
OpenGL ES 3.0 is a software interface for rendering sophisticated 3D graphics on handheld and embedded devices. OpenGL ES is the primary graphics library for handheld and embedded devices with programmable 3D hardware including cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), consoles, appliances, vehicles, and avionics. This book details the entire OpenGL ES 3.0 application programming interface (API) and pipeline, including detailed examples, to provide a guide for developing a wide range of high-performance 3D applications for handheld devices.

Intended Audience

This book is intended for programmers who are interested in learning OpenGL ES 3.0. We expect the reader to have a solid grounding in computer graphics. In the text we explain many of the relevant graphics concepts as they relate to various parts of OpenGL ES 3.0, but we expect the reader to understand basic 3D concepts. The code examples in the book are all written in C. We assume that the reader is familiar with C or C++ and cover language topics only where they are relevant to OpenGL ES 3.0.

The reader will learn about setting up and programming every aspect of the graphics pipeline. The book details how to write vertex and fragment shaders and how to implement advanced rendering techniques such as per-pixel lighting and particle systems. In addition, it provides performance tips and tricks for efficient use of the API and hardware. After finishing the book, the reader will be ready to write OpenGL ES 3.0 applications that fully harness the programmable power of embedded graphics hardware.

Organization of This Book

This book is organized to cover the API in a sequential fashion, building up your knowledge of OpenGL ES 3.0 as we go.

Chapter 1—Introduction to OpenGL ES 3.0

Chapter 1 introduces OpenGL ES and provides an overview of the OpenGL ES 3.0 graphics pipeline. We discuss the philosophies and constraints that went into the design of OpenGL ES 3.0. Finally, the chapter covers some general conventions and types used in OpenGL ES 3.0.

Chapter 2—Hello Triangle: An OpenGL ES 3.0 Example

Chapter 2 walks through a simple OpenGL ES 3.0 example program that draws a triangle. Our purpose here is to show what an OpenGL ES 3.0 program looks like, introduce the reader to some API concepts, and describe how to build and run an example OpenGL ES 3.0 program.

Chapter 3—An Introduction to EGL

Chapter 3 presents EGL, the API for creating surfaces and rendering contexts for OpenGL ES 3.0. We describe how to communicate with the native windowing system, choose a configuration, and create EGL rendering contexts and surfaces. We teach you enough EGL so that you can do everything you will need to do to get up and rendering with OpenGL ES 3.0.

Chapter 4—Shaders and Programs

Shader objects and program objects form the most fundamental objects in OpenGL ES 3.0. In Chapter 4, we describe how to create a shader object, compile a shader, and check for compile errors. The chapter also explains how to create a program object, attach shader objects to it, and link a final program object. We discuss how to query the program object for information and how to load uniforms. In addition, you will learn about the difference between source shaders and program binaries and how to use each.

Chapter 5—OpenGL ES Shading Language

Chapter 5 covers the shading language basics needed for writing shaders. These shading language basics include variables and types, constructors, structures, arrays, uniforms, uniform blocks, and input/output variables. This chapter also describes some more nuanced parts of the shading language, such as precision qualifiers and invariance.

Chapter 6—Vertex Attributes, Vertex Arrays, and Buffer Objects

Starting with Chapter 6 (and ending with Chapter 11), we begin our walk through the pipeline to teach you how to set up and program each part of the graphics pipeline. This journey begins with a description of how geometry is input into the graphics pipeline, and includes discussion of vertex attributes, vertex arrays, and buffer objects.

Chapter 7—Primitive Assembly and Rasterization

After discussing how geometry is input into the pipeline in the previous chapter, in Chapter 7 we consider how that geometry is assembled into primitives. All of the primitive types available in OpenGL ES 3.0, including point sprites, lines, triangles, triangle strips, and triangle fans, are covered. In addition, we describe how coordinate transformations are performed on vertices and introduce the rasterization stage of the OpenGL ES 3.0 pipeline.

Chapter 8—Vertex Shaders

The next portion of the pipeline that is covered is the vertex shader. Chapter 8 provides an overview of how vertex shaders fit into the pipeline and the special variables available to vertex shaders in the OpenGL ES Shading Language. Several examples of vertex shaders, including computation of per-vertex lighting and skinning, are covered. We also give examples of how the OpenGL ES 1.0 (and 1.1) fixed-function pipeline can be implemented using vertex shaders.

