
The entirety of this book would not be possible without the counsel and experience of my agent, Jeffrey Krames, who contacted me about writing a book more than two years ago and before I had any idea as to what I might want to write about. Needless to say, he was hands-on as ideas were developed and has been a great ally. The book would not exist without him.

I need to thank, as well, my editor, Jeanne Glasser, who has been steady in her belief in the book’s value, provided careful and useful edits, and was encouraging and understanding through the entire process. Jeanne and the rest of the editing and production staff at FT Press are crucial to this book’s success.

I cannot go without the acknowledgement of those in the industry who provided wise thoughts and took the time to explain their views extensively about this market. I interviewed many during the course of this book’s development, but in particular would like to mention Jeffrey Rubin of Birinyi Associates, Diane Garnick of Invesco, and Rob Arnott of Research Affiliates, who deepened my understanding of the markets.

I would also like to mention the journalists who have inspired me over the years and contributed to my growth as a writer and reporter, including but not limited to Suzanne Pavkovic, David Mark, Sailaja Sastry, Todd Bell, Dan Carroll, Jamie Heller, Aaron Task, John Edwards, Ron Lieber, David Geracioti, Matt Barthel, Geoffrey Lewis, Pat Fitzgibbons, Mark Gongloff, Cindy Perman, Tim Annett, Jennifer Ablan, Bill Schomberg, and Chris Sanders. I owe a massive debt to fellow traveler Erin Arvedlund, who prodded me throughout the process and provided valuable tips to make this book much better than it could have been without her efforts.

My thanks also go to my employer, Thomson Reuters, which gave me the support and time to take on this project. This work does not reflect the opinions of my employer as it is solely my effort.

I’d be nowhere without my mother and father, and my sister, Jessica, who remember the days when I’d struggle through English class due to a lack of interest in writing. How things change.

This book came about at a rather busy period in my life, coming a few months before and after the birth of my second child, Noah. In between late-night feedings I set these words to paper, often sitting on a stepstool with my laptop propped up on the bed while my daughter, Lily, was across the hall trying to sleep. My children are my treasure, and the need to comfort my daughter by being in her vicinity was an interesting way for me to discipline myself by using the time spent upstairs to write more.

I’m going to end with some words for my wife, Dana, who has been unwavering in her support for me. It’s not easy to juggle two kids and full-time jobs, but she was there to pick me up when I was feeling frustrated and celebrate the high points with me as well. This book is for you. I love you very much.

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