9.3. Filter inductors

9.3.1. Main constraints in the inductor design

The starting point for an inductor design is the stored energy relation (Eq. [9.31]) defined by the inductance L, the inductor peak current (ILˆimage), the RMS current (IL), the RMS current density (JL), the peak flux density (BL), the winding conductor fill factor (kwc), the winding window area (Aw) and the core area (Acore) (Mohan et al., 2003).


image [9.31]

The product (Aw·Acore) appears in Eq. [9.31] and is an indication of the core size and it is called area product. For a given core material, the peak flux density is limited by the saturation flux density (Bsat). A similar situation is given for the winding conductor, which physically limits the maximum current density (Jmax) of the inductor winding. Even more, if a conductor type and core type are fixed for the inductor design, the winding conductor fill factor becomes approximately a design constant.

Table 9.2

Semiconductor Parameters; IGBT modules from Infineon manufacturer for three different voltage ratings are considered.

General InformationRatings(1700Vx3600A)(3300Vx1500A)(6500Vx750A)
Volume [dm3]1.01081.01081.2768
Mass [Kg]
Conduction losses modelVsw00image [V]0.9640.9591.4361.3591.8901.412
Vsw0image [1/°C] (x10-3)-0.886-1.36-0.237-3.1930.582-1.821
Rcimage [1/°C] (x10-3)3.4682.5423.2570.6233.1781.339
Tj0image [°C]125125150150125125
Switching losses model (ON)KEon0image [mJ/V]0.158‐‐0.489‐‐0.235‐‐
KEon1image [μJ/VA]0.064‐‐0.039‐‐1.306‐‐
Eonimage [1/°C] (x10-3)3.101‐‐2.759‐‐3.538‐‐
Table Continued


General InformationRatings(1700Vx3600A)(3300Vx1500A)(6500Vx750A)
Volume [dm3]1.01081.01081.2768
Mass [Kg]
Switching losses model (OFF)KEoff0image [mJ/V]0.0370.3280.1160.3140.0210.185
KEoff1image [μJ/VA]0.4040.3340.7310.7281.5461.118
Eoffimage [1/°C] (x10-3)3.2764.252.4355.3331.4295.333
Parallel connectionΔVswimage [V] at 25[°C]0.450.400.550.750.40.5
δCIimage [%] at Tj,max18.4828.7219.3626.1612.9521.81
Static Thermal modelRthJC [K/kW]6.3147.35138.718.5
RthCH [K/kW]8.719.510118.814
Tj,max [°C]125150125
Switching timeston,max at Tj,max [μs]1.05‐‐1.15‐‐1.2‐‐
toff,max at Tj,max [μs]2.10.883.851.738.12.67
fsw,max∗∗ [kHz]4.96 → 42.97 → 21.67 → 1.5


 Reference temperature for all the temperature coefficients.

∗∗ Maximum switching frequency is calculated as the conduction time per switching period is higher than 98%.

When a reduction in the total size of the inductor is targeted for some given electrical parameters, like inductance and current, then the designer should deal with this by pushing the peak flux density and current density as close as possible to the physical limits and thermal constraints, as the product JL·BL is inversely proportional to the winding area and the core area. Then, the minimum area product for a given set of constraints can be written as:


image [9.32]

9.3.2. Size modelling

Geometrically, it can be shown that the area product is also related to the volume of the inductor by (Mohan et al., 2003):


image [9.33]

Combining Eqs [9.33] and [9.32], the overall inductor volume (VolL) can be expressed as:


image [9.34]

Then, if an inductor design technology is kept (core material, conductor type, core geometry, etc.) for different inductance values and current requirements, it is proposed to predict VolL and inductor total mass (MassL) by:


image [9.35]


image [9.36]

where KVL0, KVL1, KρL0 and KρL1 are proportionality regression coefficients found by taking data from the reference inductor technology. Fig. 9.12 presents the relationship between the inductor volume and the product L·IL2image for three different inductor technologies from Siemens. On the other hand, Fig. 9.13 displays MassL against VolL for the same families of inductors as in Fig. 9.12. The calculated parameters of the size and mass models for the inductors considered in Figs 9.12 and 9.13 are presented in Table 9.3.