Chapter 9—Texturing

Chapter 9 begins the introduction to fragment shaders by describing all of the texturing functionality available in OpenGL ES 3.0. This chapter provides details on how to create textures, how to load them with data, and how to render with them. It describes texture wrap modes, texture filtering, texture formats, compressed textures, sampler objects, immutable textures, pixel unpack buffer objects, and mipmapping. This chapter covers all of the texture types supported in OpenGL ES 3.0: 2D textures, cubemaps, 2D texture arrays, and 3D textures.

Chapter 10—Fragment Shaders

Chapter 9 focused on how to use textures in a fragment shader; Chapter 10 covers the rest of what you need to know to write fragment shaders. We give an overview of fragment shaders and all of the special built-in variables available to them. We also demonstrate how to implement all of the fixed-function techniques that were available in OpenGL ES 1.1 using fragment shaders. Examples of multitexturing, fog, alpha test, and user clip planes are all implemented in fragment shaders.

Chapter 11—Fragment Operations

Chapter 11 discusses the operations that can be applied either to the entire framebuffer, or to individual fragments after the execution of the fragment shader in the OpenGL ES 3.0 fragment pipeline. These operations include the scissor test, stencil test, depth test, multisampling, blending, and dithering. This chapter covers the final phase in the OpenGL ES 3.0 graphics pipeline.

Chapter 12—Framebuffer Objects

Chapter 12 discusses the use of framebuffer objects for rendering to off-screen surfaces. Framebuffer objects have several uses, the most common of which is for rendering to a texture. This chapter provides a complete overview of the framebuffer object portion of the API. Understanding framebuffer objects is critical for implementing many advanced effects such as reflections, shadow maps, and postprocessing.

Chapter 13—Sync Objects and Fences

Chapter 13 provides an overview of sync objects and fences, which are efficient primitives for synchronizing within the host application and GPU execution in OpenGL ES 3.0. We discuss how to use sync objects and fences and conclude with an example.

Chapter 14—Advanced Programming with OpenGL ES 3.0

Chapter 14 is the capstone chapter, tying together many of the topics presented throughout the book. We have selected a sampling of advanced rendering techniques and show examples that demonstrate how to implement these features. This chapter includes rendering techniques such as per-pixel lighting using normal maps, environment mapping, particle systems, image postprocessing, procedural textures, shadow mapping, terrain rendering and projective texturing.

Chapter 15—State Queries

A large number of state queries are available in OpenGL ES 3.0. For just about everything you set, there is a corresponding way to get the current value. Chapter 15 is provided as a reference for the various state queries available in OpenGL ES 3.0.

Chapter 16—OpenGL ES Platforms

In the final chapter, we move away from the details of the API to talk about how to build the OpenGL ES sample code in this book for iOS7, Android 4.3 NDK, Android 4.3 SDK, Windows, and Linux. This chapter is intended to serve as a reference to get you up and running with the book sample code on the OpenGL ES 3.0 platform of your choosing.


Appendix A details the half-float format and provides a reference for how to convert from IEEE floating-point values into half-floats (and back).

Appendix B—Built-In Functions

Appendix B provides a reference for all of the built-in functions available in the OpenGL ES Shading Language.

Appendix C—ES Framework API

Appendix C provides a reference for the utility framework we developed for the book and describes what each function does.

OpenGL ES 3.0 Reference Card

Included as a color insert in the middle of the book is the OpenGL ES 3.0 Reference Card, copyrighted by Khronos and reprinted with permission. This reference contains a complete list of all of the functions in OpenGL ES 3.0, along with all of the types, operators, qualifiers, built-ins, and functions in the OpenGL ES Shading Language.

Example Code and Shaders

This book is filled with example programs and shaders. You can download the examples from the book’s website at, which provides a link to the site hosting the book code. As of this writing, the example programs have been built and tested on iOS7, Android 4.3 NDK, Android 4.3 SDK, Windows (OpenGL ES 3.0 Emulation), and Ubuntu Linux. Several of the advanced shader examples in the book are implemented in PVRShaman, a shader development tool from PowerVR available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The book’s website ( provides links through which to download any of the required tools.


If you find something in the book that you believe is in error, please send us a note at [email protected]. The list of errata for the book can be found on the book’s website:

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