

Chapter 1: Starting Over



Stocks for the Long Run...Or Not

Going Forward

Boiling It Down

Chapter 2: Advice To Ignore

The Nortel Flameout

Momentum Investing and Popular Media

Buy GM, But Don’t Quote Us on That

Talking Dartboards

Boiling It Down

Chapter 3: Love Your Emotions, Don’t Trade Them

Market Meltdowns and Mental Breakdowns

“Getevenitis” Disease

Following the Herd

Boiling It Down

Chapter 4: Investment Strategies That Turn into Portfolio Nightmares

The “Experts” Fallacy

Steak Versus Meat Loaf

Plausible Fads

Gone to the Dogs

Boiling It Down

Chapter 5: You Have More Options Than Just Sucking It Up and Accepting Losses

Conventional Wisdom? Yecch

Index Funds: Not All Equal

Boiling It Down

Chapter 6: When Diversification Does Not Diversify

All for One and One for All

Sectors: Slicing Up the Pie

When Value Is Growth and Growth Is Value

Moving Together

Boiling It Down

Chapter 7: Buying a Portfolio—And Selling It

Rebalancing—Your Best Friend

Timing the Market

The Buffett Way

Boiling It Down

Chapter 8: ETFs: A Stock By Any Other Name

Managed ETFs and Other Wrinkles

Boiling It Down

Chapter 9: Crude and Rude: Commodities, Bonds, and Everything Else You Should (and Shouldn’t) Buy

Other Asset Classes

Bond. Treasury Bond

Boiling It Down

Chapter 10: Putting It All Together

Nothing Is Free; Some Things Come Close

What Do You Want?

The Portfolio

The Risk Factor

Boiling It Down

Chapter 11: The Outlook for the Future

The Inflation Question

Debt Goes Around the World

Going Forward

Boiling It Down



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