

Acknowledgments (ack), with holding,  96–98
Active messages,  162
Adaptor memory,  111–113
Addresses, Internet,  235–236
Address lookup,  236
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP),  37
Afterburner approach,  112–113
edge,  359–361
random,  359
threshold,  385–387
Aho-Corasick algorithm,  402–403
Algorithms versus algorithmics,  54–55
American National Standards Institute (ANSI),  123
Anomaly intrusion detection,  399
Apache Web server,  149
speeding up select() by changing,  158–159
speeding up select() without changing,  157–158
Appletalk,  37 , 223
Application code,  140
Application device channels (ADCs),  161–162
buffer validation of,  74–76
endnode,  32–34
router,  34–38
virtual interface,  162–163
Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) 
flow control,  76–77
video conferencing via,  102–104


Backtracking,  14 , 281
Baker, Fred,  227
Bandwidth,  28
guarantees,  348–354
reducing collection,  389–390
scaling,  5
Banks,  28
Banyan,  444
Barrel shifters,  23
Batch allocator,  200–201
Batching,  58 , 164
Benes networks,  328–333
Berkeley packet filter (BPF),  145 , 186–188
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol),  36 , 373–374
Binary search 
of long identifiers,  100–102
pipelining,  230–231
prefix lengths,  259–261
on ranges,  257–258
Binary trees, balanced,  29
Binomial bucketing,  93
Bit-by-bit round-robin,  350–354
Bitmaps, tree,  255–257
Bit slicing,  333–334
Bit vector linear search,  289–292
Bloom filters,  410–413
Bottlenecks,  3
endnode,  4–5
router,  5–7
Boyer-Moore algorithm,  403–405
BPF (Berkeley packet filter),  145 , 186–188
Bridges/bridging,  80–81
defined,  221
Ethernets,  222–224
scaling lookups to higher speeds,  228–231
wire speed forwarding,  224–228
BSD UNIX,  40–41 , 164
callouts and timers,  178–179
Bucket sorting,  92–93
Buddy system,  200
aggregates,  126
allocation,  5 , 199–201
dynamic buffer limiting,  203
fast,  115–119
management,  198–203
overflow,  8
sharing,  201–203
stealing,  201–202
validation of application device channels (ADCs),  74–76
Buses,  28 , 33 , 305–307
Butterfly network,  444
Byte swapping and order,  207 , 208


Caches (caching),  32–33 , 63–64 , 131–135 , 242
packet classification and,  276
Callouts,  178–179
Cell,  190–191
CERN Web proxy,  153
Checksums,  5 , 36 , 203
header,  208–209
Internet,  207–209
Cheeson, Greg,  210
Cheetah Web Server,  128
design,  441–442
scaling and speeds,  31
Chi-square,  15
Circuit switches,  38
Cisco,  240 , 320 , 354 , 382
GSR,  428–429
NetFlow,  388–389
Clark, Dave,  143–144
Class-based queuing (CBQ),  353–354
Classification,  See Packet Classification
Classless Internet Domain Routing (CIDR),  235–236
structuring processes per client,  147–148
structuring threads per client,  148–150
Clos, Charles,  324
Clos networks,  324–328 , 442–443
copying in,  122–123
VAX,  122–123
CMU Stanford packet filter (CSPF),  145 , 185–186 , 194–195
application,  140
arrangement,  132–133
networking,  143–146
Column address strobe (CAS),  27
Compaction, frame-based,  262–263
Compaq Computer Inc., virtual interface architecture,  162–163
Concurrency,  147 , 150–151
Connection lists, getting rid of TCP open,  93–96
Content-addressable memory (CAM),  50–54 , 230 , 242 , 278
Control overhead,  5 , 226
context-switching,  146–152
fast select,  153–159
interrupts,  163–165
in networking code,  143–146
reasons for,  141–143
system calls,  159–163
Copying,  4–5
adaptor memory,  111–113
Afterburner approach,  112–113
in a cluster,  122–123
loop,  129–130
methods of,  109–111
page remapping,  115–119
reducing,  111–121
remote DMA to avoid,  121–125
semantics, transparent emulation,  119–121
Copy-on-write (COW),  57,, 113–114
transient (TCOW),  119–121
Counting (counters),  381–382
pre-prefix,  394
probabilistic,  387–388
reducing counter height using flow,  387–388
reducing counter height using threshold aggregation,  385–387
reducing counter width using randomized,  384–385
Crossbar switches/scheduler,  6 , 307–311
Crosspoints,  307–308
equivalenced,  293–296
on demand,  292–293
CSPF (CMU Stanford packet filter),  145 , 185–186 , 194–195
Cyclic redundancy checks (CRCs),  203–207


