....
  3. On the Encapsulate Fields dialog, in the top right corner click on Select All and then click Refactor.
How to do it...

How it works...

NetBeans does a great job when creating all the getters and setters with the default values, even letting the developer select each individual method for each property.

This gives a good balance of what should be made accessible and how it should be accessible.

By leaving all of the default options in the field, NetBeans marks all variables as private, adds get/set methods for each variable and documents them.

Here is a snippet of the generated code for the firstName property:

private String firstName;
* @return the firstName
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
* @param firstName the firstName to set
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;

There's more...

We will better understand the many options provided by the Encapsulate dialog in NetBeans by considering what follows.

Understanding encapsulate fields options

The options presented by the Encapsulate Field dialog are very straightforward:

  • Sort By NetBeans will sort the access methods depending on the option selected.
  • Getter/Setter pair organizes the methods by their common field.
  • Getter then Setters organizes the methods with all the getters preceding setters.
  • Method Name organizes methods by their own names.
Understanding encapsulate fields options

Javadoc option enforces the location where the Javadoc for the accessor methods will come from.

Be it by copying from the fields with the Copy from field option, letting the IDE do the hard work of creating the Javadoc for all of the methods with Create default comments, or simply None.

Understanding encapsulate fields options

Field Visibility enables the developer to choose which Java access modifier should be applied to the variable declaration:

Understanding encapsulate fields options

Accessor Visibility enables the developer to choose which Java access modifier should be applied to the accessor methods (get/set).

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