Time for action - updating the bookshelf service logging calls

Next, we'll edit the BookshelfServiceImpl class. Add the logger field (an instance of BookshelfLogHelper). This will be set up for injection in a bit:

public class BookshelfServiceImpl implements BookshelfService
private String sessionId;
BookInventory inventory;
BookshelfLogHelper logger;

For flexibility, we'll also add a getter for this field. This will allow us to change the means for looking up the service easily, if it is needed in the future:

private BookshelfLogHelper getLogger()
return this.logger;

If you don't want to use iPOJO, then this is the place where you'd perform the service look-up using a BundleContext instance, initialized during service construction.

In our case, we'll configure this property for injection in the iPOJO XML configuration file (src/main/ipojo/meta.xml):

<provides />
<requires field="inventory" />
<requires field="logger" />

The integration setup is now complete. We can carry on with the update of the bookshelf service methods.

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