
The Link command lets you weave your own Web of connections between Entourage items. You might use it to connect, for example, someone in your address book to a specific calendar event and to all of the messages sent to and from that person regarding that calendar event, and to your notes of topics to discuss with that person face-to-face.

Once you’ve set up such a link, you can use it to quickly open the event to which it’s linked. When you’ve linked an item, a small link icon appears in the item’s listing in Entourage’s main window. To open a link, click the link icon and select a linked item from the menu that pops up (see Figure 11-37, top).

You create a link like this:

  1. Select the item that you want to create a link for.

    For example, click an email message, click an item on your calendar, or highlight the name of one of your To Do items.

  2. Choose from the Tools → “Link to Existing” submenu to create a connection with a piece of information already in Entourage.


You can also click in the Links column (if the Links column isn’t visible, right-click the column headers and select Links) to display the Links pop-up menu. From the pop-up menu, you can surf over to linked messages or link to new or existing messages, calendar events, tasks, notes, contacts, or groups.

Now, when you choose “Link to Existing”, you also have to choose what you want to link to (message, task, or whatever). After doing so, the “Link to” window opens, where you can browse to the Entourage item you want to link to, highlight it, and click the Link button as shown in Figure 11-37, bottom. Voilà! You’re linked.

Top: To create a link, choose from the Tools → “Link to Existing” or “Link to New” submenu. Depending on the type of item you’re linking to—contact, note, calendar event, and so on—the “Link to” window appears (bottom) where you can select your linking destination.Bottom: After you’ve created a link, you can use the Links button in the toolbar (or Tools → Open Links) to open a separate window showing all linked items.

Figure 11-37. Top: To create a link, choose from the Tools → “Link to Existing” or “Link to New” submenu. Depending on the type of item you’re linking to—contact, note, calendar event, and so on—the “Link to” window appears (bottom) where you can select your linking destination. Bottom: After you’ve created a link, you can use the Links button in the toolbar (or Tools → Open Links) to open a separate window showing all linked items.

If, instead, you want to link to an empty, brand new mail message, news message, calendar event, task, note, contact, or group, choose from the Tools → “Link to New” submenu. Entourage creates the corresponding tidbit (email message, calendar event, or whatever) right away and lets you fill in the details on the fly. When you save the new item, Entourage automatically forges the link. For example, if you link somebody’s email message to a new note, Entourage creates a new note where you can dash off some of your immediate thoughts on the matter.

Using Links

A tiny chain-link icon appears next to linked Entourage items. In Office 2008, you can click the link icon and choose Open Links to open the Links To window. Click a linked item in the Links To window to instantly open that item.

To view the Links To window, use one of these techniques:

  • Click the chain-link icon that appears next to a linked item and select Open Links.

  • Open an item that displays the chain-link icon, and then use the Links button on the Entourage toolbar.

  • Highlight an item showing the chain-link icon and then choose Tools → Open Links.

The “Links to” window lets you go beyond simply opening link items. Its toolbar buttons—Open, Remove, To New, or To Existing—let you open the item to which the link leads, remove a link, or create a link to new or existing items, respectively.

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