
No publication or piece of work is ever the product of one individual, and these are just some of the people I need to thank.

Thank you to Douglas Paterson, Leena Purkait, and the Packt Publishing team who have helped guide me through all the challenges of writing my first book.

I would like to thank Ray Camden and Ben Nadel for technically reviewing this publication in various states and for providing suggestions and ideas from day one of this project.

Massive thanks goes out to John Whish, who shared his time so that we could discuss paradigms, patterns, and the intricacies of using cars as code examples.

Of course, thank you to the ColdFusion product team and to Adobe, for continuing to improve an already amazing product, and to the entire ColdFusion community, which justly deserves the reputation as being a supportive and committed group of professionals.

Finally, thank you to my amazing wife Cate who has supported me throughout this process, with patience, advice, and encouragement.

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