Chapter 18

Ten Online Reputation Tips for Special Events

So you have a special event coming up! As with any big shindig, there is a lot more planning than meets the eye in order to pull this off successfully with your sparkling reputation intact and hopefully turbo-boosted. In this chapter, I give you ten solid online reputation tips for your face-to-face special event. Whether you’re planning a conference, trade show, live product launch, or a 5K run/walk, I have tips for you to make the most of your online reputation before, during, and after your event. (And yes, I promise I can count: I just couldn’t resist tossing in an extra tip for you!)

Special events can be the life or death of your brand’s reputation online, depending on how you manage them. In this chapter, I show you how to channel positive feedback generated by your event into an improved online reputation.

Note that most of these tips apply to online events as well as face-to-face ones — events such as large-scale webinars, live courses, and live streaming presentations. Just apply what you can, and omit the obvious parts that relate to a physical location.

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