Blogging Like a 5-Star Restaurant

Once you’ve determined what your message is, consider serving up tastefully informative and sharable blog posts as if you were a five-star restaurant. Think about it: If you serve snackable content and delicious meals of meaningful, entertaining information, you will quickly build a happy fan base that will share you with their audiences. Keep in mind

check.png Consistency: Obviously, if your brand is about golf clubs, don’t go off on a tangent and talk about golf carts. Stay tightly focused and go deep, rather than wide, with your messaging.

check.png Freshness: Reading about what happened at a conference two months ago isn’t nearly as much fun (and doesn’t rank nearly as well) as reading about it extremely close to the actual time it occurs. Stay in front of the trends as much as possible with the tools I share in this book.

check.png Seasonality: Tie in seasonal interests to your posts. For example, seasoned tax preparation experts can present a series on tax preparation in the months of February when it’s on everybody’s minds. In September, it’s a lot harder to get excited about taxes. I frankly never get excited about taxes, so February is definitely the best month to get my attention on this taxing subject. Yes, I went there.

check.png Chef’s own individual flair: This is where your personality and authentic engagement sparkle come into play. Own who you are and what you’re doing so that what you express comes from a place of authenticity. (Refer to the earlier tip, “Visualizing Your Ideal Fan,” for more spot-on advice about creating a happy fan base online.) This stuff works!

Expending your online reputation isn’t using another traditional marketing channel. It’s a fresh, new communication platform that has to be two-way and personal.

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