9.4. Filter capacitors

9.4.1. Size modelling

Almost all conventional capacitors used in WECS are constructed based on plate capacitor structure. The volume of a plate capacitor (VolPC) is proportional to the area of the plates (APC) and the plate separation distance (dPC). Also, the voltage applied between plates is limited by dPC and the properties of the dielectric material (the breakdown electric strength, EBd). When an increase in the rated voltage (VCN) of the capacitor is desired, the dPC must be increased in order to avoid dielectric breakdown.
Figure 9.16 Example of inductor core losses and overall volume relationship for three different inductor technologies from Siemens. Three-phase reactor series 4EUXX with Cu and Al winding conductor, and DC iron core smoothing reactors series 4ETXX with Cu winding are considered. The lines show the calculated model based on Eq. [9.42].
Taking into account the capacitance definition and the previous mentioned relations, it can be shown that the VolPC is proportional to its capacitance (C) and the square of its VCN, as follows:


image [9.48]

Then, if a capacitor technology is kept (dielectric material, fabrication process and geometry) for different values of C and VCN requirements, it is proposed to predict the overall capacitor volume (VolC) and capacitor total mass (MassC) by:


image [9.49]


image [9.50]

where KVC0, KVC1, KVC2, KρC0 and KρC1 are proportionality regression coefficients found by taking data from reference capacitor technology. Fig. 9.17 presents the relationship between VolC and C for different VCN and different capacitor technologies. On the other hand, Fig. 9.18 displays MassC against VolC for the same families of capacitors considered in Fig. 9.17. The calculated parameters of the size and mass models for the capacitors considered in Figs 9.17 and 9.18 are presented in Table 9.4.
Figure 9.17 Film capacitor volume versus capacitance for different voltages ratings and capacitor technologies: (a) DC-link capacitors series MKP-B256xx from TDK; (b) DC-link capacitors series LNK-M3xx1 from ICAR; (c) AC filter capacitors series MKP B3236 from TDK; (d) AC filter capacitors series MKV-E1x from ICAR. The dash line shows the fitting curve as given in Eq. [9.49].

9.4.2. Capacitor dielectric losses

The capacitor losses (PC) are modelled as the summation of the dielectric losses (PεC) and the resistive losses (PΩC). The dielectric losses can be calculated by (EPCOS, 2012):


image [9.51]

where VCac is the maximum amplitude of the alternating voltage applied to the capacitor with effective frequency fc, and tan(δ0) is the dissipation factor of the dielectric. Normally, the dielectric dissipation factor depends on the dielectric material of the capacitor and it can be considered constant for all capacitors in their normal working frequency range. For example, a typical value of the dissipation factor for polypropylene is 2e-4 = 2 × 104 = 0.0002, which is the dielectric of the capacitors considered in Figs 9.17 and 9.18.
For DC capacitors, the voltage VCac is the peak value of the superimposed ripple voltage. When the ripple voltage is approximated to be a triangular waveform with frequency equal to fsw of the converter and peak-to-peak amplitude equal to the maximum voltage ripple, the following approximation can be done based on Eq. [9.41]:
Figure 9.18 Film capacitor mass versus overall volume for the capacitor technologies considered in Fig. 9.17. The dashed line shows the fitting curve as given in Eq. [9.50].

Table 9.4

Parameters of capacitor model. DC and AC capacitor technologies from TDK and ICAR are considered. From TDK manufacturer: the DC-link capacitors series MKP-B256xx and the AC filter capacitors series MKP B3236. From ICAR: the DC-link capacitors series LNK-M3xx1and the AC filter capacitors series MKV-E1x

ParameterDC capacitorsAC capacitors
ReferenceTDK MKP-B256xxICAR LNK-M3xx1TDK MKP B3236xICAR MKV-E1x



image [9.52]

where δVdc is the ratio of peak-to-peak voltage ripple to DC voltage (VDC) of the converter.
For AC capacitors, the voltage VCac is the peak value of the fundamental component plus the peak voltage ripple, and the effective frequency can be approximated to the fundamental frequency, then dielectric losses can be expressed as:


image [9.53]

where δVac is the ratio of peak-to-peak voltage ripple to the peak fundamental voltage (Vacp) with fundamental frequency fc1.

9.4.3. Capacitor resistive losses

The resistive losses occur in the electrodes, in the contacting and in the inner wiring. These losses can be calculated as follows (EPCOS, 2012):


image [9.54]

where IC is the RMS value of the capacitor current, and RsC is the series resistance at maximum hot-spot temperature, which is the sum of all resistance occurring inside the capacitor. The series resistance RsC is a typical estimated value based on average film metallization parameters (EPCOS, 2012) and its value can be found from the datasheet of the reference capacitor technology. Due to the low thickness of the metalized layer, high-frequency effects, such as skin effects, are negligible (Mirjafari and Balog, 2011).
It is proposed to use a model based on C and VCN to predict the value of series resistance, as follows:


image [9.55]

where KΩC0, KΩC1 and KΩC2 are the proportionality regression coefficients found by taking data from reference capacitor technology. The value of series resistance given in the datasheets is referenced to 20°C capacitor temperature, but a conversion factor of 1.25 can be used to estimate the resistance at nominal temperature (typically, 85°C for film capacitors) (EPCOS, 2012). Fig. 9.19 presents the relationship between the series resistance per energy storage and the capacitance for different VCN and different capacitor technologies. The series resistance in Fig. 9.19 refers to the resistance at nominal temperature (85°C).
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