Data, copying.  See Copying data
Databases, incremental reading of large,  98–100
Data cache,  32
Data link layer,  223
Data manipulations,  18
DEC (Digital Equipment Corp.),  122 , 223 , 227 , 228
Decision trees,  296–299
DECNET,  37 , 223
Decoders,  23
Deficit round-robin,  350–354
Degrees of freedom,  52–53 , 64
Delay guarantees,  354–358
Delta network,  328–330 , 443–444
Demand paging,  42
Demultiplexing (demultiplexers),  5 , 19 , 23 , 145
Berkeley packet filter (BPF),  145 , 186–188
challenges of early,  184–185
CMU Stanford packet filter (CSPF),  145 , 185–186 , 194–195
defined,  182
delayered,  182
dynamic packet filter (DPF),  192–195
early,  117 , 182–195
layered,  182
packet classification and,  277
PathFinder,  145 , 189–192
in x-kemel,  81–83
Dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM),  323
Descriptors,  160–161 , 163
Design, implementation principles versus,  65–66
Device driver,  43
DiffServ,  272 , 277 , 348 , 359–361
Dijkstra’s algorithm,  77–80
Directed acyclic graph (DAG),  191
Direct memory access (DMA),  33 , 226
remote,  121–125
versus programmed I/O,  135
Display-get-data,  144
Distributed systems, routers as 
asynchronous updates,  371–373
internal flow control,  363–368
internal striping,  368–371
Divide-and-conquer,  288–296
dlmalloc(),  200
Doorbells,  163
Download times, reducing,  66–67
Dynamic buffer limiting,  203
Dynamic packet filter (DPF),  192–195
Dynamic random access memory (DRAM),  26–29 , 32 , 33 , 226 , 441
reducing SRAM width using, backing store,  382–384


Earliest deadline first,  356
architecture,  34
design of priority,  22–23
programmable priority,  24–25 , 322
quality of service and priority,  22
Endnodes,  4–5 , 418–419
architecture,  32–34
ESLIP,  321 , 322
description of,  222–224
forwarding packets,  80–81
Event-driven scheduler,  150
Event-driven server,  150–151
Evil packet example,  8
Exact-match lookups,  6 , 28 , 221–232
ExpiryProcessing,  171 , 172
Expression tree model,  185–186
Extended grid of tries (EGT),  288


False negative,  10
Fast retransmit,  343
Fast select.  See select()
Fbufs (fast buffers),  115–119
FDDI,  228
Fiber Channel,  20–21 , 122 , 123
File systems 
IO-Lite,  126–128
I/O splicing,  128–129
shared memory,  116 , 125–126
Fine-granularity timers,  179–180
Firewalls,  272
First in, first out (FIFO),  339
Fisk, Mike,  8
Fixed-stride tries,  246–247
Flash Web server,  151 , 428
Flip-flops,  25
Flow control, internal,  363–368
Flow counting, reducing counter height using,  387–388
Flow ID lookups,  28–30
Flow switching,  240–241
Forwarding,  17
Forwarding information base (FIB),  35
Fractional cascading,  285
Fragmentation,  37
of link state protocols,  87–89
Frame-based compaction,  262–263


Geometric view, of packet classification,  284–286
Gigaswitch,  228–230
Green, Larry,  210
Grid of tries,  281–284
extended,  288


component-level design,  30–31
design tools,  23–25
logic gates,  21–22
memory,  25–30
models,  437–442
parallelism,  230–231
parameters,  31–32
transmission speed,  22–23
Hart, John,  227
Harvest Web server.  See Squid Web server
Hashed wheels,  175–176
Hashing,  28 , 75 , 228–230
locality-preserving,  405
Header checksum,  208–209
Header fields,  273
Header prediction,  210–212
Header validation,  36
Head-of-line blocking,  6 , 311–316
Hewlett-Packard, Open View,  20
Hierarchical deficit round-robin,  353
Hierarchical wheels,  176–178
Hints, use of,  62–63
Hole filling,  396
Hunt groups,  310–311
Hypercube,  444


