List of greek symbols

ΔfnFactor accounting for member slenderness in the global buckling utilization calculation
αsWind power-law exponent
λ¯imageReduced slenderness, see Ref. [3]
βmBending moment coefficient in the global buckling utilization calculation
δjLogarithmic decrement damping for j-th mode of vibration
Table Continued


γKStiffness correction factor
γMMass correction factor
γfGeneric load PSF
γmMaterial PSF
γnConsequence of failure PSF
γMb,uMaterial PSF for the bolt characteristic ultimate strength
γMb,yMaterial PSF for the bolt characteristic yield strength
γMf,yMaterial PSF for the flange characteristic yield strength
γMs,yMaterial PSF for the shell characteristic yield strength
γfaAerodynamic load PSF
γfgGravitational load PSF
yˆimageLinear combination of assumed eigenmodes
κReduction factor in the global buckling utilization calculation
λfimageGeometric parameter for the flange connection in Schmidt/Neuper's method
λfGeometric parameter for the flange connection
ωjForcing frequency associated with the j-th mode of vibration
ϕjj-th modal coefficient, or periodic function of time
ρaAir density
ρwSea water density
ρMaterial density
σ–NSN curve
σuUltimate strength
σθ,EdHoop design (factored) stress
σθ,RdHoop buckling strength
σa,ii-th bin stress-range
σeq,ii-th bin equivalent stress range after Goodman's correction
σm,ii-th bin stress-range mean
σvmVon-Mises stress
σz,EdAxial (meridional) design (factored) stress
σz,RdAxial (meridional) buckling strength
τ,EdShear design (factored) stress
τ,RdShear buckling strength
ξjDamping ratio associated with the j-th mode of vibration
Table Continued


ξDamping ratio
ζDummy coordinate along z axis
kτExponent factor the shear stress ratio, in the local buckling utilization calculation
kθExponent factor the hoop stress ratio, in the local buckling utilization calculation



The author would like to thank Senu Sirnivas (NREL) for reviewing this text; Dr. Braulio Barahona and Andy Platt (both from NREL) for providing sample data for postprocessing analysis; Patrick Fullenkamp (GLWN) and Joshua Bauer (NREL communications department) for providing some of the photos and illustrations.
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