9.3.3. Winding losses

The inductor power losses (PL) are divided into winding losses (PwL) and core losses (PcoreL). Since the main use of the inductors in power converters is to filter the current in order to limit the peak-to-peak ripple current (ΔILh), then it is expected that the inductor current has harmonic components and these harmonics cannot be neglected in the calculation of PwL. Fig. 9.14 shows the typical inductor current waveform in power converter applications and its decomposition into the two main components, its fundamental component (iL1) and its ripple component (iLh).
Figure 9.12 Example of inductor volume and product (L·IL2image) relationship for three different inductor technologies from Siemens. Three-phase reactors series 4EUXX with Cu and Al winding conductor, and DC iron core smoothing reactors series 4ETXX with Cu winding are considered. The lines shows the calculated model based on Eq. [9.35] for each family of considered inductors.
Figure 9.13 Inductor total mass against overall volume. Three inductor technologies from Siemens are plotted: Three-phase reactors series 4EUXX with Cu and Al winding conductor, and DC iron core smoothing reactors series 4ETXX with Cu winding.

Table 9.3

Parameters of Inductor model; inductor technologies from Siemens manufacturer are considered: three-phase reactors series 4EUXX with Cu and Al winding conductor, and DC iron core smoothing reactors series 4ETXX with Cu winding

Parameter3-AC InductorsDC-Inductors
ReferenceSeries 4EUXXSeries 4ETXX
Conductor materialCopperAluminiumCopper


To estimate winding and core losses in the inductor (Barrera-Cardenas and Molinas, 2015), it is proposed to approximate the ripple current to be a triangular waveform with maximum amplitude equal to the maximum current ripple in order to simplify the calculations. Additionally, the concept of loss of power density in the winding and core is used to express the winding losses as a function of the electrical parameters and reference inductor technology parameters, as follows:
Figure 9.14 Typical inductor current waveform in power converter applications and its decomposition into the two main components, the fundamental component and the harmonic component.


image [9.37]


image [9.38]

where Kρw0 and Kρw1 are proportionality regression coefficients found by taking data from reference inductor technology, δiLimage is the ratio of peak-to-peak current ripple to maximum fundamental nominal current, fL1 is the fundamental frequency and fLref is a reference frequency for winding losses, which can be found from the datasheets. Fig. 9.15 presents the relationship between PwL and VolL for three different inductor technologies. The calculated parameters of the models for the inductors considered in Fig. 9.15 are presented in Table 9.3.
It should be noted that Eq. [9.37] is valid for inductor current with fundamental component different to DC component (fL1 > 0). When the DC current is the main component of the inductor current, assuming that the winding design is optimized for low frequencies with an effective frequency fL0 < 50 Hz, the following expression, proposed in Barrera-Cardenas and Molinas (2015) can be used:
Figure 9.15 Example of inductor winding losses and overall volume relationship for three different inductor technologies from Siemens. Three-phase reactors series 4EUXX with Cu and Al winding conductor, and DC iron core smoothing reactors series 4ETXX with Cu winding are considered. The lines shows the calculated model based on Eq. [9.37].


image [9.39]

9.3.4. Core losses

The core power loss density (pcL) can be approximated using the empirical Steinmetz equation:


image [9.40]

where Kcore, αL and βL are the usual Steinmetz coefficients, which are related to the core material, BL is the peak flux density, and feff is the effective frequency for a non-sinusoidal current waveform (or to take into account harmonic effect in losses) (Sullivan, 1999), and it can be estimated using Eq. [9.41], where Ij is the RMS amplitude of the Fourier component at frequency wj.


image [9.41]

The expression derived in Barrera-Cardenas and Molinas (2015) for estimation of PcoreL is considered in this chapter, which is based on the core power loss density concept:


image [9.42]

where Kρc0 and Kρc1 are proportionality regression coefficients found by taking data from reference inductor technology and pcL∗ is the reference power loss density for reference inductor technology. Assuming that pcL∗ is given for a reference frequency (fLref) and a reference flux density (BLref), and that the inductor design has been optimized following the optimization criterion for minimum losses and the optimum flux density method presented in Hurley et al. (1998), the reference frequency and flux density are related as:


image [9.43]

where KLopt∗ is a constant given by the inductor design parameters. Then, the reference inductor technology is used to design an inductor for fL1 higher than fLref, the fundamental flux density (BL1) should be varied according to Eq. [9.43], therefore:


image [9.44]

then the ratio (pcL1/pcL)image can be simplified as follows:


image [9.45]

However, if fL1 is lower than fLref, then BL1 is assumed to be constant (because of magnetic saturation), then the ratio (pcL1/pcL∗) can be simplified as follows:


image [9.46]

When the DC current is the main component of the inductor current, the above procedure can be modified to get an expression for PcoreL. In that case, it should be noted that the DC component does not produce core losses; therefore the reference data are given for a ratio of peak-to-peak current ripple to maximum DC current (δiLrefimage) and a reference ripple frequency (fLref). Then, the following expression can be derived:


image [9.47]

Fig. 9.16 presents the relationship between PcoreL and VolL for three different inductor technologies. The calculated parameters of this model for the inductors considered in Fig. 9.16 are presented in Table 9.3.
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