
Google, Big Data, and Hadoop

Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.

—Peter Sondergaard, Gartner Research, 2011

Data creation is exploding. With all the selfies and useless files people refuse to delete on the cloud. . . . The world’s data storage capacity will be overtaken. . . . Data shortages, data rationing, data black markets . . . data-geddon!

—Gavin Belson, HBOs Silicon Valley, 2015

In the history of computing, nothing has raised the profile of data processing, storage, and analytics as much as the concept of Big Data. We have considered ourselves to be an information-age society since the 1980s, but the concentration of media and popular attention to the role of data in our society have never been greater than in the past few years–thanks to Big Data.

Big Data technologies include those that allow us to derive more meaning from data–machine learning, for instance—and those that permit us to store greater volumes of data at higher granularity than ever before.

Google pioneered many of these Big Data technologies, and they found their way into the broader IT community in the form of Hadoop. In this chapter we review the history of Google’s data management technologies, the emergence of Hadoop, and the development of other technologies for massive unstructured data storage.

The Big Data Revolution

Big Data is a broad term with multiple, competing definitions. For this author, it suggests two complementary significant shifts in the role of data within computer science and society:

  • More data: We now have the ability to store and process all data—machine generated, multimedia, social networking, and transactional data—in its original raw format and maintain this data potentially in perpetuity.
  • To more effect: Advances in machine learning, predictive analytics, and collective intelligence allow more value to be generated from data than ever before.

This is not a book about the Big Data revolution; there are enough of those already. However, we should spend a few pages articulating the significance of Big Data as a concept so as to put these technologies into context.

Big Data often seems like a meaningless buzz phrase to older database professionals who have been experiencing exponential growth in database volumes since time immemorial. There has never been a moment in the history of database management systems when the increasing volume of data has not been remarkable.

However, it is true that the nature of organizational data today is qualitatively different from that of the recent past. Some have referred to this paradigm shift as an “industrial revolution" in data, and indeed this term seems apt. Before the industrial revolution, all products were created essentially by hand, whereas after the industrial revolution, products were created in assembly lines that were in factories. In a similar way, before the industrial revolution of data, all data was generated “in house.” Now, data comes in from everywhere: customers, social networks, and sensors, as well as all the traditional sources, such as sales and internal operational systems.

Cloud, Mobile, Social, and Big Data

Most would agree that the three leading information technology trends over the last decade have been in cloud, mobile, and social media. These three megatrends have transformed our economy, our society, and our everyday lives. The evolution of online retail over the past 15 years provides perhaps the most familiar example of these trends in motion.

The term cloud computing started to gain mindshare in 2008, but what we now call “The Cloud” was truly born in the e-commerce revolution of the late 1990s. The emergence of the Internet as a universal wide area network and the World Wide Web as a business-to-customer portal drove virtually all businesses “into the cloud” via the creation of web-based storefronts.

For some industries—music and books, for instance—the Internet rapidly became a significant or even dominant sales channel. But across the wider retail landscape, physical storefronts (brick-and-mortar stores) continued to dominate consumer interactions.  Although retailers were fully represented in the cloud, consumers had only a sporadic and shallow presence. For most consumers, Internet connectivity was limited to a shared home computer or a desktop at work. The consumer was only intermittently connected to the Internet and had no online identity.

The emergence of social networks and smartphones occurred almost simultaneously. Smartphones allowed people to be online at all times, while social networks provided the motivation for frequent Internet engagement.  Within a few years, the average consumer’s Internet interactions accelerated: people who had previously interacted with the Internet just a few times a day were now continually online, monitoring their professional and social engagements through email and social networks.

Consumers now found it convenient to shop online whenever the impulse arose.  Furthermore, retailers quickly discovered that they could leverage information from social networks and other Internet sources to target marketing campaigns and personalize engagement. Retailers themselves created social network presences that complemented their online stores and allowed the retailer to engage the consumer directly through the social network.

The synergy between the online business and the social network—mediated and enabled by the always connected mobile Internet—has resulted in a seismic shift in the retail landscape. The key to the effectiveness of the new retail model is data: the social-mobile-cloud generates masses of data that can be used to refine and enhance the online experience. This positive feedback loop drives the Big Data solutions that can represent success or failure for the next generation of retail operations.

