List of symbols

1PThe fundamental rotational frequency
AbBolt stress area
AfEffective cross-sectional area for the compressed flanges
AsSurface area to be protected
AmidArea inscribed by the mid-thickness line
ACross-sectional area
CMxoffOffset of rotor nacelle assembly (RNA) along x from tower-top centerline
CMyoffOffset of RNA along y from tower-top centerline
CMzoffOffset of RNA along z from tower-top centerline
CdDrag coefficient
CmAdded mass coefficient
CConstant in the σ–N curve
DTRbTower-base DTR
Table Continued


DTRtTower-top DTR
DTRDiameter-to-thickness ratio
DbTower-base outer diameter (OD)
DtTower-top OD
DbcBolt circle diameter in the flange connection
DfatFatigue damage
Dsh,mShell mid-wall diameter
DshShell OD
EUUtilShell buckling utilization ratio
EbBolt material Young's modulus
EfFlange material Young's modulus
EYoung's modulus
FdGeneric, design (factored) load within the load resistance factor design (LRFD) approach
FjForcing associated with the j-th mode of vibration
FkGeneric, characteristic load within the LRFD approach
FpBolt preload
FtBolt tension load
FzShell tension load
FsiHorizontal load from vessel impact
Ft,RDBolt strength load
Fu,AShell equivalent load in the failure mode A according to the flange segment-model
Fu,BShell equivalent load in the failure mode B according to the flange segment-model
Fu,CShell equivalent load in the failure mode C according to the flange segment-model
FultUltimate resistance load of the flange connection
FxRNAForce from the RNA along the x axis
FyRNAForce from the RNA along the y axis
Fz1Threshold value of Fz tension load in Schmidt/Neuper's method
Fz2Threshold value of Fz tension load in Schmidt/Neuper's method
FzRNAAerodynamic force from the RNA along the z axis
FzcrValue of Fz tension load that would cause flange separation
Table Continued


GLUtilGlobal buckling utilization ratio
GfGust factor
HwWave height
Htwr2Height of tower waist
IxxMass second moment of inertia about the x axis
IxzMass cross-moment of inertia about the x and z axes
IyyMass second moment of inertia about the y axis
IzzMass second moment of inertia about the z axis
IProtective current density (A/m2)
JxxCross-sectional area moment of inertia
KαRatio of bolt stiffness to total connection stiffness
KβRatio of flange stiffness to total connection stiffness
KbBolt axial stiffness
KfEquivalent stiffness of the compressed flange pair
KxEquivalent soil–structure interaction (SSI) spring constant along x (=y) axis
KzEquivalent SSI spring constant along z axis
KθxEquivalent SSI rotational (about x (=y) axis) spring constant
KθzEquivalent SSI torsional (about z axis) spring constant
LbBolt effective length
LpPile embedment length
LTower length, or SSt length
MdDesign (factored) bending moment load at the station of interest
MpBending moment load resistance at the tower station of interest
MxComponent of the bending moment along the x axis at the station of interest
MyComponent of the bending moment load along the y axis at the station of interest
MzTorsion moment load along the z axis at the station of interest
MPl,2Flange equivalent plastic bending (resistance) load in failure mode C according to the flange segment-model
MPl,3,MNShell equivalent plastic bending (resistance) load in failure modes B and C according to the flange segment-model, accounting for bending and tension interaction
MPl,3Shell equivalent plastic bending (resistance) load in failure modes B and C according to the flange segment-model
MxRNARNA aerodynamic moment along the x axis
Table Continued


MyRNARNA aerodynamic moment along the y axis
MzRNARNA aerodynamic moment along the z axis
NdDesign (factored) normal load at the tower station of interest
NiNumber of cycles at failure for the i-th load range level
NpNormal (axial) load resistance at the tower station of interest
NDELNumber of cycles at failure for the damage equivalent stress (DES) stress range
NPl,3Shell equivalent plastic (resistance) load in failure modes B and C according to the flange segment-model
P–ΔP–Δ effect
QPractical current capacity (Ah/kg)
R(fd)Probability distribution of the generic, design (factored) material resistance within the LRFD approach
S(Fd)Probability distribution of the generic, design (factored) load within the LRFD approach
StStrouhal number
Sa,ii-th bin load-range
TLExpected lifetime of the component
TcExpected useful lifetime of the coating
TdDesign (factored) shear load at the station of interest
TxComponent of the shear load along the x axis at the station of interest
TyComponent of the shear load along the y axis at the station of interest
UcrCritical wind velocity for vortex shedding
UrefHub height reference wind speed in simple design load case (DLC) loads' analysis
C˙imageCorrosion rate
NˆiimageNumber of cycles at failure for the i-th load range level, accounting for partial safety factors (PSFs)
iˆimageUnit vector along x axis
jˆimageUnit vector along y axis
UwWave and current velocity
UhubWind velocity at hub height
UWind velocity
faForce per unit length due to wind aerodynamic drag
fwForce per unit length due to wave and current kinematics


ω0,jFirst natural frequency in rad associated with the j-th mode of vibration
asiAdded mass coefficient during collision (1.4–1.6 sideway impact, 1.1 bow or stern collision)
aDistance from bolt centerline to flange edge
bDistance from bolt centerline to shell mid-wall centerline in the flange connection
cfFlange circular segment net length (segment-model)
cjDamping coefficient for the j-th mode of vibration
csShell circular segment length (segment-model)
cc,jCritical damping coefficient for the j-th mode of vibration
csiStiffness of the impacting part of the vessel
dbBolt hole diameter
dwWater depth
f0First natural frequency in Hz
fdGeneric, design (factored) resistance within the LRFD approach
fkGeneric, characteristic material resistance within the LRFD approach
fyCharacteristic yield stress
fobjObjective function in the optimization problem formulation
fu,bBolt characteristic ultimate strength
fy,bBolt characteristic yield strength
fy,fFlange characteristic yield strength
fy,sShell characteristic yield strength
gcntConstraint function in the optimization problem formulation
gGravity acceleration
jProtective current density (A/m2)
kiInteraction (axial-hoop stresses) factor in the local buckling utilization calculation
kjStiffness associated with the j-th mode of vibration
kwDynamic pressure factor to calculate hoop stresses—a function of cylinder dimensions and external pressure buckling factor per [2]
kzExponent factor for the axial stress ratio, in the local buckling utilization calculation
klatLateral restraint spring constant
krotRotational restraint spring constant
Table Continued


maAnode mass
mjModal mass associated with the j-th mode of vibration
mRNARNA mass
msiDisplacement mass of impact vessel
mtwrTower mass, or SSt mass
mInverse exponent in the σ–N curve
nPn-blades times the fundamental rotational frequency
nbNumber of bolts in the flange connection
niNumber of cycles at the i-th load range
nDELReference number of cycles for the damage equivalent load (DEL) load range
nNumber of rotor blades
qmaxMaximum wind dynamic pressure
tfFlange thickness
tsShell thickness
u(xd)States in the optimization problem formulation
vsivessel impact speed
xdStates in the optimization problem formulation
xjDegree of freedom (DOF) variable associated with the j-th mode of vibration
yLocal tower station horizontal displacement
zRNAz coordinate of the RNA center of mass (CM)
zhubHub height above mean sea level (MSL)
zAltitude above MSL


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