
αaRelative turn-on time of the converter bridge legs
αVsw0Temperature coefficient of Vsw0
αRcTemperature coefficient of RC
αEon/offTemperature coefficient of Esw,on/off
δCICurrent imbalance rate
δHS,maxMaximum ratio of VolHSal to Volmod
δiLimageRatio of peak-to-peak current ripple to maximum fundamental nominal current
δVdcRatio of peak-to-peak voltage ripple to DC voltage of the converter
δVacRatio of peak-to-peak voltage ripple to the peak fundamental voltage
ΔVswStatic voltage deviation
ΔTHS,maxmaximum allowable HS to ambient temperature
ΔILhpeak-to-peak ripple current
ρPower density
γPower-to-mass ratio
AwInductor winding window area
AcoreInductor core area
APCCapacitor plate area
BLInductor peak flux density
BLrefInductor reference flux density
BsatSaturation flux density
CPVVolume utilization factor
dPCCapacitor plate separation distance
EswCommutation energy loss
Esw,onCommutation energy loss at turn-on action
Esw,offCommutation energy loss at turn-off action
Esw0,on/offCommutation energy loss of semiconductor device at temperature Tj0
EBdBreakdown electric strength of dielectric material
fFundamental frequency
fL1Inductor fundamental frequency
Table Continued


fLrefInductor reference frequency
feffEffective frequency for a non-sinusoidal current waveform
fswSwitching frequency
HSHeat sink
iL1Inductor fundamental current
iLhInductor ripple current
iswSemiconductor device current
iswbCurrent through the PSD at moment before turn-on action
iswaCurrent through the PSD at moment after turn-off action
Ip,AVGAverage current in the parallel connection of PSDs
IpswPeak current of the parallel connection of PSDs
Isw,AVGAverage conduction current of semiconductor device
Isw,RMSRMS conduction current of semiconductor device
Isw,eqEquivalent current of parallel connected PSDs for power losses calculation
Isw,TotalTotal current of parallel connected PSDs
Iswa,AVGAverage current through the PSD at moment after turn-on action
Iswa,RMSRMS current through the PSD at moment after turn-on action
Iswb,AVGAverage current through the PSD at moment before turn-off action
Iswb,RMSRMS current through the PSD at moment before turn-off action
ILˆimageInductor peak current
ILInductor RMS current
JLInductor RMS current density
JmaxMaximum current density
kcdpDerating factor
kvpSafety factor of PSD for peak voltage
kvdcSafety factor of PSD for DC voltage
kwcWinding conductor fill factor
KE(on/off)ximagePolynomial regression coefficients for the current dependency of Esw,on/off
KHSxProportionality regression coefficients for heat sink volume
KfanxProportionality regression coefficients for fan volume
KVLxProportionality regression coefficients for inductor volume
KρLxProportionality regression coefficients for inductor mass
KρwxProportionality regression coefficients for inductor winding losses
Table Continued


KρcxProportionality regression coefficients for inductor core losses
KVCxProportionality regression coefficients for capacitor volume
KρCxProportionality regression coefficients for capacitor mass
KΩCxProportionality regression coefficients for capacitor series resistance
KSFTSafety factor of thermal design
MSModulation index
maPhase modulation function
MassTotalTotal converter mass
MassvalveMass of the power switch valve
MassLInductor total mass
MassCCapacitor total mass
Mass(i)Individual mass of the components
NNumber of switching actions
NisxmNumber of internal semiconductor devices per module
npNumber of parallel connected devices
nsNumber of series connected devices
PinPower input
Ploss,modTotal power losses of a PSD
PLInductor power losses
PCCapacitor power losses
PεCCapacitor dielectric losses
PCCapacitor resistive losses
PWLInductor winding losses
PcoreLInductor core losses
PcondConduction losses
PswSwitching losses
RCOn-state resistance of semiconductor device
RC0On-state resistance of semiconductor device at temperature Tj0
RthHSThermal resistance of the HS for a given fan velocity
RthHS,minMinimum thermal resistance of the HS for a given fan velocity
Rth,igbtThermal resistance of the IGBT device
Table Continued


Rth,diodetThermal resistance of the diode device
RthJCJunction-to-case thermal resistance of the device
RthCHCase-to-heat sink thermal resistance of the device
RsCCapacitor series resistance at maximum hot-spot temperature
TFundamental period
TambAmbient temperature
TswSwitching period
TjJunction temperature of semiconductor device
Tj0Fixed reference junction temperature of semiconductor device
Tj,AVGAverage junction temperature of semiconductor device
VbkNominal blocking voltage of semiconductor device
VCNCapacitor-rated voltage
VCacMaximum amplitude of the alternating voltage applied to capacitor
VfanFan velocity
VDC,maxMaximum DC voltage of the series connected PSD array
VLLLine-to-line RMS voltage
Vp,maxMaximum voltage amplitude to be blocked for the series connected PSD array
vswSemiconductor device voltage
vswbVoltage in the PSD at moment before turn-on action
vswaVoltage in the PSD at moment after turn-off action
Vsw0Threshold voltage of semiconductor device
Vsw00Threshold voltage of semiconductor device at temperature Tj0
VolTotalTotal converter volume
Vol(i)Individual volume of the components
VolmodSemiconductor module volume
VolvalveVolume of a power switch valve
VolHSHeat sink volume
VolHSalVolume of aluminium/copper structure
VolfanFan volume
VolCCapacitor total volume
VolLInductor total volume
VolPCVolume of a plate capacitor


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