Retail is a familiar example, but similar dynamics drive almost every other industry. In some cases the Internet of Things (IoT)—by hooking virtually every physical device that collects or consumes data into the Internet—plays the equivalent role as the smartphone in the retail context.  New connected devices—Internet-enabled cars, wearable devices, home automation, and so on—propel the virtuous data cycle that generates and depends on data to drive competitive advantage. Figure 2-1 illustrates this cycle.


Figure 2-1. The virtuous cycle of big data

Google: Pioneer of Big Data

When Google was first created in 1996, the World Wide Web was already a network of unparalleled scale; indeed, it was that very large scale that made Google’s key innovation—PageRank—such a breakthrough. Existing search engines simply indexed on keywords within webpages. This was inadequate, given the sheer number of possible matches for any search term; the results were primarily weighted by the number of occurrences of the search term within a page, with no account for usefulness or popularity. PageRank allowed the relevance of a page to be weighted based on the number of links to that page, and it allowed Google to immediately provide a better search outcome than its competitors.

PageRank is a great example of a data-driven algorithm that leverages the “wisdom of the crowd” (collective intelligence) and that can adapt intelligently as more data is available (machine learning). Google is, therefore, the first clear example of a company that succeeded on the web through what we now call data science.

Google Hardware

Google serves as a prime example of how better algorithm were forged by intelligently harnessing massive datasets. However, for our purposes, it is Google’s innovations in data architecture that are most relevant.

Google’s initial hardware platform consisted of the typical collection of off-the-shelf servers sitting under a desk that might have been found in any research lab. However, it took only a few years for Google to shift to masses of rack-mounted servers in commercial-grade data centers. As Google grew, it outstripped the capacity limits of even the most massive existing data center architectures. The economics and practicalities of delivering a hardware infrastructure capable of unbounded exponential growth required Google to create a new hardware and software architecture.

Google committed to a number of key tenants when designing its data center architecture. Most significantly—and at the time, uniquely—Google committed to massively parallelizing and distributing processing across very large numbers of commodity servers. Google also adopted a “Jedis build their own lightsabers” attitude: very little third party— and virtually no commercial—software would be found in the Google architecture. “Build” was considered better than “buy” at Google.

By 2005, Google no longer thought of individual servers as the fundamental unit of computing. Rather, Google constructed data centers around the Google Modular Data Center. The Modular Data Center comprises shipping containers that house about a thousand custom-designed Intel servers running Linux.  Each module includes an independent power supply and air conditioning. Data center capacity is increased not by adding new servers individually but by adding new 1,000-server modules! Figure 2-2 shows a diagram of a module as described in Google’s patent.1


Figure 2-2. Google Modular Data Center as described in their patent

At this time, the prevailing architecture for data processing was to separate its storage to dedicated storage servers built by companies such as EMC. This storage would be made available to databases or other applications via Fibre Channel (or similar protocol) as a storage area network (SAN) or across TCP/IP as network attached storage (NAS).  Google rejected these concepts; in the Google architecture, storage would be on directly attached disks within the same servers as would be providing computing power.

The Google Software Stack

There are many fascinating aspects to Google’s hardware architecture. However, it’s enough for our purposes to understand that the Google architecture at that time comprised hundreds of thousands of low-cost servers, each of which had its own directly attached storage.

It goes without saying that this unique hardware architecture required a unique software architecture as well. No operating system or database platform available at the time could come close to operating across such a huge number of servers. So, Google developed three major software layers to serve as the foundation for the Google platform. These were:

  • Google File System (GFS): a distributed cluster file system that allows all of the disks within the Google data center to be accessed as one massive, distributed, redundant file system.
  • MapReduce: a distributed processing framework for parallelizing algorithms across large numbers of potentially unreliable servers and being capable of dealing with massive datasets.
  • BigTable: a nonrelational database system that uses the Google File System for storage.

Google was generous enough to reveal the essential designs for each of these components in a series of papers released in 2003,2 2004,3 and 2006.4 These three technologies—together with other utilities and components—served as the foundation for many Google products.

