Visualizing Your Ideal Fan

When I say you should “visualize your fan,” I’m not getting all Zen on you or leading you in a guided meditation. I only mean you should take some time to consider who your ideal fan or client really is. Ask yourself

check.png Who are some of your greatest clients, past or present?

check.png What do they tend to have in common?

check.png What’s their education level?

check.png What do they love to do?

check.png What are they most afraid of?

check.png What do they value?

check.png What are their goals?

check.png How old are they?

check.png Are they free to make spending decisions?

Once you have visualized your ideal fans, speak to them in your blog posts, your updates, and everything that you create online. You will attract the right people to you, and they, in turn, will share you with their audiences because they know you’re a great find.

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