When Latané told me she wanted to write this book, I was excited and impressed with her ambition. I was also a bit hesitant about pulling back the curtain and showing how we operate.

After all, the philosophy and strategies in this book explain the remarkable success we've experienced at 6sense. The modern approach to sales and marketing we've embraced as a company has led to four years and counting of more than doubling our revenue, multiple rounds of investment with top-of-class valuations, and employee and customer satisfaction scores that make it clear we're staying true to who we are, even as we grow.

So you can see why I was apprehensive about spilling these secrets to the world. But helping others achieve the kind of success we've enjoyed is part of our DNA at 6sense. Yes, this book would expose the keys to our competitive advantage. But isn't helping others gain a competitive advantage core to who we are at 6sense? It quickly became clear that I needed to put my reluctance aside and encourage Latané to share our playbook with you.

If you've ever met or worked with Latané, you can probably understand why she was the right person to write this book. At first, you can't help but be drawn in by Latané's personality. She's boisterous, energetic, and engaging. She's someone people want to be around.

But the more you get to know her, the more you begin to understand her intelligence and depth. She's both sides of the coin: organized, strategic, data-driven, with an impeccable talent for plans and processes, while also being real, approachable, personable, and just incredibly human.

She also has a unique perspective, having been a leader in both sales and marketing. She knows all the ins and outs of each, and she knows how to bridge the two—to bring them together for the collective good. So Latané was just the right person to finally share the 6sense script for modern sales and marketing, and I couldn't be more pleased with how it turned out.

I think back on my own career, and I think of how different things would have been if I'd had the modern tech described in No Forms. No Spam. No Cold Calls. This is the roadmap I wish I'd had—from when I first started out as an eager business development representative (BDR) to when I was running sales and marketing departments as a chief revenue officer (CRO).

When I first started out as a BDR, I was so eager to win. I had a drive and a competitor's spirit, and I knew I could succeed—but like most 22-year-olds fresh out of college, I had no idea how to do it. And unfortunately, the company I worked for didn't have much of a plan for helping BDRs do their best. They pretty much handed us our lists and told us to start calling. And we did … some with more success than others. But I think back to how much more effective each of us could have been—and how much more value we could have delivered to the company—if we had had today's tech and a book like this one.

As an account executive (AE) at my next company, it was more or less the same, just with higher stakes. It was then that I realized that as a seller, I could have really benefited from the support of a strong marketing team. But unfortunately, marketing was a complete afterthought, and collaboration between sales and marketing was essentially nonexistent. There, too, we could have been infinitely more effective—with vastly better results for the company—if we'd had modern tech and a book like this one.

It's probably no surprise given my prior experience, but when I first stepped into the role of CRO, both sales and marketing fell under my direction. I knew what I wanted to do, and I knew the importance of playing from a single sheet of music, but the right tools didn't yet exist to do it—or at least not without tons of manual labor. This book outlines the tools and processes we've since developed that would have helped me manage a revenue team so much more efficiently.

In short, No Forms. No Spam. No Cold Calls. is the playbook that I would have dog-eared at every stage of my career. But sellers and marketers today need it even more than I did when I was coming up. That's because the way people buy has changed dramatically in recent years, and selling and marketing to them takes much more sophistication than was needed when I was younger.

Buyers today choose to remain anonymous well into their purchase journey, and there is no single decision-maker who can easily be wooed by old-school tactics like a couple of steak dinners. Rather, today's sellers must navigate buying committees of 10, 15, or more individuals, each with their own set of distinct buying jobs to complete.

When revenue teams—and the people, processes, data, and tools involved in them— exist in silos, it's impossible to reach these modern buyers. Instead, sellers and marketers spin their wheels and have only false leads, long sales cycles, wasted time and resources, missed opportunities, inability to collaborate, and overall burnout to show for it.

In this book, you'll discover the path out of this cycle of ineffective teams and frustrated customers. Organizations that are taking this route are the ones that are thriving in our new buying environment. They're leading in their fields and garnering massive amounts of buy-in from customers and the market.

The foundation of this new approach is unified revenue technology (RevTech) with data, machine learning, and AI-based decisioning at the core. By optimizing, enhancing, and aligning capabilities across the entire revenue team—marketing, sales, revenue operations, and customer success—RevTech makes it possible for organizations to run more efficiently and effectively.

Because RevTech enables revenue teams to reach business-to-business (B2B) buyers who are actually interested in what they're selling—right at the moment when they're ready to engage—it humanizes selling in a way that wasn't previously possible. And it also helps teams focus their time and energy in the places they're most likely to be successful. Happier customers, more successful revenue teams. Win-win.

When you see the results that are possible with this approach, it's no surprise that more and more individuals and organizations are joining what we call the RevTech Revolution. This industry-wide movement re-envisions what's possible for B2B revenue teams:

  • A better B2B buyer experience. One that prioritizes what the buyer needs and wants. An approach that provides the information they want, right when they need it, in service of helping them with their buying journey.
  • A better B2B go-to-market experience. One that unifies marketing, customer success, revenue operations, and sales with shared insights and technology. An approach that tears down silos in the pursuit of informing decisions with data and eliminating guesswork to better serve customers, buyers, and the bottom line.

This movement is bigger than one company, one team, one person. It's a massive and necessary transformation of an industry, and it's well underway. This revolution asks for big change, and change requires advocates, champions, evangelists, and maybe even a few radicals. This kind of change doesn't happen because of a few process enhancements, or even better technology. It requires a movement.

Wherever you are in your career, however you serve on the revenue team, you can be part of the RevTech Revolution. You can change B2B selling and marketing for the better—in ways that make your customers happier and more engaged, your revenue teams more effective and fulfilled, and your companies more successful.

This book will show you how. Not just in theory, but in practice. What I appreciate most about it is that it doesn't just tell you why things like data, analytics, and AI are important, or how much more you can accomplish when your team is aligned on goals and metrics. It tells you how to get there. It lays out game plans and strategies that you can start implementing today. It's the hands-on, practical guide that we all need to step into this revolution.

You've picked up this book, which tells me you're ready to be part of this movement. And that's great news because we need you. We need you to lean into this new, better world of selling and marketing. The revolution is happening. Not in the future, but in this very moment. So I ask you: What are you going to do with it? What is your personal revolution? How are you going to make a difference?

The time for change is now. No Forms. No Spam. No Cold Calls. is exactly the playbook we need in this moment to get started.

–Jason Zintak

CEO, 6sense

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