Keeping Your Words Tender and Sweet

Keeping your words tender and sweet makes them taste much better if you end up having to eat them later. Every now and then, it’s possible to receive a hurtful or irrational comment on a blog post or status update. I cover this in a lot more detail in Chapter 15, but the bottom line is to always keep a level head when if you respond. You may be surprised to discover how quickly your loyal fans will defend you via comments on your blog posts and status updates — even before you’re aware of a criticism or complaint.

Save the drama for daytime television or reality shows. Keep your focus on contributing meaningfully to your communities. When you establish yourself as a positive (or at least entertaining in your snark) voice, people come to you again and again for your content.

You set the tone for your online communities. Rise above any pettiness that comes your way and move that conversation to a private channel, like e-mail.

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