IBM,  223
I-caches,  132–133
Identifiers, binary search of long,  100–102
Implementation principles 
caution when using,  68–70
modularity with efficiency principles,  56 , 61–63
routines, principles for speeding up,  56 , 63–65
systems principles,  56–61
versus design,  65–66
Infiniband,  123–124
Instruction cache,  32
Integrated layer processing (ILP),  130
virtual interface architecture,  162–163
VTune,  20
Internal flow control,  363–368
Internal striping,  368–371
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP),  37
handlers,  40 , 145
reducing,  163–165
software,  40 , 144 , 164
Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) 
Aho-Corasick algorithm,  402–403
anomaly,  399
Boyer-Moore algorithm,  403–405
logging,  409–413
probabilistic marking,  406–409
searching for multiple strings in packet payloads,  401–405
signature,  399
speeding up,  67–68
string matching, approximate,  405–406
subtasks,  400
worms, detecting,  413–415
IO-Lite,  126–128
I/O splicing,  128–129
IP Lookups,  See Prefix-match Lookups
iSCSI,  20–21 , 124–125
iSLIP,  316–323


Jupiter Networks,  324 , 326 , 392–393


Kempf, Mark,  223–224 , 225 , 227
Kernels,  43 , 162
Kingsley, Chris,  199


Labels, passing,  277
Latency,  19
Lauck, Tony,  227
Layer 4 switching.  See Packet classification
Layer processing, locality-driven,  133–134
Lazy evaluation,  14 , 57–58 , 208
Lazy receiver processing (LRP),  165
Lea, Doug,  200
Leaf pushing,  252
Least-cost matching rule,  270 , 273–275
Level-compressed tries,  250–251
Linear feedback shift register (LFSR),  206
Linear search,  276
bit vector,  289–292
Link state packet (LSP),  18 , 77 , 87–89
Link state protocols, avoiding fragmentation of,  87–89
Linux allocator,  200
Logging,  409–413
Logic gates,  21–22 , 437–438
chip model,  263–264
exact-match,  6 , 28 , 221–232
flow ID,  28–30
prefix-match,  6 , 35 , 233–266
Lulea-compressed tries,  252–255


malloc(),  199
Markers,  366
Masking,  207 , 235
Matchmaking,  148
mbufs,  118 , 199
McQuillan, John,  272
Measuring network traffic 
difficulty of,  381–382
Jupiter network example,  392–393
reducing collection bandwidth,  389–390
reducing counter height using flow counting,  387–388
reducing counter height using threshold aggregation,  385–387
reducing counter width using randomized counting,  384–385
reducing processing using NetFlow,  388–389
reducing SRAM width using DRAM backing store,  382–384
Sting,  395–396
traffic matrices,  393–395
trajectory sampling to correlate,  390–391
Memory,  25–30
adaptor,  111–113
allocation in compressed schemes,  261–263
backtracking,  281
content-addressable memory (CAM),  50–54 , 230 , 242 , 278
direct memory access (DMA),  33
dynamic random access memory (DRAM),  26–29 , 32 , 33 , 226 , 441
main,  32
mapped,  33
registered,  163
scaling,  335–336
shared,  116,, 125–126 , 305
static random access memory (SRAM),  26 , 32 , 228 , 382–384 , 441
virtual,  41–43 , 113–114
Memory management unit (MMU),  42
Microsoft Inc., virtual interface architecture,  162–163
Modified deficit round-robin,  354
Modularity with efficiency principles,  56
generality, avoiding,  62
hints, use of,  62–63
over referencing, avoiding,  62
replace inefficient routines,  61–62
Multibit tries,  245–250
Multicast,  321–322
Multichassis routers,  323 , 326–328
Multiplexers,  23
Multi-protocol-label switching (MPLS),  37 , 240 , 241 , 277
Multithreading,  38


Net-dispatch,  144
NetFlow,  388–389
Network address translation (NAT),  236
Network algorithmics 
algorithms versus,  54–55
characteristics of,  13–15
defined,  14 , 423–427
future,  429–431
real products and,  427–429
techniques,  7–15
Networking code, avoiding scheduling overhead in,  143–146
Network processors,  36 , 37–38
Node compression, tries and,  83–85


1D torus,  334–335
Operating systems 
system calls and simple,  43–44
uninterrupted computation,  39–41
virtual memory,  41–43
OSPF,  18 , 36 , 77
Output queuing,  312–314
Output scheduling,  36


