View Menu

The View menu’s commands control how Entourage looks and shows you things. (In Calendar view, this becomes the Calendar menu, but it contains many of the same commands.)


Moves to the previous item in the currently selected folder. If a message is open, the contents of the open window changes to the previous message. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-[.


Moves to the next item in the currently selected folder. If a message is open, the contents of the open window changes to the next message. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-].

Go To

Choosing one of the items from the submenu does the same thing as clicking the Mail, Address Book, Calendar, Notes, Tasks, and Project Center buttons—it switches to the view of that function.

Hide/Show Toolbar

Hides or shows the toolbar in Entourage’s main window (a space-saving gesture).

Customize Toolbar

Opens Entourage’s toolbar customization pane so you can add or remove buttons to the Toolbar (To design a new toolbar from scratch).

Hide/Show Quick Filter

Hides or shows the Quick Filter bar at the top of the list pane. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-Shift-L.

Hide/Show Favorites Bar

Hides or shows the folder Favorites Bar directly beneath the Toolbar.

Hide/Show Folder List

Hides or shows the folder list in Entourage’s main window. Keyboard shortcut: ⌘-B.

Preview Pane

Hides or shows the Preview Pane in Entourage’s main window. Keyboard shortcut, on the right: ⌘-, below the list: Shift-⌘-.


The Columns menu lets you hide or show the various columns in Entourage’s main list view. The columns that you can toggle are: To Do Flag Status, Online Status, Message Status, Priority, Attachment, From, Subject, Sent, Received, To, Account, Size, Categories, and Projects.

To save space, hide the ones you rarely consult.

Arrange By

(Mail and Newsgroups only.) Lets you choose how you want to arrange the messages in the folder you’re viewing (that is, by subject, sender, and so on). Also lets you turn on Show in Groups, to group similar messages together.

Show Mail Folders Only

Removes any non-Mail folders—like Calendar or Address Book view—from the folders list.

Unread Only

Hides all messages but the ones you haven’t yet read. (Choose the command again to bring them back into view.) Keyboard shortcut: Shift-⌘-O.

Flagged Only

Makes flagged messages the only thing that you see in list windows. Keyboard shortcut: Option-⌘-O.

Expand All

In the folder pane, shows all folders and their subfolders. In the message list, opens up collapsed groups so that you can see all messages.

Collapse All

In the folder list, collapses all subfolders; the equivalent of closing all folders’ flippy triangles at once. In the message list, hides all grouped messages so that you can only see the group headers.

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