Edit Menu

The Edit menu gathers together all of Word’s Edit tools into one handy place. Many of these commands are similar to those in other Office programs.

Undo, Repeat/Redo, Cut, Copy, Copy to Scrapbook

These commands work just as they do in Excel.

Paste, Paste from Scrapbook, Paste Special

Again, these commands do the same things as in Excel (Repeat/Redo)…but in Word.

Paste as Hyperlink

Pastes the clipboard contents into the frontmost Word document as a hyperlink.


Word’s Clear command has a submenu giving you a choice of how much to clear away:

  • Clear Formatting. Like the Clear Formatting option on the Formatting Palette’s Style menu, this option removes formatting while leaving text intact.

  • Contents. This is the new name of the true Clear command, which deletes selected text without copying it to the Clipboard.

Select All

Selects all text and objects in the document, ready for (for example) copying or deleting. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-A.


Opens Word’s Find window, which you can use to search the open document for text or formatting. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-F.


Searches for specific text or formatting and replaces it with other text or formatting that you specify. Keyboard shortcut: Shift-⌘-H.

Go To

Opens the Go To portion of the “Find and Replace” window, where you can enter a place in the frontmost Word document to go to, such as a specific page, section, line number, footnote, or endnote. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-G.


Pulls up a window showing information about every link in the currently active document (see Paste as Hyperlink). If the document doesn’t have any links to other documents, this option is dimmed.


Lets you edit an embedded object, such as a Microsoft Graph object or a Microsoft Organization Chart object.

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