Packet classification,  6 , 36 , 85 , 185
caching,  276
content-addressable memory,  278
cross-producting,  292–293
cross-producting, equivalenced,  293–296
decision trees,  296–299
demultiplexing,  277
divide-and-conquer,  288–296
extended grid of tries,  288
geometric view,  284–286
grid of tries,  281–284
linear search,  276
linear search, bit vector,  289–292
passing labels,  277
reasons for,  271–273
requirements and metrics,  275–276
role of,  270
routers,  270
tuples,  273–275
two dimensional,  278–284 , 287–288
Packet filters 
Berkeley (BPF),  145,, 186–188
CMU Stanford (CSPF),  145,, 185–186
dynamic,  192–195
Packets,  17
filtering in routers,  85–87
flow,  340
header validation and checksums,  36
logs,  388
repeaters,  223–224
scheduling,  339–361
Page mode,  27 , 226
Page remapping,  115–119
Pages,  42
Parallelism, hardware,  230–231
Parallel iterative matching (PIM),  314–316
Pareto optimality,  201
PathFinder,  145 , 189–192 , 277
Path MTU,  213–214
Patricia trie,  14 , 245
pbufs,  199
Perfect hashing,  229
Performance, improving,  364–365 , 368–369 , 372–373
Performance measures,  19–20
select() and server performance problem,  153–154
for timers,  171
Perlman, Radia,  227
PerTickBookkeeping,  171 , 172
Piggybacking,  98
Ping,  395
Pipelining,  28–29 , 230–231
Polling,  164
Population scaling,  5
Prefix-match lookups,  6 , 35
binary search, prefix lengths,  259–261
binary search, on ranges,  257–258
flow switching,  240–241
memory allocation,  261–263
model,  236–238
model, lookup-chip,  263–264
multi-protocol label switching,  37 , 240 , 241
nonalgorithmic techniques for,  242
notation,  234–235
threaded indices and tag switching,  14 , 238–240 , 241
tree bitmaps,  255–257
tries, level-compressed,  250–251
tries, Lulea-compressed,  252–255
tries, multibit,  245–250
tries, unibit,  243–245
variable-length, reasons for,  235–236
Pre-prefix counters,  394
Priorities,  320–321 , 347
Probabilistic counting,  387–388
Probabilistic marking,  406–409
Programmable logic arrays (PLAs),  439
Programmable priority encoders,  24–25 , 322
Protocol control block (PCB),  210–212
Protocol Engines, Inc.,  210
Protocol processing 
buffer management,  198–203
checksums and cyclic redundancy checks,  203–209
generic,  209–213
reassembly,  213–216
Protocols,  17–19 , 36–37
reservation,  347–348
Pushout,  202–203


Quality of service (QOS),  22
reasons for,  340–342
Queuing,  36
class-based,  353–354
multiple outbound,  346–347
output,  312–314
scalable fair,  358–361


Random early detection (RED),  342–345
avoiding,  316–323
memory scaling using,  335–336
Rational, Quantify,  20
Reading large databases, incremental,  98–100
Rearrangeably nonblocking,  327
Reassembly,  19 , 213–216
Receiver livelock,  40–41
avoiding,  164–165
Recursive flow classification (RFC),  293–296
Redirects,  37
Reentrant,  148
Registered memory,  163
Registers,  25 , 440
Reliability,  365–368 , 369–371 , 373
Remote direct memory access (RDMA),  121–125
filtering,  224
packet,  223–224
Resemblance,  405–406
Reservation protocols,  347–348
Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP),  347–348
Resources, identifying,  92–93
RIP,  36
deficit (bit-by-bit),  350–354
slice-by-slice,  348–350
architecture,  34–38
fragmentation, redirects and ARPs,  37–38
history of,  305–307
lookup,  35–36
multichassis,  323 , 326–328
packet classification,  270
packet filtering in,  85–87
pin-count for buffers,  30–31
processing,  36–37
queuing,  36
switching,  36
telephone switches versus,  304–305
Routines, principles for speeding up,  56 , 63–65
Routing,  17
computation using Dijkstra’s algorithm,  77–80
Row address strobe (RAS),  27


