
The principles and fundamental elements of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) are not new to the development world, although for some, there is a hesitancy to engage with OOP as it can be perceived as a confusing or unnecessary method of development.

As you read Object-Oriented Programming in ColdFusion, you will be guided through the core structure of ColdFusion Components, the foundation of OOP in CFML-based applications, and an introduction to some common design patterns and principles used in object-oriented development.

This book deals with the basic fundamental practices of OOP, including object creation and reuse, Bean objects, service layers, Data Access Objects, and simple design patterns. This is intended to help the reader gain a better understanding of OOP using examples that can be altered and applied into any application.

Object-Oriented Programming in ColdFusion aims to simplify the understanding of OOP, and dispense with unnecessary jargon and complex diagrams. By taking this more direct approach, this book aims to assist the reader in understanding the principles of OOP, how to implement them into their ColdFusion applications, and help the user extend their development skills in the process.

Using the practical examples within this easy-to-follow guide, you will learn how to structure your applications and code, and apply the fundamental basics of OOP to develop modular and reusable components that will scale easily with your application. This is ideal for any ColdFusion developer looking to break free from writing purely procedural code, and extend and advance their development practices.

Who this book is for

If you are a web developer wanting to implement object-oriented programming with ColdFusion, then this book is for you. If your goal is to get a good grounding in the basics of the object-oriented programming concepts, this book is perfect for you. No prior knowledge of object-oriented programming is expected, but basic knowledge of ColdFusion development skills is assumed.

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