
Word also makes use of the Citations database to help you create a one-click bibliography. If you want your bibliography to appear on separate page, position your insertion point at the end of your document and choose Insert → Break → Page Break. Make sure you’re looking at your document in Print Layout view, click Document Elements in the Elements Gallery, and then click Bibliographies. Click the Bibliography or Works Cited thumbnails to instantly create your bibliography at the insertion point (Figure 7-9).

If you’re creating a new document and need to use citations you’ve created before, choose Citation Source Manager from the Citations palette’s Actions (gear) button to open Word’s citations clearinghouse. Select previously created citations in the Master list (⌘ -click to select more than one) and click the Copy button to move them to the Current list, making them available in the Citations palette. Conversely, if you’re opening a document containing citations created on a different computer, select them in the Current list and click Copy to move them into your Master citations collection. A checkmark indicates a citation you’ve used in the document’s body text (see the Note on ).

Figure 7-8. If you’re creating a new document and need to use citations you’ve created before, choose Citation Source Manager from the Citations palette’s Actions (gear) button to open Word’s citations clearinghouse. Select previously created citations in the Master list (⌘ -click to select more than one) and click the Copy button to move them to the Current list, making them available in the Citations palette. Conversely, if you’re opening a document containing citations created on a different computer, select them in the Current list and click Copy to move them into your Master citations collection. A checkmark indicates a citation you’ve used in the document’s body text (see the Note on Bibliographies).

Create an instant bibliography (assuming you’ve entered your reference data in the Citations list) by clicking the bibliography thumbnail in the Elements Gallery. Word creates a bibliography using the Citation Style shown in the pop-up menu—which matches the style you’ve used elsewhere in your document. If you try to change the style here, Word warns you that doing so will change the citations style for the entire document.

Figure 7-9. Create an instant bibliography (assuming you’ve entered your reference data in the Citations list) by clicking the bibliography thumbnail in the Elements Gallery. Word creates a bibliography using the Citation Style shown in the pop-up menu—which matches the style you’ve used elsewhere in your document. If you try to change the style here, Word warns you that doing so will change the citations style for the entire document.

Whichever you pick, Word creates the list—using your selected Citation Style—from the entire contents of your Citations List as it appears in the Citations palette, inserting it as a field in your document. In other words, if you have a reference listed in your citations list but you never actually referred to it in your document, it still appears in the Bibliography or Works Cited list when it appears in your document.

If you click the bibliography field once it appears in your document, Word displays a Smart button with which you can choose to Update Citations and Bibliography (to reflect recent additions to your Citations list), or Convert Bibliography to Static Text (so you can edit, format, add or delete text from the bibliography). For example, if you Convert Bibliography to Static Text, you may be able to improve readability by selecting the entire bibliography and adding some space between paragraphs using the “Alignment and Spacing” pane of the Formatting Palette (see Alignment and Spacing).

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