Allowing Issues to Flame

Delay tactics do nothing to smother the flames of outrage, particularly when you are managing the online reputation of a large, well-known brand. These tactics only feed the fire. Normally, there are two ways that issues can be successfully fanned into a full-scale online conflagration. They include

check.png Employing the “spin” tactic of delaying an announcement involving bad news. This becomes a huge problem as

• Bad news leaks easily via the Internet and then spreads like wildfire via social media networks like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. You always want to be the one breaking your own bad news so that you can frame the discussion, which gives you significant leverage in the discussion.

• It’s a huge breach of trust, which only fuels the fire with fresh passion and new commenters.

check.png Dawdling in indecision because of

• Poor communication within an organization.

• Waffling on the part of the crisis team.

• Not enough information to make a proper statement, though in this case it’s better to tell audiences that you are looking into the situation right now and will provide more information as soon as you get it.

tip.eps People don’t judge you for making mistakes nearly as much as they do if you don’t take responsibility for them. Own up and get on with it.

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