saving objects, Archiving ObjectsArchiving Descendants of NSObject
SEL type, Selectors, Types, Selectors
@selector directive, Types, Expanding Directives
selectors, Selectors, Types, Selectors
-self method, Identifying objects and classes, Identifying objects and classes
self variable, FieldsAccess modifiers, Implementing a method, Special receivers, Variables
fields of, FieldsAccess modifiers
implementing methods, Implementing a method
as special receiver, Special receivers
+setVersion: method, Archiving, Identifying objects and classes
shallow copies of objects, Copying an Object, Writing copy methods
inherited methods and, Writing copy methods
-shallowCopy method, Calling copy methods, Creating, copying, and freeing objects
-shouldNotImplement: method, Enforcing intentions
special receivers, Special receiversSpecial receivers
static type checking, Dynamic Typing, Static typingStatic typing
static, declaring variables as, Declaring an interface
-storedValueForKey: method, NSKeyValueCoding Methods
+streamVersion: method, Archiving
@"<Emphasis>string<Default Para Font>” directive, Expanding Directives, Using @"string”
subclasses, Inheritance and Subtyping, Categories, Sample code for initializationInitializing classes, Methods
vs. categories, Categories
initializing, Sample code for initializationInitializing classes
root classes and, Methods
-subclassResponsibility: method, Enforcing intentions
subtyping, Inheritance and Subtyping
super variable, Implementing a method, Special receivers, Variables, Posing, Posing, Archiving Descendants of NSObject
implementing methods, Implementing a method
NSCoding protocol and, Archiving Descendants of NSObject
+poseAs: method and, Posing
+poseAsClass: method and, Posing
as special receiver, Special receivers
-superClass method, Identifying objects and classes, Identifying objects and classes
+superclass method, Identifying objects and classes
super_class pointer, Class Objects, Metaclass Objects
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