A high level, very simplified representation of the architecture is shown in Figure 2-3. GFS abstracts the storage contained in the servers that make up Google’s modular data centers. MapReduce abstracts the processing power contained within these servers, while BigTable allows for structured storage of massive datasets using GFS for storage.


Figure 2-3. Google software architecture

More about MapReduce

MapReduce is a programming model for general-purpose parallelization of data-intensive processing. MapReduce divides the processing into two phases: a mapping phase, in which data is broken up into chunks that can be processed by separate threads—potentially running on separate machines; and a reduce phase, which combines the output from the mappers into the final result.

The canonical example of MapReduce is the word-count program, shown in Figure 2-4. For example, suppose we wish to count the occurrences of pet types in some input file. We break the data into equal chunks in the map phase. The data is then shuffled into groups of pet types. Finally, the reduce phase counts the occurrences to provide a total that is fed into the output.


Figure 2-4. Simple MapReduce pipeline

Simple MapReduce pipelines as shown in Figure 2-4 are rare; it’s far more typical that multiple MapReduce phases are chained together to achieve more complex results. For instance, there might be multiple input files that need to be merged in some way, or there may be some complex iterative processing to perform a statistical or machine learning analysis.

Figure 2-5 illustrates a more complex multistage MapReduce pipeline. In this example, a file containing information about visits to various product webpages is joined with a file containing product details—to obtain the product category—and then to a file containing customer details, so as to determine the customer’s country. This joined data is then aggregated to provide a report of product categories, customer geographies, and page visits.


Figure 2-5. Multistage MapReduce

MapReduce processes can be assembled into arbitrarily complex pipelines capable of solving a very wide range of data processing problems. However, in many respects, MapReduce represents a brute-force approach to processing, and is not always the most efficient or elegant solution. There also exist a category of computational problems for which MapReduce cannot offer scalable solutions. For all these reasons, MapReduce has been extended within and without Google by more sophisticated and specialized algorithms; we will look at some of these in Chapter 11. However, despite the increasing prevalence of alternative processing models, MapReduce remains a default and widely applicable paradigm.

Hadoop: Open-Source Google Stack

While the technologies outlined in the previous section underlie Google products that we have all used, they are not generally directly exposed to the public. However, they did serve as the inspiration for Hadoop, which contains analogs for each of these important technologies and which is available to all as an open-source Apache project.

No other single technology has had as great an influence on Big Data as Hadoop. Hadoop—by providing an economically viable means of mass unstructured data storage and processing— has bought Google-style Big Data processing within the reach of mainstream IT.

Hadoop’s Origins

In 2004, Doug Cutting and Mike Cafarella were working on an open-source project to build a web search engine called Nutch, which would be on top of Apache Lucene. Lucene is a Java-based text indexing and searching library. The Nutch team aspired to use Lucene to build a scalable web search engine with the explicit intent of creating an open-source equivalent of the proprietary technologies used within Google.

Initial versions of Nutch could not demonstrate the scalability required to index the entire web. When Google published the GFS and MapReduce papers in 2003 and 2004, the Nutch team quickly realized that these offered a proven architectural foundation for solving Nutch’s scalability challenges.

As the Nutch team implemented their GFS and MapReduce equivalents, it soon became obvious that these were applicable to a broad range of data processing challenges and that a dedicated project to exploit the technology was warranted. The resulting project was named Hadoop. Hadoop was made available for download in 2007, and became a top-level Apache project in 2008.

Many open-source projects start small and grow slowly. Hadoop was the exact opposite. Yahoo! hired Cutting to work on improving Hadoop in 2006, with the objective of maturing Hadoop to the point that it could contribute to the Yahoo! platform. In early 2008, Yahoo! announced that a Hadoop cluster with over 5 petabytes of storage and more than 10,000 cores was generating the index that resolved Yahoo!’s web searches.  As a result, before almost anybody outside the IT community had heard of Hadoop, it had already been proven on a massive scale.