Sampled charging,  389–390
Savage, Stefan,  395
Scalable fair queuing,  358–361
bandwidth,  5
endnode,  4
population,  5
router,  5
chip,  31
to faster switches,  333–336
to larger switches,  323–333
memory,  31 , 335–336
via hashing,  228–230
Schedule clients,  19
crossbar,  24–25 , 307–311
event-driven,  150
output,  36
packets,  339–361
SCSI (small computer system interface),  20–21 , 123
Security issues.  See Intrusion detection systems (IDSs)
Security forensics problem,  54–55
analysis of,  155–157
server performance problem,  153–154
speeding up by changing API,  158–159
speeding up without changing API,  157–158
use and implementation of,  154–155
Server, event-driven,  150–151
Service differentiation,  6 , 270
Set-pruning tries,  278–281
Shared memory,  116 , 125–126 , 305
Shelley, Bob,  227
Short links,  334–335
Signature intrusion detection,  399
Simcoe, Bob,  228
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP),  37 , 381
SNA,  37 , 223
Snapshot,  367
SNORT,  399–402
SNS,  223
Socket queue,  41
Software interrupt,  40 , 144 , 164
Spanning tree algorithm,  227
SPECweb,  128
Spinney, Barry,  228–229 , 230
Squid Web server,  150 , 153
StartTimer,  171 , 172
State machine implementation,  30–31
Static random access memory (SRAM),  26 , 32 , 228 , 441
reducing, using DRAM backing store,  382–384
Sting,  395–396
StopTimer,  171 , 172
Storage area networks (SANs),  20–21 , 123
String matching, approximate,  405–106
Strings in packet payloads, searching for,  401–105
Structure,  4
Substitution error,  405
Switching (switches),  36
Benes networks,  328–333
bit slicing,  333–334
Clos networks,  324–328
costs,  324
crossbar scheduler,  307–311
flow,  240–241
head-of-line blocking,  311–316
iSLIP,  316–323
memory scaling,  335–336
multi-protocol-label,  37 , 240 , 241
optical,  38
output queuing,  312–314
parallel iterative matching (PIM),  314–316
router,  305–307
router versus telephone,  304–305
scaling,  323–336
shared-memory,  305
short links,  334–335
theory,  442–443
threaded indices and tag,  14 , 238–240 , 241
Switch pointers,  282–283
System calls,  43–14
avoiding,  159–163
Systems principles 
leverage off system components,  59–60
performance improved by hardware,  60–61
relaxing requirements,  58–59
time and space computation,  57–58
waste, avoiding,  56–57


Tag switching,  14 , 238–240 , 241
Take-a-ticket scheme,  307–311
Task-based structuring,  151–152
tcpdump,  20
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Intemet Protocol),  17–19 , 21
congestion control,  342
header prediction,  210–212
open connection lists, getting rid of,  93–96
transport and routing,  433–437
Teardrop attack,  409
Telephone switches 
Clos networks,  325–326
router versus,  304–305
Thomas, Bob,  228
Threads,  40
indices and tag switching,  238–240 , 241
per client,  148–150
Threshold aggregation,  385–387
Throughput,  19
memory,  28
Timers,  5 , 19
BSD UNIX implementation,  178–179
delays,  439
fine granularity,  179–180
hashed wheels,  175–176
hierarchical wheels,  176–178
reasons for,  169–171
routines and performance of,  171
simple,  172–173
wheels,  173–174
Timing Wheels,  See Timers, wheels
Token bucket shaping and policing,  345–346
Tomography,  394
logging,  409–413
probabilistic marking,  406–409
Traceroute,  395
Trading memory for processing,  14
Traffic matrices,  393–395
Traffic patterns, monitoring,  90–92 See also Measuring network traffic
Trajectory sampling,  390–391
Transistors,  437–438
Translation look-aside buffer (TLB),  42 , 115
Transmission speed,  22–23
Transport-arm-to-send,  144
Transport-get-port,  144
Tree bitmaps,  255–257
Tries,  402
defined,  190
extended grid of,  288
fixed-stride,  246–247
grid of,  281–284
level-compressed,  250–251
Lulea-compressed,  252–255
multibit,  245–250
node compression and,  83–85
Patricia,  14 , 245
set-pruning,  278–281
variable-stride,  247–250
unibit,  243–245


UDP (User Datagram Protocol),  17 , 212–213
ufalloc(),  153–154
Unibit tries,  243–245
UNIX mbufs,  118 , 199 See also BSD UNIX
Upcalls,  143–145
Updates, asynchronous,  371–373
User-level implementation,  144–146
User processes,  40


Variable-stride tries,  247–250
VAX cluster,  122–123
Video conferencing, asynchronous transfer mode and,  102–104
Virtual circuits (VCs),  76–77 , 102–104
Virtual clock,  355–356
Virtual interface architecture (VIA),  162–163
Virtual memory,  41–43 , 113–114
Virtual output queues (VOQs),  314–315 , 322


WAN (wide area network),  153
Waters, Greg,  231
Web servers 
context-switching control overhead,  146–152
event-driven scheduler,  150
event-driven server,  150–151
process per client,  147–148
task-based structuring,  151–152
thread per client,  148–150
Wheels.  See Timers
Wire speed forwarding,  9 , 224–228
Worms, detecting,  413–415


Xerox,  223
x-kemel, demultiplexing in,  81–83
XTP protocol,  210


Zeus Web server,  150
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