C++ and Objective-C, intermixing, Objective-C++
calling methods, Calling a method (see method calls)
categories, Private methods, CategoriesImplementing a category, Declaring a category, Implementing a category
declaring, Private methods, Declaring a category
implementing, Implementing a category
@class directive, Forward Declarations
class libraries, Which Objective-C?, Which Objective-C?
Cocoa, Which Objective-C? (see Cocoa class library)
GNUstep, Which Objective-C? (see GNUstep class library)
-class method, Variables, Class Objects, Class Objects, Identifying objects and classes, Identifying objects and classes, Identifying objects and classes
isa field and, Variables, Class Objects
NSObject class, Identifying objects and classes
Object class, Identifying objects and classes
retrieving class objects from instances, Class Objects
class methods, Classes, Declaring an interface, One parameter, Metaclass ObjectsMetaclass Objects, Information about methods, Information about methods
asking objects about methods, Information about methods, Information about methods
in NSObject class, Information about methods
in Object class, Information about methods
declaring methods, One parameter
metaclass objects and, Metaclass ObjectsMetaclass Objects
class names as receivers, Special receivers
class objects, Class ObjectsClass Objects, Methods
root class instance methods, Methods
Class type, Types
classes, ClassesImplementing a class, Classes, Classes, Implementing a class, Inheritance and Subtyping, Naming collisions, CategoriesImplementing a category, Declaring a category, Class Declarations and Definitions, Sample code for initializationSample code for initialization, Initializing classes, Object Error HandlingObject Error Handling, Metaclass Objects, Root ClassesReference counting, Identifying objects and classesIdentifying objects and classes, Identifying objects and classesIdentifying objects and classes
attributes of, Classes
declaring, Inheritance and Subtyping, Declaring a category, Class Declarations and Definitions
error handling, Object Error HandlingObject Error Handling
identifying, Identifying objects and classesIdentifying objects and classes, Identifying objects and classesIdentifying objects and classes
implementing, Classes, Implementing a class
initializing, Sample code for initializationSample code for initialization, Initializing classes
sample code for, Sample code for initializationSample code for initialization
modifying, using categories, CategoriesImplementing a category
naming collisions and, Naming collisions
root, Root ClassesReference counting
runtime relationship with metaclasses, Metaclass Objects
-classForCoder method, Archiving
_cmd variable, Implementing a method, Variables
Cocoa class library, Which Objective-C?, Which Objective-C?, Using @"string”, Writing copy methods, Writing copy methods, Calling deallocation methods, Exceptions in CocoaA Cocoa exception handling example, Root Classes, The NSObject ClassReference counting, NSObject ForwardingNSObject Forwarding, Reference CountingRetain cycles, Archiving Descendants of NSObjectArchiving Descendants of NSObject, Objective-C Resources
(see also Darwin runtime environment)
copying protocols, Writing copy methods
deallocating objects, Calling deallocation methods
default string class, Using @"string”
exceptions in, Exceptions in CocoaA Cocoa exception handling example
NSCoding protocol and, Archiving Descendants of NSObjectArchiving Descendants of NSObject
NSObject class, The NSObject ClassReference counting, NSObject ForwardingNSObject Forwarding
forwarding messages with, NSObject ForwardingNSObject Forwarding
NSZoneAlloc(), Writing copy methods
reference counting and, Reference CountingRetain cycles
resources, Objective-C Resources
root classes, Root Classes
-compare: method, Identifying objects and classes
compiler directives, Compiler and Preprocessor DirectivesUsing @"string”
compiler flags, Compiler Flags
compiler, gcc, Which Objective-C?
-conformsTo: method, Checking for conformity to a protocol, Testing inheritance and conformance
+conformsToProtocol: method, Checking for conformity to a protocol, Testing inheritance and conformance, Testing inheritance and conformance
constants, predefined, Constants
-copy method, Calling copy methods, Creating, copying, and freeing objects, Creating, copying, and freeing objects
copy methods, Calling copy methods, Writing copy methodsWriting copy methods
calling, Calling copy methods
writing, Writing copy methodsWriting copy methods
-copyWithZone: method, Calling copy methodsWriting copy methods, Creating, copying, and freeing objects, Creating, copying, and freeing objects, Reference counting
-copy method and, Creating, copying, and freeing objects
-zone method and, Reference counting
creation methods, Calling creation methods, Writing creation methods
calling, Calling creation methods
writing, Writing creation methods
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