The other significant early adopter of Hadoop was Facebook. Facebook started experimenting with Hadoop in 2007, and by 2008 it had a cluster utilizing 2,500 CPU cores in production. Facebook’s initial implementation of Hadoop supplemented its Oracle-based data warehouse. By 2012, Facebook`s Hadoop cluster had exceeded 100 petabytes of disk, and it had completely overtaken Oracle as a data warehousing solution, as well as powering many core Facebook products.

Hadoop has been adopted—at least in pilot form—by many of the Fortune 500 companies. As with all new technologies, some overhyping and subsequent disillusionment is to be expected. However, most organizations that are actively pursuing a Big Data solution use Hadoop in some form.

The degree to which Hadoop has become the de facto solution for massive unstructured data storage and processing can be illustrated by the positions taken by the top three database vendors: Microsoft, Oracle, and IBM. By 2012, each of these giants had ceased to offer any form of Hadoop alternative and instead were offering Hadoop within its product portfolio.

The Power of Hadoop

Hadoop provides an economically attractive storage solution for Big Data, as well as a scalable processing model for analytic processing. Specifically, it has:

  • An economical scalable storage model. As data volumes increase, so does the cost of storing that data online. Because Hadoop can run on commodity hardware that in turn utilizes commodity disks, the price point per terabyte is lower than that of almost any other technology.
  • Massive scaleable IO capability. Because Hadoop uses a large number of commodity devices, the aggregate IO and network capacity is higher than that provided by dedicated storage arrays in which smaller numbers of larger disks are provided by even smaller numbers of processors.  Furthermore, adding new servers to Hadoop adds storage, IO, CPU, and network capacity all at once, whereas adding disks to a storage array might simply exacerbate a network or CPU bottleneck within the array.
  • Reliability: Data in Hadoop is stored redundantly in multiple servers and can be distributed across multiple computer racks. Failure of a server does not result in a loss of data; in fact, a Hadoop job will continue even if a server fails—the processing simply switches to another server.
  • A scalable processing model: MapReduce represents a widely applicable and scalable distributed processing model. While MapReduce is not the most efficient implementation for all algorithms, it is capable of brute-forcing acceptable performance for almost all.
  • Schema on read: Data can be loaded into Hadoop without having to be converted to a highly structured normalized format. This makes it easy for Hadoop to quickly ingest data from various forms. The imposition of structure can be delayed until the data is accessed; this is sometimes referred to as schema on read, as opposed to the schema on write mode of relational data warehouses.

Hadoop’s Architecture

Hadoop’s architecture roughly parallels that of Google. Google File System capabilities are provided by the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), which allows all the disk storage in the cluster to be accessed using familiar file system idioms.

There are currently two major iterations of Hadoop architecture. Hadoop 2.0 layers on top of the 1.0 architecture, so let’s consider each in turn.

In Hadoop 1.0, the majority of servers in a Hadoop cluster function both as data nodes and as task trackers, which is to say that each server supplies both data storage and processing capacity (CPU and memory).

Specialized nodes within the Hadoop 1.0 architecture are also defined. The job tracker node coordinates the scheduling of jobs run on the Hadoop cluster, while the name node is a sort of directory that provides the mapping from blocks on data nodes to files on HDFS. Every piece of data will usually be replicated across three nodes, which can be located on separate server racks to avoid any single point of failure. Figure 2-6 illustrates the Hadoop 1.0 architecture.


Figure 2-6. Hadoop 1.0 architecture

The Hadoop 1.0 architecture is powerful and easy to understand, but it is limited to MapReduce workloads and it provides limited flexibility with regard to scheduling and resource allocation. In the Hadoop 2.0 architecture, YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator or, recursively, YARN Application Resource Negotiator) improves scalability and flexibility by splitting the roles of the Task Tracker into two processes. A Resource Manager controls access to the clusters resources (memory, CPU, etc.) while the Application Manager (one per job) controls task execution.

YARN provides much more than just improved scalability. YARN treats traditional MapReduce as just one of the possible frameworks that can run on the cluster, allowing Hadoop to run tasks based on more complex processing models, some of which we’ll discuss in Chapter 11.

