The Book bean interface

The Book bean is the main data item that is used in this application. It is stored by the Book Inventory and served by the Bookshelf Service for display by the web application or on the text user interface.

The Book bean attributes

We want to reference a book by its ISBN and keep the basic attributes that describe it.

The Book bean attributes

The attributes for our Book bean are:

  • ISBN: The book reference number (mandatory)
  • Title: The book title (optional)
  • Author: The author of the book (optional)
  • Category: The category of the book (optional)
  • Rating: How much I liked this book (from 0 to 10, optional)

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is the primary reference to the book entry. It is used to uniquely reference a Book entry when updating or deleting. Although there's a strict convention for ISBNs, we won't be checking them— any string will be accepted.

The Category attribute is a personal grouping of books such as "Literature", "Technology", and so on. It is simply a way to organize our books into sub-sets.

The remaining attributes are pretty much self-explanatory.

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