Chapter 11

Tapping In to Focused Interest Groups

In This Chapter

arrow Defining influence online

arrow Considering individual influencers

arrow Looking at community groups

arrow Exploring review sites

Whether you run a nonprofit organization, a small business, or a large corporation, establishing relationships on the web means engaging online, and in order to do that, you must go where the people are. Forging relationships with thought leaders and participating in online communities that care about the things you care about are the most effective ways to connect with people and to improve your online reputation management. A thought leader is simply an organization or person who is recognized by her peers for having innovative ideas. The most powerful thing you can do to promote and insulate your online reputation is to recognize that all online activity is really about interacting with audiences of audiences.

In this chapter, I show you not only how to establish relationships with respected influential leaders, but also how to find other resources online where people are talking about what matters to you most.

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