Figure 2-7 illustrates the resource allocation and application execution aspects of YARN. For example, a Hadoop client submits an application execution request to the Resource Manager (1). The Resource Manager coordinates with the various Node Managers to determine which nodes have available resource (2). The Resource Manager then creates an Application Manager (3) on an available node. The Application Manager coordinates tasks that run in Containers on the selected nodes (4). The Containers control the amount of CPU and memory resource the application task may use.


Figure 2-7. Hadoop 2.0 YARN architecture


As mentioned earlier in the chapter, Google published three key papers revealing the architecture of their platform between 2003 and 2006. The GFS and MapReduce papers served as the basis for the core Hadoop architecture. The third paper—on BigTable—served as the basis for one of the first formal NoSQL database systems: HBase.

HBase uses Hadoop HDFS as a file system in the same way that most traditional relational databases use the operating system file system. For instance, in a MySQL database using the MyISAM option, each table is represented as a file stored on the file system. By using Hadoop HDFS as its file system, HBase is able to create tables of truly massive size—way beyond the possible size for a system like MySQL, or even for Oracle. In addition, the fault tolerance of HDFS provides automatic redundancy for HBase tables. As we saw in Figure 2-6, each data item in an HDFS file system is replicated (by default) three times. Since HDFS provides this inherent redundancy, HBase need not store multiple copies of data to protect against data loss.

While HDFS allows a file of any structure to be stored within Hadoop, HBase does enforce structure on the data. The terminology of HBase objects seem pretty familiar—columns, rows, tables, keys.  However, HBase tables vary significantly from the relational tables with which we are familiar.

First, in each cell—a column value for a particular row—there will usually be multiple versions of a data value. Each version of data within a cell is identified by a timestamp. This provides HBase tables with a sort of temporal “third dimension.”

Second, HBase columns are more like the key values in a distributed Map of key : value pairs than the fixed and relatively small number of columns found in a relational database table. Each row can have a huge number of  “sparse” columns. Each row in an HBase table can appear to consist of a unique set of columns.

To get a sense of how the HBase data model works, consider the data shown in Figure 2-8. First we see the raw data (1)—a list of users, websites, and the number of times each user visited the web site.  The relational representation (2) involves three tables—sites, people, and visits—with foreign key relationships between sites and visits and people and visits.


Figure 2-8. HBase data model compared to relational model

In the HBase representation (3), each person’s information is held in a single row. That row contains columns for every website visited by that person. The column name represents the site name and the column value represents the number of visits. Because people visit thousands to hundreds of thousands of sites, there can be potentially thousands or hundreds of thousands of columns in a row. And while there are some sites that almost everyone visits—, for instance—rows only have columns corresponding to websites that they actually visited. So for instance, if you have never visited, then there will be no column in your row.

The HBase data model and storage system is examined in more detail in Chapter 10.


The pioneers of Hadoop realized fairly early that the full value of the platform could not be realized if only people capable of coding MapReduce programs could access the system. Non-programmers needed flexible, powerful, and accessible query tools to extract data from the Hadoop system. Even for programmers, the laborious and tedious process of coding MapReduce to perform repetitive reporting tasks seemed terribly inefficient. Two solutions to this problem were independently developed at Facebook and Yahoo!: Hive and Pig, respectively.

Hive is usually thought of as “SQL for Hadoop,” although Hive provides a catalog for the Hadoop system, as well as a SQL processing layer. The Hive metadata service contains information about the structure of registered files in the HDFS file system. This metadata effectively “schematizes” these files, providing definitions of column names and data types. The Hive client or server (depending on the Hive configuration) accepts SQL-like commands called Hive Query Language (HQL). These commands are translated into Hadoop jobs that process the query and return the results to the user. Most of the time, Hive creates MapReduce programs that implement query operations such as joins, sorts, aggregation, and so on. However, recent versions of Hive can employ more modern YARN-based processing paradigms such as Tez, a programming model designed to speed up operations of certain data processing patterns; we’ll look more at Tez in Chapter 11.

Figure 2-9 illustrates the Hive architecture. The Hive metastore maps HDFS files to Hive tables (1). A Hive client or server (depending on the installation mode) accepts HQL commands that perform SQL operations on those tables. Hive translates HQL to Hadoop code (3)—usually MapReduce. This code operates against the HDFS files (4) and returns query results to Hive (5).


