Chapter 19

Ten Ways to Faceplant Your Online Reputation

Social media and blogging have revolutionized the way people communicate both online and in person. It’s no longer cool to broadcast a one-way message that doesn’t even pause to listen for an answer or gauge a reaction.

With social media, people can reconnect with old friends and coworkers, and make new friends who share their passions, even unusual passions. As I sit here in my office, I can see an antique cuckoo clock. Entire communities of people exist online who collect, repair, and otherwise love talking about antique cuckoo clocks. I love the way online communication brings people together in fresh and exciting ways.

Nowadays it’s really easy to think of social media as a place where you can let your hair down and be the real you. If you let your guard down too much, however, you risk harming the reputation you’ve worked so hard to achieve. In this chapter, I present ten ways you can faceplant your online reputation.

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