Figure 2-9. Hive architecture

It’s hard to overstate the importance of Hive. Hive opened up Hadoop to anybody familiar with SQL, illustrated to the community at large that Hadoop could operate as a form of data warehouse, and set the stage for integration of Hadoop into Business Intelligence tools. However, by raising expectations that Hadoop could operate as a traditional database, Hive also contributed to some unrealistic expectations. SQL is generally used as a real-time query tool, but Hadoop’s batch orientation means that even the simplest HQL query cannot run in a real-time mode.

The Hadoop community has attempted to deal with Hive performance issues in two ways. The predominant Hadoop vendor Cloudera has created an alternative proprietary SQL on the Hadoop framework called Impala, while others—including another major Hadoop vendor Hortonworks—have attempted to improve Hive’s performance through incremental changes and better integration with post-MapReduce frameworks such as YARN and Tez. Meanwhile, traditional database vendors such as Oracle and Teradata have attempted to provide SQL on Hadoop functionality through their existing SQL engines. We’ll spend some more time on SQL interfaces to Hadoop and NoSQL in Chapter 11.


Facebook created Hive to empower analysts wanting to access data in Hadoop. Yahoo!, in response to similar demands, independently created another solution: Pig.

Pig supports a procedural, high-level data flow language called Pig Latin. Like Hive, Pig Latin is compiled to MapReduce code. However, Pig is more of a scripting language than a SQL alternative. While it is possible to create Pig equivalents to virtually all Hive HQL queries, Pig is capable of expressing far more complex pipelines of operations than is HQL.

Figure 2-10 compares a Pig Latin script with an equivalent Hive HQL statement. Note that the Pig script is a procedural representation—it explicitly specifies the sequence of events that must be undertaken in order to achieve the result. Like SQL, HQL is nonprocedural: it’s up to the Hive optimizer to determine the means of execution; the HQL only specifies the logical operations to be performed on the data.


Figure 2-10. Pig Latin as compared with Hive HQL

The Hadoop Ecosystem

MapReduce, YARN, and HDFS represent the foundations of the Hadoop architecture. HBase, Pig, and Hive are built on top of those foundations.  The Hadoop ecosystem includes an ever expanding family of utilities and applications built on top of or designed to work with core Hadoop. Some of the most significant are:

  • Flume, a utility for loading file-based data into HDFS.
  • SQOOP, a utility for exchanging data with relational databases, either by importing relational tables into HDFS files or by exporting HDFS files to relational databases.
  • Zookeeper, which provides coordination and synchronization services within the cluster.
  • Oozie, a workflow scheduler that allows complex workflows to be constructed from lower level jobs (for instance, running a Sqoop or Flume job prior to a MapReduce application).
  • Hue, a graphical user interface that simplifies Hadoop administrative and development tasks.

In addition, there are many Apache and open-source projects that, while not entirely dependent on Hadoop, are often integrated into a Hadoop implementation. This includes the machine-learning framework Mahout, the distributed streaming messaging system Kafka, and many other significant Apache projects.

The most important addition to the Hadoop family in recent years has been Spark and other elements of the Berkeley Data Analytics Stack (BDAS) to which it belongs. If we think about Hadoop as a disk-oriented framework for running MapReduce-style programs, Spark represents a memory-oriented framework for running similar workloads. We’ll look at Spark in more detail in Chapter 7.


Hadoop represents one of the most significant transformations in database architecture since the relational model. It provides economies of storage and processing that are beyond the reach of the traditional RDBMS, and it offers an ability for the storage and processing of unstructured and semi-structured data for which the RDBMS had no real solution. More than any other technology, Hadoop has rightfully been associated with the Big Data movement.

However, while Hadoop provides a framework for the mass processing of data, it doesn’t have a framework for transactional and online operations. As we will see in the next chapter, bleeding-edge websites demanded not just a storage and batch processing solution but also an online transactional solution. These demands led to what we now call NoSQL, and that will be examined in the next chapter.


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